Agenda and minutes

Housing, Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel
Thursday, 9th July, 2015 6.30 pm

Contact: Martin Bradford  x 6950

No. Item



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Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from panel member Cllr Tim Gallagher and Cllr Strickland for item 8.


Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business (late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with as noted below).


No items were received.


Declarations of interest

A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest or a prejudicial interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered:


(i) must disclose the interest at the start of the meeting or when the interest becomes apparent, and

(ii) may not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter and must withdraw from the meeting room.


A member who discloses at a meeting a disclosable pecuniary interest which is not registered in the Register of Members’ Interests or the subject of a pending notification must notify the Monitoring Officer of the interest within 28 days of the disclosure.


Disclosable pecuniary interests, personal interests and prejudicial interests are defined at Paragraphs 5-7 and Appendix A of the Members’ Code of Conduct.


None received.



To consider any requests received in accordance with Part 4, Section B, Paragraph 29 of the Council’s Constitution.


None received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 180 KB

To approve the minutes of the previous meeting. 


6.1     In respect of matters arising from the minutes, the panel noted that the AD for Social Regeneration of Tottenham and AD for Tottenham Regeneration had been requested to attend a future meeting by the previous panel. It was agreed that this could be encompassed within the new work programme (2015/16) if the panel so wished (e.g. update for Corporate Programmes).


6.2     The panel noted that only one member of the panel was able to visit customer services and the housing options team at Apex House in March when this was scheduled.  The panel indicated that that would like to arrange a further visit, given that this was an important area of work which could inform the work programme for 2015/16.


Agreed: that a visit by the HRSP to Customer Services and Housing Options Team would be arranged.


6.3     It was noted that an interim report on Selective Licensing would be available at the end of April/ May 2015.  It was agreed that a further update would be provided to the panel on the council’s approach to selective licensing in light of recent judicial reviews. Update date to be agreed with officers and incorporated within work programme planning.


Agreed: That an update on the Councils plans to introduce Selective Licensing Scheme is given to the panel in this year’s work programme (date to be agreed between officers and Chair).


6.4     The minutes were approved.



Terms of Reference - Housing and Regeneration Scrutiny Panel pdf icon PDF 261 KB

To note the terms of reference for the Housing & Regeneration Scrutiny Panel for 2015/16.


7.1     The panel noted that the main Overview & Scrutiny Committee agrees the terms of reference for each of the scrutiny panels and this was to be noted by the panel.


7.2     The key policy areas covered by the scrutiny panel were noted together with the relevant Cabinet member portfolios who would attend.


7.3     The terms of reference were duly noted by the panel.



Cabinet Q & A

Cabinet Member for Housing & Regeneration to attend for questions from  the panel within this portfolio.


8.1     The Cabinet member for Housing and Regeneration was unable to attend due to family illness and sent his apologies.


8.2     The panel noted that according to protocol, that Cabinet Members attend relevant scrutiny panels twice in each municipal year.


8.3     It was agreed to reschedule the attendance of the Cabinet member for a future meeting of the Housing and Regeneration Scrutiny Panel.


8.4     Although the Cabinet member was not present, officers agreed to provide a written response to questions from the panel in respect of the housing infill programme. These were:


1.       To provide an update timetable for progress on the Phase 1a infill programme;

2.       The extent to which Phase 1a of the infill programme is funded through RTB receipts;

3.       How much have construction costs increased for Phase 1a of the infill programme;

4.       The position of 82 Muswell Hill Place (outright sale property to provide cross-subsidy)

5.       What is the timetable for the phase 2 infill programme;

6.       Will the new council rented properties be at target rents on a par with existing council stock, or at higher Affordable rents?


Agreed: That officers would provide written responses to the panel.



Corporate Plan Priority 4 pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To receive a presentation on actions to address Priority 4 within the Council’s Corporate Plan; “Drive growth and employment from which everyone can benefit ”.


The presentation is attached for information.



9.1     The panel received a presentation from the AD for Planning Services on the councils planned actions to address Priority 4 within the Council’s Corporate Plan; “Drive growth and employment from which everyone can benefit”.  It was intended that this presentation would provide a corporate context that would inform the panel’s selection of work topics.


9.2     The panel noted that the proposed structure for the priority boards and how they will operate is at present conceptual at present.  The panel would be interested to see how these boards operate in practice and the outcomes achieved.  The panel would be keen to see the minutes of these boards if these were to be publicly available (this is yet to be determined).


9.3     The panel asked about the delivery of local infrastructure, where it was felt that this was often underplayed in local housing and regeneration plans, particularly health and education infrastructure.  The panel noted that local priorities and governance arrangements (e.g. priority boards) will aim to develop a more coherent response to local infrastructure needs. Part of this process will be external facing, for example, lobbying national bodies.


9.4     In relation to the funding of Cross Rail 2, the panel noted that it was not clear if there would be any local contribution via the Community infrastructure Levy.  Latest discussions centre on a number of funding options including the continuation of the current Cross Rail CIL (or increase it) or the develop funding through The Treasury or London mayoral precept.  There is also the possibility that it could be funded through indirect local taxation, business rates or council tax. The question is not whether London will contribute, but how London will contribute.


