Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board
Monday, 26th February, 2018 2.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Ayshe Simsek Committees Manager 

No. Item



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The Chair referred to the notice, at Item 1, about filming at meetings and attendees noted this information.


Welcome and introductions pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair provided an overall introduction to the meeting, advising that it was the second meeting in common of the Haringey Health and Wellbeing board and Community Safety Partnership and a timely opportunity to continue discussions on the progress of actions to strengthen and co-ordinate local provision aimed at improving the emotional health and wellbeing of young people and their families in Haringey. This was the main agenda item of the meeting.


The meeting would also continue focus on mental health by jointly considering an overview of the mental health and wellbeing framework in which health and wellbeing board members welcomed Community Safety Partnership member’s thoughts and comments.


In the final quarter of the meeting, Health and Wellbeing board members would particularly be asked to consider the pharmaceutical needs assessment and note the safeguarding Adults Board Annual report.





To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from:

·         Dr Jeanelle De Gruchy,

·         Dr Christian,

·         Cllr Arthur,

·         Geraldine Gavin,

·         Tony Hoolaghan,

·         Geoffrey Ocen

·         Borough Commander Helen Millichap [Des Fahy Detective Chief Superintendent attended ]

·         Shelly Shenker.



Urgent business

The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business. (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with at agenda item ).



There were no items of urgent business.


Declarations of interest

A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest or a prejudicial interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered:


(i) must disclose the interest at the start of the meeting or when the interest becomes apparent, and

(ii) may not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter and must withdraw from the meeting room.


A member who discloses at a meeting a disclosable pecuniary interest which is not registered in the Register of Members’ Interests or the subject of a pending notification must notify the Monitoring Officer of the interest within 28 days of the disclosure.


Disclosable pecuniary interests, personal interests and prejudicial interests are defined at Paragraphs 5-7 and Appendix A of the Members’ Code of Conduct.


There were no declarations of  interest.


Questions, Deputations, Petitions

To consider any requests received in accordance with Part 4, Section B, Paragraph 29 of the Council’s Constitution.



There were no questions, deputations or petitions.


Young People in Haringey - Safety, Resilience and Wellbeing pdf icon PDF 190 KB

Additional documents:


Before commencing consideration of this agenda item, the Chair reiterated the timely opportunity to continue discussions on the progress of actions to strengthen and co-ordinate local provision aimed at improving the emotional health and wellbeing of young people and their families in Haringey. This meeting provided the opportunity to build a consensus around a single integrated approach that was outcomes focussed multi-agency and shares collective responsibility for integrated decision making to prompt provision of services and avoid statutory intervention whenever possible.


Des Fahy Chief Superintendent expressed that the Community Safety Partnership continues its work on a variety of local plans including early help, stopping violence against women and Girls, youth justice and PREVENT. Work was also underway to co -produce, in London, a Knife crime action Plan and would seek to fill in any gaps in services and the community offer. Partnership working to improve the emotional health and wellbeing of young people and their families would be critical to ensuring the outcomes of these plans are met.


Jennifer Sergeant provided an update of activities since the previous board meeting, which had focussed on the principles of intervening earlier and partners not duplicating their activities. Yvonne Lawson provided the meeting with an understanding of how the Godwin Lawson Foundation had begun and developed to become an important organisation representing and working in communities to tackle knife crime.


Yvonne Lawson spoke about her own personal devastating experience of knife and how difficult it had been to come to terms with the loss of her son.


Yvonne Lawson spoke about her son and other young people who had talent and ambition who had sadly passed way. These young people had felt that their talent and ambition was not enough and it was important for communities and agencies to help young people to realise their ambitions and provide support in their personal development as young people. The foundation found that there was also a lack of intermediaries to support them in this development.


Yvonne Lawson continued to talk about the important of extracurricular activities helping young people build life skills and deter them for becoming involved in gang activity. This was especially important for young people living in a gang related environment.

Yvonne Lawson was pleased with the focus on emotional development being taken forward by the partners.


She spoke about similar work, the foundation was taking forward, with young girls and helping them with decision making and providing them with the skills to deter involvement with groups affiliated with the gangs.


