Members of the Board are invited to suggest future agenda items.
To note the dates of future meetings:
21 July 2021
22 September 2021
24 November 2021
26 January 2022
16 March 2022
It was noted that new legislation was being developed which was due to introduce Integrated Care Systems (ICS) in place of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and that the role of the Health and Wellbeing Board in this system was unclear. Rachel Lissauer, CCG Director of Integration, explained that the Health and Wellbeing Board had an important role and that the vision for the ICS would be developed locally. It was noted that the ICS structure and governance would be developing over the next few months, in collaboration with partners, and that it would be important to provide regular updates on this.
It was commented that, before the Covid-19 pandemic, the Health and Wellbeing Board had organised regular seminars to discuss issues with partners, including the Community Health and Care Advisory Board (CHACAB). Beverley Tarka, Director of Adults and Health, suggested that it was a good time to reintroduce these seminars. Charlotte Pomery, Assistant Director for Commissioning, noted that it was useful to have time for both the formal business of the Health and Wellbeing Board and for strategic thinking and discussion with CHACAB. Will Maimaris, Interim Director of Public Health, added that the Health and Wellbeing Board would need to be mindful of its priorities and that it would be useful to revisit the draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy; this had been due to go out for consultation but had been delayed during the pandemic.
Ann Graham, Director of Children’s Services, noted that there had been some recent work in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), including an inspection, and that it would be possible to bring the Strategy and the inspection outcome to the Health and Wellbeing Board. It was noted that there was also an item progressing through the Start Well Board in relation to stillbirths and pregnancy deaths and that the response would require a partnership approach. The Director of Children’s Services noted that she would discuss these issues with officers for inclusion in the Health and Wellbeing Board prioritisation work. Cllr Zena Brabazon added that, in relation to the SEND Strategy and inspection, there were issues of overlap at key transition points between various services and that it would be important to align these services.
Rachel Lissauer, CCG Director of Integration, noted the increased prominence of locality based teams and the importance of ensuring that they worked well together on the ground. It was added that it would be important to share training, skills, and information and to have a lesser focus on rigid geography; it was noted that this would likely be addressed in various seminar sessions. The Chair added that it may be useful for the Health and Wellbeing Board to consider estates and workforce.
It was noted that the following items would be considered for future discussion at the Health and Wellbeing Board and/ or its seminars:
· Autism Strategy
· Better Care Fund Plan
· Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
· Joint Strategic Needs Assessments
· Draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy
· Integrated Care Systems
· Children’s Services items, including Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) update (inspection and key points of transition) and Start Well Board
· Estates and workforce
It was also noted that the dates of future Health and Wellbeing Board meetings were:
22 September 2021
24 November 2021
26 January 2022
16 March 2022