9.5     The panel discussed the merits of using the proposed RAG rating system to underpin priority monitoring. The panel were of the view that whilst this allowed an overview of corporate performance, this did not always provide the necessary detail that was required.  The panel acknowledged that there was also a difficult balance to be struck between providing the level of detail required for monitoring whilst ensuring that monitoring processes were accessible (e.g. compiling long detailed monitoring reports).



Corporate Plan Priority 5 pdf icon PDF 90 KB

To receive a presentation on actions to address Priority 5 within the Council’s Corporate Plan: ‘Create homes and communities where people choose to live and are able to thrive.’


The presentation is attached for information.


10.1   The panel received a presentation from the AD for Regeneration on the councils planned actions to address Priority 5 within the Council’s Corporate Plan; “Create homes and communities where people choose to live and are able to thrive.” It was intended that this presentation would provide a corporate context that would inform the panel’s selection of work topics.


10.2   The panel noted that the Council is currently developing its own housing strategy which is a more detailed expression of priority 5.  The consultation for this strategy has just commenced.  There are 4 key outcomes that the council is trying to achieve in respect of priority 4 and all of the housing activities of officers should be directed towards these outcomes.


10.3   Three key programmes to help meet these objectives were outlined to the panel:

·                    housing transformation programme – including the future of Homes for Haringey;

·                    Council new build programme;

·                    Estate regeneration.


10.4 There was some panel discussion on the social dividend within this priority, in that housing was not just about housing but also about the people that live in these homes.  That is it can achieve social objectives using housing development as a tool.  In the example of estate renewal, there is a duty upon the council to minimise the negative impact on the local community, but also to maximise the development opportunities as well. 


10.5   The panel noted some examples of how the council (via Homes for Haringey) provides a social dividend through the provision of housing services; it was noted that through its work in identifying those at risk from the benefit cap HfH had helped to provide job seeking advice and support.  In many cases it’s helping to identify those in need, and coordinating support.  Other ways also include environmental projects on estates which now only help to improve the area, but contribute to peoples well being (e.g. through community involvement and engagement).


10.6   In respect of estate renewal, the panel noted that resident consultation and involvement is of paramount importance to help understand the needs and aspirations of local communities, but also to help co-produce final outcomes.


Work Programme Update pdf icon PDF 288 KB

To receive an update on the progress on the development of the work programme for 2015-16.

Additional documents:


11.1   Members of the panel discussed possible items to include within the work programme from those issues prioritised through the Scrutiny Cafe process. A summary of these discussions with those areas selected for review is highlighted below.


11.2   A number of suggestions were put forward by the panel which merited further examination within scrutiny, but which did not fall within the remit of this panel: equalities impact assessments and post 16 education and training pathways.  It was agreed that the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, under whose remit these suggestions fall,  would be notified these issues and considered within the work programme of that body.


Agreed: That the following issues be suggested for Overview & Scrutiny for consideration in its work programme:

·                    Equalities impact assessments

·                    Post 16 education pathways


Community Infrastructure Levy

11.3 The panel discussed Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and governance arrangements for allocations and spending.  It was noted that where there was a neighbourhood plan, the local community would receive 25% of CIL income, but otherwise 10% would be given over to community interests.  It was felt that scrutiny, by taking evidence from other boroughs, could help to provide a comparative insight as to what systems should be in place for the allocation of community funding through the CIL to ensure the most effective use of this limited resource.


11.4   The panel noted that, unlike S106 monies, CIL money is not allocated to specific projects.  The requirement for CIL is that monies must be spent on growth, but as it’s not likely to be massive amounts of money, it may be best used as an enabling fund to help secure much larger resources for growth and development (e.g. seed corn). For example, in respect of developing new health facilities, NHS England require a planning permission before they will release money to develop new facilities, but it is not clear who pays for the planning permission.  So in Tottenham at the moment, the council is funding planning permissions so that the NHS board can consider a new site for a surgery (which will eventually be refunded retrospectively). 


11.5 Given that CIL receipts are anticipated to be between £1-1.5 million to cover all infrastructure, then it is probably best if this receipt is used as an enabling fund to secure much larger funds to support infrastructure ambitions.


11.6   It was suggested that the ‘scrutiny in a day’ approach to this project could work best for this project as it would enable all stakeholders to hear evidence presented and to come to conclusions on the day.  This could involve informed authorities and professional organisations including:

·                    Planning officers Society

·                    LB Redbridge

·                    LB Croydon

·                    Milton Keynes.


11.7   As there have been requests for money from local community groups through the CIL it was noted that this project should be taken as early as possible within the work programme.


Agreed: that the HRSP undertake a project to look at CIL allocations and that this is scoped with officers.


          Ensuring that development caters for local employment needs

11.8  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


New items of urgent business

To consider any items admitted at item 3 above.





Dates of Future Meetings