Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board
Wednesday, 21st July, 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: 40 Cumberland Road, London, N22 7SG

Contact: Fiona Rae, Principal Committee Co-ordinator  3541 Email:

Note: This meeting is due to be live streamed. To watch the live stream, click the link on the agenda frontsheet or copy and paste the follwing link into your web browser: 

No. Item



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The Chair referred to the notice of filming at meetings and this information was noted.




The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting.



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Jo Sauvage, CCG Chair.



The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business. (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with at agenda item 11).



There were no items of urgent business.



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There were no declarations of interest.



To consider any requests received in accordance with Part 4, Section B, Paragraph 29 of the Council’s Constitution.



No questions, deputations, or petitions were received.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 344 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting held on 17 March 2021 as a correct record. To note the Health and Wellbeing Board briefing notes from 26 May 2021.


Additional documents:




That the minutes of the meeting held on 17 March 2021 be confirmed a correct record and that the minutes of the briefing on 26 May 2021 be noted.



To receive an introduction from the Cabinet Member.


Cllr Lucia Das Neves noted that the Health and Wellbeing Board was an important forum to discuss vital issues in the borough. It was explained that this meeting would comprise some brief updates and that this would be followed by a conversation about future items and priorities. Cllr Zena Brabazon noted that these meetings were interesting because of their strategic overview in driving change. She stated that the Covid-19 pandemic had been terrible but that it had taught us a number of lessons about partnership working and delivery which the Cabinet Members aimed to continue. Cllr Mike Hakata stated that the joint working fostered by the Health and Wellbeing Board was inspiring and highlighted that the work to tackle health inequalities would continue. The Cabinet Members noted that they were looking forward to working with partners to continue to deliver improvements.



To receive a verbal update on the Covid-19 pandemic and the vaccination programme.


Dr Will Maimaris, Interim Director of Public Health, provided a Covid-19 update at the meeting. It was noted that the majority of new cases in Haringey were currently amongst teenagers and younger adults. The case rates amongst older people were lower and this appeared to show that Covid-19 vaccinations provided good protection against illness, hospitalisation, and death. It was added that the number of people in hospital had greatly reduced since the winter peak but it was noted that some people were still being admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).


It was explained that cases were expected to peak over the next four to six weeks, following the recent relaxation in restrictions. It was anticipated that cases would reduce in the autumn but there were concerns that there may be additional pressures over the winter in conjunction with seasonal issues such as flu.


It was highlighted that the Covid-19 vaccination was considered to be the best intervention and it was aimed to provide all eligible people with two doses of the vaccination. Booster vaccinations were also being planned from September for those in higher risk groups and the preparation for this was underway, in conjunction with flu vaccination planning.


The Interim Director of Public Health reported that the overwhelming majority of people were taking up their offer to receive a second dose of the Covid-19 vaccination. It was noted that there was over 80% coverage in older age groups and that the ethnic disparities for take up in older groups had been significantly reduced. It was commented that there were ethnic disparities in the take up of the Covid-19 vaccination in all age groups, particularly amongst Eastern European and Latin American groups. It was acknowledged that there was further engagement work to be undertaken but that there were reassuring levels of protection in the community.


Cllr Mike Hakata enquired whether there was a comparison with similar London Boroughs on the ethnic groups where there were the lowest levels of vaccination take up. The Interim Director of Public Health noted that this data was measured slightly differently in all boroughs but that it could be requested; it was understood that the levels of vaccination take up in different groups was similar across London.


Cllr Zena Brabazon enquired about hospital admissions and the impact on Accident and Emergency departments (A&E). Jonathan Gardner, Whittington Trust Director of Strategy, noted that there were currently about 24 cases at the Whittington Hospital and that this was increasing slightly. It was explained that A&E was very busy. Richard Gourlay, North Middlesex University Hospital Trust, commented that there were approximately 37 cases at North Middlesex Hospital, with five in critical care. It was added that the hospital currently had a critical incident due to capacity issues and that attendance at A&E had been close to a record high.


The representatives from hospitals noted that the current levels of pressure were similar to those expected in winter and that hospitals were also  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



To receive an update on work to tackle racism and inequalities in Haringey.


Charlotte Pomery, Assistant Director for Commissioning, and Geoffrey Ocen, Bridge Renewal Trust Chief Executive, provided an update on the nine point action plan to tackle racism and inequalities that had been agreed at the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting in May 2020. It was noted that the wider programme was overseen by the Health and Wellbeing Board and Community Safety Partnership through their joint meeting which was expected to take place in June 2021.


