Agenda and minutes

Haringey Well-Being Partnership Board (HSP)
Wednesday, 19th July, 2006 7.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Nicolas Mattis, Principal Support Officer (Council)  2916

Note: The date of this meeting has moved to this new date of Wednesday 19 July 2006 at 7pm. It was previously scheduled for 5/7/06, but was subsequently changed. 

No. Item



To elect a Chair and Vice-Chair of the Haringey Well-Being Partnership Board for the municipal year 2006/7.


The Committee Clerk led proceedings to elect a Chair for the Haringey Well-Being Partnership Board 2006/7 and sought nominations from amongst the members for the position of Chair. Nominations were received from Richard Sumray for Councillor Bob Harris, and seconded by Anne Bristow. The Board unanimously voted for Councillor Harris to be the Chair.


The Chair led proceedings to elect a Vice-Chair for the Haringey Well-Being Partnership Board 2006/7 and sought nominations from amongst the members for the position of Vice-Chair. Nominations were received from Tracey Baldwin for Richard Sumray, and seconded by Anne Bristow. The Board unanimously voted for Richard Sumray to be Vice-Chair.






Haringey Council



Councillor Gideon Bull

Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Haringey Council

Haringey Teaching Primary Care Trust           


Gill Prager

Director of Corporate & Partnership Development, Haringey Teaching Primary Care Trust

Homes for Haringey



Stephen Clarke

Chief Executive, Homes for Haringey

Haringey Probation Service

Sean Walker

Head of Service Delivery


Haringey Association of Voluntary and Community Organisations (HAVCO)

Stanley Hui

Director of HAVCO





The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business.  (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear.  New items will be dealt with at Item 13 below).





Members must declare any personal and/or pecuniary interests with respect to agenda items and must not take part in any decision required with respect to these items.




MINUTES: pdf icon PDF 51 KB

To approve the minutes of the Haringey Well-Being Partnership Board  meeting held on 16 March 2006 (attached)




That the Minutes of this Board meeting held on 16 March 2006 be confirmed and signed as a correct record by the Chair subject to the following changes:


Page 3 – 10 (i):        That reference to “…the Older People’s Partnership Executive Board…” be changed to:…Older People’s Partnership Board…


Page 3 – 10 (ii):       That reference to “…bids to the NRF had been considered to fill budgetary gaps…” be deleted completely from the minutes.




Additional documents:


The Board received a presentation entitled Experience Counts: Haringey’s Strategy for improving the quality of life for older people 2005-2010 – a report of progress on Year One: 2005-06. The presentation outlined the vision of the Strategy and highlighted in bullet point the ten goals drawn from the consultation with older people that gave focus to the Strategy. The Board heard that in its first year, the Strategy had been a success but that the challenge in the future would be to keep up this momentum.


The Board was informed that there had been no funding shortfall despite suggestions, but that there had been some ambiguity over the resources available which would need to be investigated in order to sustain the successes. It was highlighted that existing funds might not meet demands that stem from the success of the Strategy, but that this would be monitored.


The Board raised the need to ensure that the Strategy related to the provisions set out by the Mayor of London’s Older People’s Strategy which had four key priority areas. The Board heard that in the consultation period for Experience Counts, these priority areas had largely been picked up and that once the Mayor updates his draft Strategy, Haringey’s document will consolidate on this too. The Board sought confirmation that part of the outcomes of the Strategy should be to see more older people attending and having access to Area Assemblies and that this would highlight wider issues over communication and access.


The Board discussed the refreshing and renewal of Experience Counts to ensure it vibrancy. It was highlighted that the Older People’s Partnership Board (OPPB) were responsible for keeping up-to-date with the progress of the Strategy, and to produce a quarterly report on this. It would also report to this Board annually with its views.


The Board raised the issue that older people and mental health issues were absent from most areas of Experience Counts. It agreed that it would ask the OPPB to include more on this when the Strategy is refreshed. The Board highlighted that the OPPB was not work in isolation on the future of the Strategy, and that it needed to widen its scope in terms of which agencies/directorates can lead/engage with the actions filtering from the Strategy especially in relation to the key initiative of developing community mental health teams in the East and West of the borough, as well as the dignity and respect agenda.


The Board agreed that in future, a brief highlight report of problem areas would be required in order to enhance the role and impact of the Board in terms of strategic leadership and monitoring in relation to the Strategy.




