Agenda item


Briefing and answers to questions – Councillor Toni Mallett, Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration.


The Committee received the portfolio briefing from the Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration, Cllr Mallett, and the advance questions submitted and the written responses supplied. Cllr Mallett reminded the Committee that regeneration extended across the whole Council. The importance of business in the borough was emphasised; Cllr Mallett welcomed the resilience of small local businesses and reported that the Council was involved in directing local businesses to sources of help and advice, although the reduction in area-based grant limited the level of help that could be offered. The Committee heard that the Spurs development would increase jobs, spending power and footfall in the area and would have a beneficial regenerative impact. The Council’s work with Job Centre Plus to engage those with particular difficulties in entering employment had been successful. Despite concerns regarding the impact of cuts, Cllr Mallett reminded that everyone could help the borough by supporting local businesses.


The following was noted, further to supplementary questions:


Re Q1 Marc Dorfman confirmed that the correct unit cost for a sustained employment outcome is £5,000. Cllr Ejiofor would contact Mr Dorfman outside the meeting for clarification on the calculation of the figures.


Re Q2 It was clarified that the North London Pledge was a cross-borough programme, benefiting residents across the Upper Lee Valley area, and not just Haringey. The Committee asked for details on the number of people who had secured jobs as a result of the programme, and it was agreed that this figure would be provided outside of the meeting.


Re Q3 It was clarified that cases of unauthorised conversions were immune from prosecution when an Enforcement Notice had not been served within 4 years of the work being carried out. In response to concerns from the Committee regarding the percentage of cases immune from prosecution, it was agreed that Mr Dorfman would supply comparative information on this.


Re Q4 The Committee emphasised the importance of having accurate figures on the cost of worklessness, and it was requested that this be further looked at, to take into account issues such as benefits, impact on NHS services, retraining costs and reduced spending. Cllr Mallett advised that several of these issues might be picked up as part of the current economic survey of the borough and that this could be looked at further.


Re Q7 It was suggested that Conservation Area appraisals be considered for inclusion as a part of the Build Up scheme.


Re Q8 The Committee requested further information on the neighbourhood health centre aspect of the THFC development. It was reported that in negotiations with THFC and the PCT, there had been a commitment from THFC to offer space for use by the PCT and that the PCT had been asked to come forward with proposals for the use of such space, but that this had not yet happened. Work was ongoing to ensure that a health centre did form part of the scheme, and the Committee suggested that a meeting be requested with the Leader, Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration and the PCT to discuss this further. The Committee expressed concern at the possibility of THFC leaving the borough, and asked for further information on the discussions being held to ensure they remained in Haringey.


Re Q11 Mr Dorfman advised the Committee that once the LDF was agreed by Cabinet, it would still be possible to make changes as required, as the new system was made up of a suite of documents providing an in-built level of flexibility.


Re Q13 It was agreed that a written response would be provided to the question of what happened to the 56 people identified as not being in work, on skill courses or work placements.


Re Q16 It was agreed that a copy of the Bridge NDC performance report and assessment of value for money would be circulated to the Committee, in response to questions about how the Trust operated. It was also confirmed that there was a very rigorous process by which the Trust would have to seek permission for any new pharmacy provision, to ensure that any proposals were fair to local pharmacies and that this would require the approval of the NHS Trust.


Re Q18 Mr Dorfman confirmed that a proposed development meeting the required amount of employment floor space would comply with the UDP, but that it was likely that any proposals that represented overdevelopment would not receive planning permission.


Re Q26 Mr Dorfman advised that no planning permission would be granted in respect of the St Ann’s Hospital site unless all the requirements for the site under Haringey’s planning policy were met, including any requirement for healthcare provision. Mr Dorfman confirmed that no formal discussions had been undertaken regarding the site.


Re Q27 Cllr Mallett advised that although Haringey was not an Olympic borough, the Council was working to benefit as much as possible from the projects available. Mr Dorfman reported that work was taking place to link up with job opportunities and being created in the Stratford area and volunteering schemes. In response to a question from the Committee regarding how these initiatives were being monitored, Mr Dorfman advised that tracking was undertaken generally in terms of employment, but not specifically in relation to Olympic jobs.


Cllr Stuart McNamara, observing the meeting, asked whether it would be possible for there to be wider Member involvement in the development of policies such as the LDF and UDP, as Planning Members had responsibility for making decisions on how these documents should be interpreted. Cllr Mallett advised that work on the development of the Core Strategy was underway; this would be going out for consultation shortly and there would be a process by which Members could contribute to the consultation. Cllr McNamara suggested that ways of establishing closer links between all members and policy development be looked into. The Committee also requested that LINks be involved in the discussions on the LDF.


The Committee asked about the current situation in relation to Lawrence Road, and it was agreed that the Lawrence Road planning brief would be circulated to the Committee.


The Committee thanked Cllr Mallett for her briefing and the responses provided.

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