It was explained that the Bridge Renewal Trust had hosted an annual progress review meeting on 27 May 2021. This allowed Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) groups to hear feedback from across the partnership and provided an opportunity for new groups to join the conversation.


Updates were provided on the nine point action plan:

1.    Data and evidence – it was noted that it was important not to generalise different groups and that the categories used for ethnicity and nationality were being reviewed to align with those used by the Office of National Statistics (ONS). It was noted that the categories were being shared with communities for feedback. It was added that a Turkish and Kurdish network had been established and that a Somali network was being developed.

2.    Funding – it was explained that there had been some progress but that funding for grassroots organisations remained challenging. It was also reported that the North Central London CCG had recently established an Inequalities Fund with just over £1 million to tackle inequalities.

3.    Bereavement and Mental Health – it was explained that digital resources were being put in place and that this was anticipated to provide important, initial support in communities where there were stigmas around mental health.

4.    Domestic Violence – it was stated that an additional advocate had been appointed to work with women from diverse backgrounds.

5.    Communication and awareness raising – it was explained that this involved building trust as well as communicating information. It was noted that the Community Protect work had been important in engaging with different communities. It was added that some community journalism had also been developed at Wood Green Library.

6.    Prevention and resilience building – it was noted that there was still a need to build relationships and that this could be developed through Haringey’s Good Economy Recovery Plan as well as across different areas and departments.

7.    Shielding – it was reported that this element of the plan had been paused slightly. It was noted that it was important for people to feel safe and that this was assisted through the Covid-19 vaccination programme.

8.    Equitable access to services – it was noted that an equity access tool was being developed to establish the current position and to monitor the impact of any initiatives.

9.    Digital Exclusion – it was explained that there had been a project at Leigh Valley Primary School which provided access to laptops and support for families. It was noted that this had significantly increased homework participation rates. It  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.



To consider any new items of urgent business admitted at item 4 above.


There were no new items of urgent business.



Members of the Board are invited to suggest future agenda items.


To note the dates of future meetings:


21 July 2021

22 September 2021

24 November 2021

26 January 2022

16 March 2022


It was noted that new legislation was being developed which was due to introduce Integrated Care Systems (ICS) in place of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and that the role of the Health and Wellbeing Board in this system was unclear. Rachel Lissauer, CCG Director of Integration, explained that the Health and Wellbeing Board had an important role and that the vision for the ICS would be developed locally. It was noted that the ICS structure and governance would be developing over the next few months, in collaboration with partners, and that it would be important to provide regular updates on this.


It was commented that, before the Covid-19 pandemic, the Health and Wellbeing Board had organised regular seminars to discuss issues with partners, including the Community Health and Care Advisory Board (CHACAB). Beverley Tarka, Director of Adults and Health, suggested that it was a good time to reintroduce these seminars. Charlotte Pomery, Assistant Director for Commissioning, noted that it was useful to have time for both the formal business of the Health and Wellbeing Board and for strategic thinking and discussion with CHACAB. Will Maimaris, Interim Director of Public Health, added that the Health and Wellbeing Board would need to be mindful of its priorities and that it would be useful to revisit the draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy; this had been due to go out for consultation but had been delayed during the pandemic.


Ann Graham, Director of Children’s Services, noted that there had been some recent work in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), including an inspection, and that it would be possible to bring the Strategy and the inspection outcome to the Health and Wellbeing Board. It was noted that there was also an item progressing through the Start Well Board in relation to stillbirths and pregnancy deaths and that the response would require a partnership approach. The Director of Children’s Services noted that she would discuss these issues with officers for inclusion in the Health and Wellbeing Board prioritisation work. Cllr Zena Brabazon added that, in relation to the SEND Strategy and inspection, there were issues of overlap at key transition points between various services and that it would be important to align these services.


Rachel Lissauer, CCG Director of Integration, noted the increased prominence of locality based teams and the importance of ensuring that they worked well together on the ground. It was added that it would be important to share training, skills, and information and to have a lesser focus on rigid geography; it was noted that this would likely be addressed in various seminar sessions. The Chair added that it may be useful for the Health and Wellbeing Board to consider estates and workforce.


It was noted that the following items would be considered for future discussion at the Health and Wellbeing Board and/ or its seminars:


·         Autism Strategy

·         Better Care Fund Plan

·         Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

·         Joint Strategic Needs Assessments

·         Draft Health and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.