(i)                 That the Board note the presentation and successes achieved so far, recognising and encouraging the needs and challenges of continuing this success.


(ii)               The Board to instruct the OPPB to include mental health issues in refreshed versions of Experience Counts.


(iii)             The Board to receive, in future,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.






(i)                 That Board agreed that due to the key officers who were to lead on this discussion item not being available for this meeting, that the Item be referred to the next meeting of the Board for a fuller discussion, with a brief report to accompany it.



COMMUNITY STRATEGY and LAA UPDATES (attached) pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Additional documents:


This Item was dealt with in two parts.


1.                                  Community Strategy:


The Board received a verbal update on the Community Strategy consultation process that Haringey Council had undertaken and was given information on the methods taken to achieve the views of all partners that feed into the Haringey Strategy Partnership (HSP). This would ensure that the next Community Strategy would be robust in terms of input and shaping by key players within the community.


A post-card entitled Have Your Say: Shape the Future [Haringey] was tabled to the Board which allowed partners to list there broad vision for Haringey over the next 5-10 years. The Board heard that there had been some initial feedback as a result of this method of consultation fro some 300 people from within the community highlighting issues such as crime (intimidation), cleaner/greener and sustainability issues, and jobs. There had also been a HSP Event held in May at which a number of priorities had emerged which would be communicated to the Board in the next couple of weeks.


The Board also heard that once the consultation period had ended, the HSP, in a special meeting in October, would consider at length the feedback that had been received. As a result of this, the Board agreed to discuss in a facilitated session at its next meeting on 4 September 2006, the health and well-being issues that would need to inform the Community Strategy. The Board recognised that is was important to also focus on the cross-cutting issues without “straight-jacketing” the exercise into purely health and well-being issues. This would be achieved by considering some of the peripheral strands (such as housing and environmental impacts), and how to feed into them whilst engaging partners at all stages.




That Board agree to the following recommendations put before it:


(i)                  Note the emerging priorities from the HSP event on 25 May 2006.


(ii)               Agree the process for consulting on the Community Strategy within the Well-being sub-bodies which feed into this Board.


(iii)             Agree that the feedback from sub-bodies is reported at the next meeting of this Board on 4 September where priorities for the Community Strategy will be discussed in detail in a facilitated session.


2.                               Local Area Agreements:


The Board was given an update on the further development in partnership working that would involve agreed targets signed up to with the Government Office for London (GOL). It heard that there were four priority areas (known as blocks) of which the Healthier Communities and Older People (HCOP) block would be the most prevalent for this Board to consider and lead on and these were contained in the report before the Board. The Board also received an update on the progress so far which had highlighted a series of mandatory targets of both local and more generic impact, and the need for measurements and baseline data to be obtained as part of the consultation process that was currently in progress. This process would feed directly into GOL by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.




The Board was given a verbal update on the financial position of the Haringey Teaching Primary Care Trust (PCT) since it was required to accomplish budgetary cuts. It was highlighted that the PCT had produced a Balanced Budget Plan as opposed to a financial recovery plan which had different connotations as to the issues surrounding the cuts. It was explained that the PCT needed to find at least £11m reductions to its expenditure for 2006/7 in order to contribute to the pan-London budget deficits. The Board heard however, that despite this reduction to the PCT’s expenditure, it would still represent growth in expenditure which would continue to contribute to some significant advancement in patient care in Haringey. 


The Board was given a brief outline of the two-month long root and branch review that the PCT undertook in terms of the budget review to identify the £11m cuts which emphasised the focus on minimising disruption to patients and maximising efficiency. In the event, £14m worth of cuts were identified from the review which have been encompassed in a Report which has gone to the Haringey Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and will subsequently be considered for final agreement at the PCT Board meeting on 26 July 2006 .


The Board discussion some of the repercussions of the cuts and was informed that the biggest savings had been achieved by targeting programme for efficiency such as reducing patient referrals from GPs, and not from service programmes such as mental health provisions – this provision in particular causing some difference of opinion over the extent of cuts applied. The Board also heard the concerns of Haringey Council over the pace and scope of the changes caused as a result of the cuts, and asked for a bullet point list of the Balanced Budget Plan for consideration at the next meeting of the Board. Rounding up the discussion, the Board heard that the £14m worth of cuts included provisions for slippage as the cuts were implemented.


