Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 4th October, 2010 6.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Natalie Cole  2919


No. Item



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at the meeting.


Additional documents:


It was noted that the meeting was being webcast on the Council’s website.


Apologies for Absence

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There were no apologies for absence.


Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business. (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with at item 12 below).

Additional documents:


Committee members raised individual points under agenda item 12.


Declarations of Interest

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgment of the public interest and if this interest affects their financial position or the financial position of a person or body as described in paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct and/or if it relates to the determining of any approval, consent, licence, permission or registration in relation to them or any person or body described in paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct.

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There were no declarations of interest.



To consider any requests received in accordance with Part 4, Section B, paragraph 29 of the Council’s constitution.

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There were no such items.



Briefing and answers to questions – The Leader, Councillor Claire Kober.

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The Committee received the Leader’s portfolio briefing, advance questions submitted by Members and the written responses supplied. The following was noted, further to supplementary questions:


Re Q1 The Leader emphasised that the judgement in respect of the Wards Corner judicial review had been very clear on the narrow grounds on which it had succeeded and that there were very few circumstances where an application completely went away.


Re Q3 It was agreed that the link to the online version of Smart Talk be circulated to Members and it was suggested that future issues of Smart Talk include some of the suggestions arising from the staff suggestion scheme.


Re Q4 The Leader advised the Committee that Haringey People (HP) was not intended to replicate services offered by the local press in terms of advertising, and that the Council had to be careful with regards to who advertising space was offered to in HP as there was an expectation from the public that companies featured in HP were endorsed by the Council. Costs were being reduced by reducing the number of copies produced, and the number of pages, in particular the local pages.


Re Q8 The Leader outlined that challenges to marketing the policy bulletin format to other local authorities were that the policy bulletin was specifically tailored to Haringey, and this would need to be amended and that with the abolition of the CAA, it was felt that many in-house policy departments now had the capacity to develop similar formats and there would therefore be less market demand.


Re Q9 In response to a question regarding the condition of the housing market locally, the Leader stated that Haringey’s housing market had been robust, but that as an area with a high level of public sector employment, this may change going forward.


Re Q10 Stuart Young, Assistant Chief Executive, People and Organisational Development, reported that the Council was currently reviewing all discretionary payments. The amounts were decreasing as a result, but it was emphasised that such payments accounted for a very small proportion of the overall payroll.


Re Q11 The Leader advised that the target for reducing the number of consultants by the end of September 2010 had been met. The Committee was advised that there were a number of areas where it was essential for work to be carried out by an independent party, and therefore consultants with good working knowledge of the local area were needed. A report on the use of consultants would be brought to the Committee meeting on 2 December.


Re Q15 In response to a question on how Members could access the outputs of the Online Strategy Board, the Leader advised that any formal recommendations from the Board would be via the usual decision making processes such as the Cabinet or the relevant Committee but that the majority of the work of the Board was operational, and for action at officer level.


Re Q16 Regarding an opt-in e-communication or email strategy for residents, Mr Young advised  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74.


CABINET MEMBER QUESTIONS - CABINET MEMBER FOR Planning and Regeneration pdf icon PDF 110 KB

Briefing and answers to questions – Councillor Toni Mallett, Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration.

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The Committee received the portfolio briefing from the Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration, Cllr Mallett, and the advance questions submitted and the written responses supplied. Cllr Mallett reminded the Committee that regeneration extended across the whole Council. The importance of business in the borough was emphasised; Cllr Mallett welcomed the resilience of small local businesses and reported that the Council was involved in directing local businesses to sources of help and advice, although the reduction in area-based grant limited the level of help that could be offered. The Committee heard that the Spurs development would increase jobs, spending power and footfall in the area and would have a beneficial regenerative impact. The Council’s work with Job Centre Plus to engage those with particular difficulties in entering employment had been successful. Despite concerns regarding the impact of cuts, Cllr Mallett reminded that everyone could help the borough by supporting local businesses.


The following was noted, further to supplementary questions:


Re Q1 Marc Dorfman confirmed that the correct unit cost for a sustained employment outcome is £5,000. Cllr Ejiofor would contact Mr Dorfman outside the meeting for clarification on the calculation of the figures.


Re Q2 It was clarified that the North London Pledge was a cross-borough programme, benefiting residents across the Upper Lee Valley area, and not just Haringey. The Committee asked for details on the number of people who had secured jobs as a result of the programme, and it was agreed that this figure would be provided outside of the meeting.


Re Q3 It was clarified that cases of unauthorised conversions were immune from prosecution when an Enforcement Notice had not been served within 4 years of the work being carried out. In response to concerns from the Committee regarding the percentage of cases immune from prosecution, it was agreed that Mr Dorfman would supply comparative information on this.


Re Q4 The Committee emphasised the importance of having accurate figures on the cost of worklessness, and it was requested that this be further looked at, to take into account issues such as benefits, impact on NHS services, retraining costs and reduced spending. Cllr Mallett advised that several of these issues might be picked up as part of the current economic survey of the borough and that this could be looked at further.


