Agenda and minutes

Planning Sub Committee
Monday, 15th December, 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Maria Fletcher  1512


No. Item



Additional documents:


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Basu.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 151 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of the Special Planning Sub Committees held on 30 September, 7 October, 28 October and the Planning Sub Committee on 13 October.

Additional documents:




·         That the minutes of the Special Planning Committees on 30 September, 7 October, 28 October and Planning Committee on 13 October be approved as an accurate record.  


The Alexandra 98 Fortis Green N2 9EY pdf icon PDF 724 KB

Conversion of Public House with ancillary accommodation above to provide 2 x 3 bed single family dwellings.


RECOMMENDATION: grant permission subject to conditions.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report on the application to grant planning permission for the conversion of the public house with ancillary accommodation above to provide 2 x3 bed single family dwellings. The report set out details of the proposal, the site and surroundings, planning history, relevant planning policy, consultation and responses, analysis, equalities and human rights implications and recommended to grant permission subject to conditions.


The planning officer gave a short presentation highlighting the key aspects of the report. The Committee’s attention was drawn to a tabled addendum setting out details of a ministerial statement and accompanying guidance made on 28 November announcing a number of changes to national policy regarding s106 planning obligations for small scale developments. Officers identified that the ministerial statement constituted a material consideration to which the Committee would need to have regard in determining the application. The addendum also set out details of further representations received. It was additionally advised that an application had made on 8 December to designate the pub an asset of community value. The Council had an 8 week deadline within which to determine the application.


A number of objectors addressed the Committee as well as a written statement read out on behalf of a local resident unable to attend, and raised the following points:

·         The pub currently as well as historically represented an important meeting space for local people and was considered to be an important heart of the community and local asset. 

·         There were no other traditional pubs located in the vicinity.

·         The pub had been run as a viable and successful business over many years, with no evidence provided by the applicant that this position had changed. The last landlord, who had run the pub for 10 years until its closure at the beginning of the year, had confirmed that the business had been financially viable.

·         The freeholder was selling the site at short notice to a speculator in order to make money from the change of use to residential with limited concern on the impact on the local community.

·         The redevelopment would make no contribution to the area as a local asset and would only provide one additional residential unit above that currently provided.


Cllr Berryman addressed the Committee as a local ward councillor and made the following points:

·         The pub had been run as a successful business for years including through the recession.

·         The redevelopment would not provide affordable housing but two high value units on a street already containing several new residential developments.

·         Businesses in the local parade were already suffering from the closure of the pub.

·         Over 1500 local residents had signed a petition against the proposed change of use of the pub, with the campaign making the front page of the local newspaper.


 A number of supporters, including a representative for the applicant, addressed the Committee and made the following points:

·         The scheme would have a positive impact on the amenity of surrounding residential properties as the pub had been the subject of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


270-274 West Green Road, London, N15 3QR pdf icon PDF 711 KB

Demolition of the existing two storey building with D1 use on the ground floor and residential use (C3) on the upper floor and erection of part three, part four storey building to provide A1 and D1 uses on the ground floor with ancillary office space and 9 residential units on the upper floors (6 x 2 bed and 3 x 3 bed flats) and associated works.


RECOMMENDATION: grant permission subject to conditions and subject to a s106 legal agreement.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report on the application to grant planning permission for the demolition of the two storey building with D1 use on the ground floor and residential use (C3) on the upper floor and erection of a part three, part four storey building to provide A1 and D1 uses on the ground floor with ancillary office space and 9 residential units on the upper floors (6 x 2 bed and 3 x 3 bed flats) and associated works. The report set out details of the proposal, the site and surroundings, planning history, relevant planning policy, consultation and responses, analysis, equalities and human rights implications and recommended to grant permission subject to conditions and subject to a s106 legal agreement.


The planning officer gave a short presentation highlighting the key aspects of the report. The Committee’s attention was again drawn to a tabled addendum setting out details of the recent ministerial statement and accompanying guidance setting out changes to national policy for s106 planning obligations for small scale developments and which constituted a material consideration to which the Committee would need to have regard in determining the application. The Chair sought clarification on the applicant’s intentions regarding the s106 contribution in light of the ministerial statement. The applicant’s agent confirmed that the contribution set out within the report would stand.


Concerns were raised over the single aspect nature of some of the residential units and front elevation balconies facing onto a busy road. The applicant’s representative advised that a private courtyard space was planned to the rear of the development to provide additional amenity space. Confirmation was provided that the larger family units benefitted from dual aspects.


