Agenda and minutes

Alexandra Park and Palace Joint Advisory & Consultative Committee
Tuesday, 5th April, 2011 7.30 pm

Venue: The Londesborough Room, Alexandra Palace Way, Wood Green, London N22. View directions

No. Item




RESOLVED that Denis Heathcote be appointed Chair of the Informal Joint Meetings of the Alexandra Park and Palace Statutory Advisory Committee and the Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee.




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Sheila Peacock, Nigel Scott and James Stewart and, Colin Campbell-Preston (Alexandra Palace Garden Centre), Denise Feeney (Muswell Hill and Fortis Green Association), Nigel Willmott (Friends of the Alexandra Palace Theatre).


An apology for lateness was received from Councillor Pauline Gibson.



Members of the Committee are invited to disclose any interest they may have in any of the items appearing on this agenda.


Councillor Jim Jenks declared a general personal interest as he was a member of the Warners Estate Residents’ Association (WERA).


Councillor David Beacham declared a prejudicial interest in item 5 (Cricket Clubhouse and Grounds) and item 6 (Network Rail Proposals) as he was a member of the Planning Committee and did not take part in the consideration of items 5 & 6.


Councillor Joanna Christophides declared a prejudicial interest in item 5 (Cricket Clubhouse and Grounds) and item 6 (Network Rail Proposals) as she was a member of the Planning Committee and did not take part in the consideration of items 5 & 6.



i.          To note the draft minutes of the Advisory Committee held on 25th January 2011.


ii.         To note the draft minutes of the meeting of the Consultative Committee held on 8th February 2011.


iii.        To note the confirmed minutes of the meetings of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board held on 21st December 2010 and 28th January 2011 and the draft minutes of 15th February 2011.

Additional documents:


i.          The draft minutes of the Advisory Committee held on 25th January 2011 were noted.


ii.         The draft minutes of the meeting of the Consultative Committee held on 8th February 2011 were noted.


iii.        The confirmed minutes of the meetings of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board held on 21st December 2010 and 28th January 2011 and the draft minutes of 15th February 2011 were noted.




To receive and consider proposals for improvements to the cricket clubhouse and grounds.


Additional documents:


RECEIVED the proposals to improve facilities at the Alexandra Park cricket clubhouse and grounds as part of a project with Heartlands High School (as laid out in pages 47-56 of the agenda pack) and the tabled site maps, introduced by Sam Davidson (Transformation Project Manager - BSF).  A discussion followed.




·        Eight committee members attended a site visit on 22nd March 2011.

·        The Head teacher of Heartlands School, Simon Garrill informed the Committees that that the school held regular meetings with the local community in order to consult about issues and to give pupils an understanding of the school’s role in the community, with the conservation area and with the cricket club.

·        The school would use the pitches in consultation with the cricket club.  The facilities would also be available for use by the cricket club’s many existing teams, without the need or cost of travelling to other facilities off site.

·        Planning permission for Phase 2 (construction of a multi-use games area (MUGA)) would be sought in December 2011, which would allow time for thorough consultation and habitat and bat surveys of the area.  The Phase 2 proposals would be considered by the Alexandra Palace Board at a later stage.

·        There were comments that consultation with local residents, particularly those in Campsbourne Estate and Montague Road, should begin now and that future consultation should be conducted outside of the summer holiday period. In response officers explained that consultation could not begin until the design of Phase 2 of the project had been completed but that there would be extensive consultation including conservation groups and a Biodiversity Action Plan. 

·        Committee Members recommended that the reasons for not proposing the MUGA be built on the school site must be made clear in future consultations.

·        Committee members generally supported improved use of the playing fields (Phase 1) but expressed concerns about Phase 2, the MUGA proposals, including:  the potential damage to the local habitats, the floodlighting so close to a conservation area, the potential loss of established trees, replacement of grass with paving, the potential detrimental visual affect of the MUGA.

·        Officers recognised that the proposals for the MUGA extended beyond the curtilage of the cricket club’s current demise and reported that the Board would be required to grant a new lease to the club on the basis of enhanced income.

