Agenda item


To receive proposals for the signage strategy and the name change and rebranding of the Phoenix Bar.


RECEIVED the report (as set out in Pages 65 – 86 of the agenda pack) on the Alexandra Palace Signage Strategy introduced by Rebecca Kane (Managing Director – APTL) and Charlotte Johnson (Marketing Manager – APTL).




·                                            Advertising consent from the London Borough of Haringey would be required for Phase 2 (new promotional signage) of the strategy.

·                                            The Committees expressed some concern about the signage proposals including: signs should mention both the Park and the Palace, 20 mile per hour speed limit was welcomed but should be on a separate sign, external advertising should be limited, some members were not keen on having large signs on grass areas of the Park and recommended that such signs should be limited to the Palace building and the surrounding area such as the road sides, entrances and outside of the Park to encourage people to enter.

·                                            It was recommended that notice-boards be included in the signage strategy to display details of What’s On at the Palace.

·                                            The Phoenix Bar was projected to break even this year after previous years of operating at a loss [once overheads were accounted for].  The plans to change the name and re-brand the pub would include the local sourcing of produce and a better quality wine list.

·                                            Members comments included: the name “Phoenix Bar” was already established and resonated with the history of the Palace, that current pricing at the pub was too high, there were different needs for locals using the pub and event users, the outside of the pub was not inviting due to the lack of landscaping outside the building.

·                                            In response to some of the concerns raised it was noted that the pub had previously relied solely on events for its trade but that it needed to diversify to protect its revenue streams; one way of encouraging local use was to introduce a better menu and the concept of ‘sociable dining’ (platters and mezze dishes etc) especially in the summer.

·                                            Ms Kane explained the rationale behind the Bar & Kitchen proposal – and that it would be used in conjunction with Alexandra Palace in promotional material and people would colloquially refer to the “Bar & Kitchen at Ally Pally” hence it would work well with the well-established name of the venue.

·                                            Some Members expressed concern about the lack of consultation on the re-branding of Alexandra Palace with the Committees and that the Board had rubber stamped the idea for the new brand and logo.

·                                            Some members commented that it was premature to adopt a new brand image in advance of the outcome of the current consultancy ‘Options Appraisal’ study. 

·                                            Cllr Egan clarified that there was some confusion between the new branding and the future strategy for the site. The strategic concept being worked up was a different project.




i.          That the need for new signage in and around the Palace was recognised and that the Board should be asked to note the comments above.


ii.         That action to promote the bar was required but some members thought the proposed name of “Bar and Kitchen” should be reconsidered.


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