As part of the Alexandra Palace and Park Governance Review, at the meeting of the Statutory Advisory Committee on 25th January 2011 and the meeting of the Consultative Committee on 8th February 2011 it was agreed that two trial meetings of the Informal Joint Statutory Advisory and Consultative Committees would take place on 5th April 2011 and 31st May 2011. See below for descriptions of each committee.
Alexandra Park and Palace Statutory Advisory Committee
The Alexandra Palace and Park Board receives advice from the Alexandra Park and Palace Statutory Advisory Committee, an external body established under the terms of the Alexandra Park and Palace Act 1985. Its functions, as laid down by the Act are the powers and duties of the Advisory Committee shall be to promote the objects of the charity and assist the Trustees in fulfilling the trusts by considering and advising the Trustees on the following main matters.-
(a) the general policy relating to the activities and events arranged or permitted in the Park and Palace;
(b) the effects of such activities and events upon the local inhabitants and local environment.
Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee
The Consultative Committee exists to:
(a) give representatives of appropriate local and national organisations the opportunity of full discussion with Members of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board on general matters affecting Alexandra Palace and Park.
(b) give Members of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board the opportunity of discussing and explaining to the organisations matters affecting the overall policy and efficient management of Alexandra Palace and Park.
Support officer: Nazyer Choudhury, Principal Committee Co-ordinator.
Postal address:
1st Floor,
George Meehan House,
294 High Road,
Wood Green
N22 8JZ
Phone: 020 8489 3321