·        The Alexandra Palace Garden Centre operator had offered to donate a garden bench to the cricket club if the project was completed.




i.          That the Committees generally supported Phase 1 of the proposals to improve facilities at the Alexandra Park cricket clubhouse and grounds as part of a project with Heartlands High School.


ii.         That Phase 2 was a concern to the Committees and proper consultation with the local community and the Committees was recommended including extensive plans on the scale and size of the MUGA and full details about the proposed floodlighting. 



To inform the committees of the proposals for new sheds by Network Rail and ask if the committees have any advice they wish to offer the Alexandra Palace and Park Board.


RECEIVED the briefing of the Park Manager, Mark Evison, on the proposals by Network Rail for new rail sheds which would be visible from the Park and Palace, as set out in Pages 57 – 60 of the agenda pack).The Committees were reminded that individuals, associations and groups could make their own representations to the Planning Authority.  If no details are available before a planning application is made, an Urgency Meeting of the Advisory Committee may be required to consider the details.




·        There was limited information available on the proposals despite requests by the Park Manager for more detail from Network Rail.

·        Committee Members expressed concern about the height of the proposed shed and considered 11 metres to be very high, which would detract from the view to the east from the Palace.

·        The Alexandra Palace Conservation Area Advisory Committee (APCAAC) had objected to Network Rail’s original proposals and was likely to object to this proposal.

·        That the Board be encouraged to reject the proposals if more information was not provided by Network Rail.




That Network Rail be urged to provide more information on the proposals for new rail sheds which could be considered by the Committees.



To receive the report of the Managing Director, Alexandra Palace Trading Limited (APTL) advising the Advisory Committee on forthcoming events to the end of the financial year.


RECEIVED the forthcoming events report from Rebecca Kane, Managing Director, Alexandra Palace Trading Company (APTL), as set out in Pages 61 – 64 of the agenda pack.




·        The Committees concerns that the RAC Drive-in Movie event had created noise disturbance the previous year.  Ms Kane explained that this had been an issue on the first night of the event last year when they were piloting the event, but that the sound had been adjusted that evening and all subsequent evenings, which resulted in no further complaints.

·                                            There was a comment that the Palace should hold more Open House events and it was reported that this was an initiative by the London Open House, which the Palace facilitated.  Officers were asked to check the dates of the Open House event (Friday 16th - Saturday 17th September) as the event was usually held on a Saturday.

·                                            Concerns were raised about the Palace maintaining the private road status for Alexandra Palace Way if it did not close the road at least once every year (normally during the annual fireworks display, which had been cancelled due to limited resources).  The Interim General Manager, Andrew Gill, stated that he would investigate whether this was the case and if necessary he would arrange for the road to be closed temporarily.


AGREED to note the report and recommend that the Board consider holding two Open House events each year at Alexandra Palace.




To receive proposals for the signage strategy and the name change and rebranding of the Phoenix Bar.


RECEIVED the report (as set out in Pages 65 – 86 of the agenda pack) on the Alexandra Palace Signage Strategy introduced by Rebecca Kane (Managing Director – APTL) and Charlotte Johnson (Marketing Manager – APTL).




·                                            Advertising consent from the London Borough of Haringey would be required for Phase 2 (new promotional signage) of the strategy.

·                                            The Committees expressed some concern about the signage proposals including: signs should mention both the Park and the Palace, 20 mile per hour speed limit was welcomed but should be on a separate sign, external advertising should be limited, some members were not keen on having large signs on grass areas of the Park and recommended that such signs should be limited to the Palace building and the surrounding area such as the road sides, entrances and outside of the Park to encourage people to enter.

·                                            It was recommended that notice-boards be included in the signage strategy to display details of What’s On at the Palace.

·                                            The Phoenix Bar was projected to break even this year after previous years of operating at a loss [once overheads were accounted for].  The plans to change the name and re-brand the pub would include the local sourcing of produce and a better quality wine list.