Re Q7 It was suggested that Conservation Area appraisals be considered for inclusion as a part of the Build Up scheme.


Re Q8 The Committee requested further information on the neighbourhood health centre aspect of the THFC development. It was reported that in negotiations with THFC and the PCT, there had been a commitment from THFC to offer space for use by the PCT and that the PCT had been asked to come forward with proposals for the use of such space, but that this had not yet happened. Work was ongoing to ensure that a health centre did form part of the scheme, and the Committee suggested that a meeting be requested with the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 75.


Flow of Section 106 money pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To receive an update Overview and Scrutiny on S106 Policy and Agreements 2005-2010.

Additional documents:


Marc Dorfman, Assistant Director for Planning, Regeneration and Economy, presented the report on section 106 agreements. The report set out the Council’s section 106 policy and guidance, the section 106 agreements signed and administered between 2005 and 2010 and the distribution of the section 106 funds received by the Council. Mr Dorfman clarified that conditions were used to address issues such as design, materials and access in relation to schemes, but that other issues not directly connected to land use were addressed by means of section 106 agreements.


In addition to the written response supplied to advance questions, the following was noted, further to supplementary questions:


Re Q2 Mr Dorfman advised the Committee that receipt of section 106 money was tracked to ensure that there were no sums outstanding for more than 5 years, after which time the applicant could appeal the amounts in the section 106 agreement.


The Committee agreed to a recommendation that ways of increasing community engagement in determining section 106 agreements should be looked into.


In response to a question from the Committee regarding the £7.8m of contributions for the development at Hale Village that were still to be recovered, Mr Dorfman advised that a report would be presented to the Planning Committee before the end of the year, seeking agreement for the re-profiling of the section 106 contributions for Hale Village. It was confirmed that the contributions would be received within the five year period, and would not be reduced, as the full £7.8m was needed to support the local infrastructure required. The Committee requested a short briefing note on the current situation in relation to the Hale Village development and section 106 contributions.


In response to a question from the Committee regarding where section 106 contributions were spent, Mr Dorfman confirmed that Street Scene contributions were spent in the immediate vicinity of the development site, but that education contributions were pooled for spending across the borough.


The Committee welcomed the content of the report and requested a further report on this matter in a year’s time.




i)                    That the content of the report be noted.


ii)                  That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommend that ways of increasing community engagement in determining section 106 agreements be looked into.


Breast Screening - NHS Response to Scrutiny Report pdf icon PDF 100 KB

To consider and note the NHS response to the Breast Screening Scrutiny Review recommendations.


Please contact Committee Clerk for a copy of the Haringey Breast Screening Scrutiny Review Report.

Additional documents:


Tamara Djuretic, Associate Director of Public Health, presented the report on the NHS Haringey and North London Breast Screening Service response to the  Scrutiny Review of Breast Screening Services in Haringey. Ms Djuretic thanked Cllr Winskill as Chair of the Scrutiny Review for the very useful scrutiny process. The Committee requested that scrutiny officers circulate the response document to all those who had participated in the review.


In response to concerns from the Committee in relation to the response to recommendation 2.4, Ms Djuretic agreed to seek clarification of why a decision had been taken that only one letter would be sent asking people to confirm their address and would report back to the Committee. It was also agreed that, in response to a question from the Committee on why Saturday clinics at the Whittington were not included in the response provided to recommendation 2.11, a written answer would be supplied to the Committee.


The Committee discussed the provision of information in community languages, and Ms Djuretic advised that this was a wider issue than simply language, as issues had been identified with regards to literacy levels. It was reported that Tower Hamlets were looking at an initiative with ‘talking cards’, and that this initiative would be monitored. The Committee was also advised that health trainers were operating in different languages to engage with specific local areas and communities with low take-up rates for screening programmes in relation to breast, bowel and cervical cancers. The Committee suggested that scrutiny officers put the NHS in touch with the Council’s own communications team to look at ways of employing community languages


The Committee thanked all those involved in the scrutiny review process for their contributions.




That the content of the report be noted.


Stroke Prevention - NHS response to Scrutiny Report pdf icon PDF 125 KB

To consider and note the NHS response to the Stroke Prevention Scrutiny Review recommendations.


Please contact Committee Clerk for a copy of the Haringey Stoke Prevention Scrutiny Review Report.

Additional documents:


Tristan Brice, NHS Haringey, presented the NHS response to the Stroke Prevention Scrutiny Review, and thanked the Committee for its comprehensive overview. Mr Brice outlined the key outcomes of the review. Cllr Winskill, Chair of the scrutiny review, announced that he had been notified of the death of Hannah Arveed, who had worked on the implementation team; Cllr Winskill expressed the condolences of the Committee, and added that Hannah’s work with the implementation team provided an essential discussion forum for individual agencies, which would become a model for how stroke services should be addressed elsewhere.