There was a discussion about the issue of stop and search for under 16s and the consequences for carrying a knife. The importance of safe environment was emphasized and ensuring that there was a safe place for young people to contribute to an action plan associated with tackling knife crime. This was also a very political subject for communities. Although, it was felt that stop and search had a role to play, this was about how it was carried out by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18.


Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework 2015 - 2018: Overview of achievements and what next? pdf icon PDF 327 KB

Additional documents:


Continuing the theme, of collective partnership working to improve the mental health and wellbeing of Haringey’s residents, the Health and Wellbeing Board and Community Safety Partnership board were asked to note the progress made over the last two and a half years in relation to the recommendations from the Joint Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework.


There had been joint consideration on ways of working together and across the partnership in order to strengthen delivery of an integrated crisis care pathway. This included a focus on prevention and an example was provided of the partnerships work on high-level needs which it felt had improved. The work on crisis and acute pathways, and the joined up approach to tier two services was further referenced and the need to improve on the rehabilitation offer.


Early intervention in mental health, which builds on partnership model, was referenced. There was further consideration of the partnership and boards support for the CAMHS plan and the direction of travel, which was hoped would secure specific commitments to the adoption of the SIM[ Severity, Impact modelling] model and to collaborate in the development of the next commissioning plan which would be produced by the Autumn.


The following comments were made in discussion:


  • In considering the presentation from the Godwin Lawson foundation and the references by the Council / Public Health to community services, it was interesting to note that the term ‘community’ had different interpretations and meaning. For early intervention to work this needed targeting in grass roots community groups and it was important to understand how to reach these groups.


  • It was important to further understand the best approach for early intervention in the community and how this would work i.e. through the voluntary sector or through public information campaign.


  • Yvonne Lawson spoke about the health care provision in the community, particularly in schools, and parents understanding whom they needed to speak to about this.


  • In relation to the mental health support, the need to intervene earlier by working with children in primary schools. The Schools Green paper would provide extra funding for working with schools with young people to support health and wellbeing.


  • Noted that through the exploration of data, it was found that young people in the youth justice system had a disproportionately high mental health need and there was a need to account of this, in the framework, going forward, and ensure that support was sufficiently targeted.


  • It was also important to consider care leavers accessing CAMHS services and ensure that, after they reach the age of 18, they continue to access appropriate mental health care services.


  • It was important for the framework to convey how it was meeting equalities duties. Noted that there was more information on how the equalities obligations are met in the JSNA.




1.    To note progress made over the last two and a half years in relation to the recommendations from the Joint Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework

2.    To note the intention to develop a three year  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19.


Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) pdf icon PDF 244 KB

Additional documents:


The Assistant Director for Public Health introduced the report, which outlined that every Health and Wellbeing Board has a legal duty to publish an updated Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) every 3 years. Haringey published its first PNA in February 2015 and therefore needed to publish an updated PNA early in 2018. The Board considered the draft PNA that was currently out to consultation and further noted the proposed process for sign off.




1.    To note progress made to date with respect to developing the revised PNA, in particular, the consultation on the PNA (at appendix 1);


2.    To approve the timetable and arrangement set out in Paragraph 4 of the Report for consulting on, approving and publishing the revised PNA; and


3.    To delegate to the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Chair of the HWB the authority to approve for publication the final PNA following consultation.




Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2016-2017 pdf icon PDF 185 KB

Additional documents:


The meeting noted that the Safeguarding Adults board were required to publish an annual report in relation to the preceding financial year, on the effectiveness of safeguarding in the local area.  The Annual Report gave details of progress on priorities and Strategic Plan 2015-18; sets out how effective the HSAB has been over the 2016/17 year; provides detail on the SARs that it has commissioned, and describes how its partners have contributed to the work of the Board to promote effective adult safeguarding.


The enclosed report also included progress on the Strategic Plan priorities for 2016-17. 




To note the report.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 101 KB

To consider and agree the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 02 March 2017 and 19th June 2017.


Additional documents:


The minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Boards for the 2nd of March  2018 and 19th of June 2018 were approved as a correct record.


New items of urgent business

To consider any new items of urgent business admitted at item 3 above.




Future agenda items and dates of future meetings

Members of the Board are invited to suggest future agenda items.



Des Fahy  expressed his thanks to the outgoing Chair and Cabinet Member for  Communities for their work in building a strong partnership.