·                                            Members comments included: the name “Phoenix Bar” was already established and resonated with the history of the Palace, that current pricing at the pub was too high, there were different needs for locals using the pub and event users, the outside of the pub was not inviting due to the lack of landscaping outside the building.

·                                            In response to some of the concerns raised it was noted that the pub had previously relied solely on events for its trade but that it needed to diversify to protect its revenue streams; one way of encouraging local use was to introduce a better menu and the concept of ‘sociable dining’ (platters and mezze dishes etc) especially in the summer.

·                                            Ms Kane explained the rationale behind the Bar & Kitchen proposal – and that it would be used in conjunction with Alexandra Palace in promotional material and people would colloquially refer to the “Bar & Kitchen at Ally Pally” hence it would work well with the well-established name of the venue.

·                                            Some Members expressed concern about the lack of consultation on the re-branding of Alexandra Palace with the Committees and that the Board had rubber stamped the idea for the new brand and logo.

·                                            Some members commented that it was premature to adopt a new brand image in advance of the outcome of the current consultancy ‘Options Appraisal’ study. 

·                                            Cllr Egan clarified that there was some confusion between the new branding and the future strategy for the site. The strategic concept being worked up was a different project.




i.          That the need for new signage in and around the Palace was recognised and that the Board should be asked to note the comments above.


ii.         That action to promote the bar was required  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.



To receive an update on Governance and the Future Vision of Alexandra Palace.


RECEIVED the Governance Update report, introduced by the Interim General Manager, Alexandra Palace, Andrew Gill, as set out in pages 87 – 93 of the agenda pack.


NOTED that the full LB Haringey Council meeting on 4th April 2011 had approved the recruitment of independent advisors to the Board.


AGREED to note the report.


Alexandra Palace and Park Vision

To receive a briefing by the Chair on the new vision (below) for Alexandra Palace and Park and the next steps.


Mission: “To uphold, maintain and repair the Palace and to maintain the Park and Palace as a place of public resort and recreation and for other public purposes.”  (Alexandra Park and Palace Act 1985)


Vision: "To regenerate Alexandra Palace and Park, in the pioneering spirit of our founders, creating a proud, iconic London destination with global appeal - a successful, valuable and sustainable asset for all, including the local community and stakeholders."


RECEIVED the mission and vision statement as set out on the agenda front sheet.



·                                            The Alexandra Palace and Park Regeneration Working Group would consider the first draft report from Locum Consultants with the intention that the second draft of the report would be considered by the Board on 9th May.  The draft should be in the public domain five working days prior to the meeting, on 27th May 2011 and it would be emailed to members of the Committees.

·                                            Stakeholders would be updated on the findings, options and feasibility study at a meeting on 3rd May 2011 and comments would be fed back to the Board on 9th May 2011.

·                                            Committee members complained that this was the first opportunity that the Committees had to consider the Vision statement that had emerged from the Regeneration Working Group and objected that it was more like a high level aspiration and mission statement rather than a proper vision that should contain more substance. The idea that the Vision statement grew out of earlier consultation with stakeholders was also questioned.

·                                            Committee members suggested that the mission statement should include the word “heritage”.  Officers explained that the strategic plan would include specific details about the various areas of the Palace.  This was recognised and supported by some members who felt that the wording in the statements was sufficient.


AGREED to note the vision and mission statements but the Board should be asked to note the comments above.





There would be a meeting between the Chair, the Chair of the Board, the Chair of the Statutory Advisory Committee and the Interim General Manager to review the informal joint meeting.



The next trial Joint Informal Meeting of the Alexandra Park and Palace Advisory Committee and the Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee (APPSAC and APPCC) is provisionally scheduled to be held on Tuesday 31st May 2011.





A meeting of the Alexandra Park and Palace Advisory Committee will take place at 20:45 on 5th April 2011 or on the rise of the APPSAC and APPCC meeting, commencing at 19:30 hrs, whichever is later.


NOTED that the next Joint Informal Meeting of the Alexandra Park and Palace Advisory Committee and the Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee (APPSAC and APPCC) was provisionally scheduled to be held on Tuesday 31st May 2011.




The meeting ended at 21:00 hrs