For the future, the Board heard that joint-working in terms of budget setting was in the pipeline for future periods, having accepted that the timings and consultative arrangements surrounding this period of budget planning was not ideal, but was nonetheless absolutely necessary despite the lack of opportunities for consultation and engagement in the process which was caused due to the election purdah. There was a brief discussion on x-ray provision at St Ann’s Hospital, and the alleged withdrawal of sexual health provision at St Ann’s. The Board agreed the principal of its remit in terms of budgetary issues, noting that the Board should be involved in strategic discussions especially over budget development, and to look at the linkages between health and well-being at a strategic level of between the next 3-5 years.




(i)                 That the Board notes the verbal summary given on the financial position of the PCT.

(ii)               That the Board will receive a bullet point list of the Balanced Budget Plan which highlights  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



The Board will be asked to affirm the terms of reference and Membership for 2006/7




(i)                 The Board agreed that the draft Terms of Reference before it was an incorrect version. It agreed to re-consider it at its next meeting after it has been redrafted by the Haringey Council Member Services team to actually reflect its membership, governance arrangements, and outline of its aims and objectives.




(oral updates of no more than 5 minutes duration each)


  • Haringey Teaching Primary Care Trust
  • Voluntary Sector  
  • Haringey Council
  • Metropolitan Police Service
  • Mental Health Trust



The Board received four updates as follows:


(i)                 Haringey Teaching Primary Care Trust


The Board heard that the PCT was in the process of formulating its fit-for-purpose plan. At the same time it was continuing work on the Our Health, Our Choice, Our Say White Paper both ahead of an assessment by McKinsey and Co Consultants.


The Board was informed that work had commenced on the Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Strategy and that discussion were underway around issues on the St Ann’s Hospital site.


The Board finally heard that the Community and Family Care Strategy was in its initial discussion stage stemming from the White Paper.


(ii)               Voluntary Sector (HAVCO and HarCEN)


The Board was informed that the launch of the COMPACT was a success which paves the way for further and stronger partnership working in the field of a range of voluntary sector work.


There was an update up on the Changing Up programme which was aimed at developing a stronger impact for the voluntary sector.


HarCEN informed the Board that it had been subject to a fit-for-purpose assessment and had been signed off as “fit”. As part of this status, HarCEN had in place a new Director and had be re-structured in such as way that now its Commission Forum would be responsible for feeding into the HSP and its theme boards where necessary.


(iii)             Haringey Council


The Board was informed that the summary of the Healthier Haringey event was now available and could be sent to partners upon request.


It also heard that the Council would be reviewing it lettings policy for Council housing and that partners would be approached for their engagement in due course.


The Board was informed that the ODPM’s Supporting People Strategy had now finished its consultation period, and that the Government had began its feedback of the process. Details can be obtained from or from Matthew Pelling, Supporting People Programme manager, Haringey Council (


The Board heard that work on an anti-poverty strategy would begin over the summer


The Board finally heard that the Council had approved its Unitary Development Plan, A document setting out the strategic framework for the use of land and detailed policies and specific proposals for development, which involved additional homes provision in Haringey over the next couple of years. This would need to be discussed at a future meeting of the Board.


(iv)              Mental Health Trust


The Board was informed that any gaps in funding associated with the Trust would result in the closure of a mental health ward within the Trust’s community.


It also heard that there had been reorganisation of the rehabilitation services within the Trust’s community which had, amongst other things, seen the relocation of these services to Chase Farm Hospital.




The Board noted all of the updates from partner agencies.









To consider any new items admitted under Item 2 above.







  • 4 September 2006, 6pm
  • 14 December 2006, 6pm
  • 15 March 2007, 6pm






The following dates were approved in principle by the Board, subject to a change to the start time which would be 7pm for all meetings.


·                    4 September 2006, 7pm – Haringey Civic Centre

·                    14 December 2006, 7pm – Haringey Civic Centre

·                    15 March 2007, 7pm – Haringey Civic Centre





Partners should submit proposed agenda items for the next meeting to Nicolas Mattis no later than 8 August 2006.


Board Members were reminded to submit proposed agenda items for the next meetings to Nicolas Mattis (, no later than 8 August 2006.