In response to a question from the Committee, Mr Brice confirmed that stroke specific training was also being delivered to staff working in care homes that were not run by the Council and that work was underway to identify how many stroke survivors lived in each home. The Committee asked NHS Haringey to reconsider the inclusion of a waist measurement in the local vascular check tool and stated that if it were not to be included there should be a medical reason for not doing so. Mr Brice agreed to take this back to NHS Haringey for further consideration. In response to a question from the Committee, Mr Brice advised the Committee that high blood pressure was the most significant symptom in relation to potential strokes. 


The Committee was advised that NHS Haringey and Haringey Council would be holding a conference on Improving Stroke Services in Haringey on 29 October 2010, World Stroke Day. Members were asked to promote this event.




That the content of the report be noted. 


Winter Service Plan - Pre-Cabinet Scrutiny pdf icon PDF 4 MB

To consider the report on the 2010/11 Winter Service Plan which will be presented to Cabinet for approval in October 2010.

Additional documents:


Michael McNicholas, Client and Performance Manager, presented the report on the Winter Service Plan. Further to the circulation of the report, feedback had been received from a number of Councillors and it was proposed that, where this feedback was agreed by officers, the changes requested would be reflected in the updated Plan. Mr McNicholas circulated a list of proposed changes as a result of feedback to Committee Members.


Mr McNicholas advised the Committee that residents were not currently encouraged by the Council to clear snow or ice from pavements themselves, but that this guidance may change as a result of the anticipated ‘Snow Code’  document from the Department for Transport. It was intended to recommend to the Cabinet that the advice to residents could be reviewed under delegated powers, in light of the publication of the Snow Code and legal advice.


In response to questions from the Committee, Mr McNicholas confirmed that the minimum tonnages of grit set out in the report would ensure that stocks were not permitted to run low and assured the Committee that the Council’s supplies were sufficient. The Committee questioned the categorisation of Alroy Road, N4 as priority 3, when this was a continuation of Wightman Road, which was priority 1 at this location. Mr McNicholas agreed that the categorisation of Alroy Road should be changed to priority 1, and this would be amended in the Plan. Mr McNicholas confirmed that, subject to agreement by the Cabinet, new grit bins should be installed by no later than mid November. It was agreed that the location of all grit bins in the borough would be published on the Council’s website for information.


In relation to two grit bin locations requested for Stroud Green which had been rejected on the grounds that the roads concerned were flat, the Committee advised officers that these streets were shady and so took longer to thaw than other streets. Mr McNicholas agreed that, in light of this consideration, officers would reassess these streets under frost, snow and ice conditions and if necessary would recommend for grit bins to be installed at these locations. It was also agreed that officers would review the need for a grit bin at Crouch Hall Road, as this was a steep street and was the access route for delivery vehicles to the food shops in the area. Mr McNicholas agreed that priority of the roads around Braemar Road would also be reviewed, in response to feedback from the Committee.


The Committee requested that it be made explicit in the Plan that grit bins were for communal use, and could be used by local residents. It was also requested that the detailed ward by ward information in the report, and the grit bin locations, be circulated to all Councillors for information.


The Committee clarified that the Plan was draft, subject to Cabinet approval, but that information within the report could be promoted provided that it was made clear the information was still in draft form. The Committee  ...  view the full minutes text for item 79.


New Items of Urgent Business

To consider any items admitted at item 3 above.

Additional documents:


The Committee expressed concern regarding a recent press report that Haringey was performing badly in relation to health visitor appointments, and it was agreed that this would be raised with the NHS at the meeting of the Committee on 20 October and could also be raised at the Child Protection scrutiny meeting on 1 November. It was agreed that scrutiny officers would request NHS Haringey to provide the Committee with supporting documentation in relation to health visitor appointments.


The Committee noted on the latest version of the Forward Plan the item on ‘Council wide Fees and Charges’ for consideration by the Cabinet on 16 November 2010. The Chair advised that clarification on what this item would cover had been sought from the Cabinet member and that a report would be requested to come to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The Committee requested a briefing note from the NHS on the Laurels and the proposal for a community pharmacy, in advance of the meeting on 20 October 2010.


The Committee was reminded of the Health: Everybody’s Business event on 25 October.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 28th July 2010 (Special – Health) and 29th July 2010 (TO FOLLOW).

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That the minutes of the meeting held on 28 July 2010 be approved and signed by the Chair.


Future meetings

Wednesday 20th October 2010

Monday 1st November 2010, 6pm (Special)

Monday 1st November 2010, 6.45pm (Child Protection)

Monday 29th November 2010

Thursday 2nd December 2010

Monday 6th December 2010

Wednesday 15th December 2010

Monday 31st January 2011

Monday 28th February 2011

Monday 28th March 2011

Thursday 17th March 2011 (Child Protection)

Monday 28th March 2011

Monday 9th May 2011

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The Committee noted the future meeting dates.



To note the actions completed since the last meeting.

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The Chair would pursue the outstanding actions.





The meeting closed at 21:05hrs.