The Chair moved the recommendation of the report and it was



·         That planning application HGY/2014/3175 be approved subject to conditions and subject to a s106 legal agreement.


1.    The development hereby authorised must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission, failing which the permission shall be of no effect.

Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of the provisions of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to prevent the accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions.


2.         The development hereby authorised shall be carried out in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason:  In order to avoid doubt and in the interests of good planning.


3.         Notwithstanding the information submitted with this application, no development shall take place until precise details of the external materials to be used in connection with the development hereby permitted be submitted to, approved in writing by and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the Local Planning Authority and retained as such in perpetuity.

Reason: In order to retain control over the external appearance of the development in the interest of the visual amenity of the area and consistent with Policy SP11 of the Haringey Local Plan 2013 and Saved Policy UD3 of the Haringey  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


332-334 High Road N15 4BN pdf icon PDF 895 KB

Demolition of existing two storey building and redevelopment of site to provide a six storey block comprising of 2no. commercial units (Use Class A2/A3/B1)) to the ground floor and 9no. self-contained flats (Use Class C3) to the upper levels (amended description)


RECOMMENDATION: grant permission subject to conditions.


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report on the application to grant planning permission for the demolition of the existing two storey building and redevelopment of site to provide a six storey block comprising of 2x commercial units (Use Class A2/A3/B1)) to the ground floor and 9x self-contained flats (Use Class C3) to the upper levels. The report set out details of the proposal, the site and surroundings, planning history, relevant planning policy, consultation and responses, analysis, equalities and human rights implications and recommended to grant permission subject to conditions.


The planning officer gave a short presentation highlighting the key aspects of the report. A correction was made to an error contained within the report to paragraph 2(2) which should read ‘…to be completed January 2015 or within such time…..’


The Committee’s attention was again drawn to a tabled addendum setting out details of the recent ministerial statement regarding changes to national policy for s106 planning obligations for small scale developments and which constituted a material consideration to which the Committee would need to have regard in determining the application. The Chair sought clarification on the applicant’s intention regarding the s106 contribution in light of the ministerial statement. The applicant’s agent confirmed that no instruction had been received from the applicant directing any amendment to the figure set out within the report.


The Committee raised the following points in the discussion of the application:

·         Concerns were raised over the level of redevelopment in the immediate area. Officers advised that the building proposed was lower than the adjacent building and had a stepped down design. The density of the development was also towards the lower end of density guidelines.

·         In response to concerns regarding the management of deliveries of construction materials to the site due to its location, assurances were provided that submission and approval of a Construction Management Plan and Construction Logistics Plan would be secured under condition.

·         Clarification was sought on the Housing Enabling Team’s objections to the affordable housing contribution and housing mix of the scheme. Officers advised that the Planning Service did not support their view as the affordable housing contribution was policy compliance based on the submission of a viability assessment. A preferred housing mix was difficult to achieve due to the small number of units in the scheme.

·         Members queried whether a buy to let restriction could be imposed on the development. Officers advised that this would not be feasible.  

·         Members requested that the Committee be given the opportunity to view the proposed materials for the scheme. Officers agreed to notify the Committee when the samples were available for viewing although it was advised that this would be outside of the meeting schedule to avoid delaying construction.

·         Following a request from Members, officers agreed to amend condition 3 to require samples of internal, lattice style shutters to be submitted for approval by the Council.

·         In response to concerns regarding waste management arrangements for the site, confirmation was provided that approval was required of plans for refuse  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Woodside High School, White Hart Lane N22 5QJ pdf icon PDF 638 KB

Construction of single classroom extension located at first floor level over part of an existing terrace.


RECOMMENDATION: grant permission subject to conditions.


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report on the application to grant planning permission for the construction of a single classroom extension located at first floor level over part of an existing terrace. The report set out details of the proposal, the site and surroundings, planning history, relevant planning policy, consultation and responses, analysis, equalities and human rights implications and recommended to grant permission subject to conditions.


The planning officer gave a short presentation highlighting the key aspects of the report.


The Committee raised concern over the non attendance of a representative for the applicant to answer any questions regarding the application and the quality of pictures provided within the report pack. Officers apologised for the oversight in not inviting the applicant in this instance and agreed to discuss with the Council’s Education Team the securing of attendance for future school applications. With regards to drawings provided, a particular standard could not be insisted on although this point would also be fed back to the education team.


Officers agreed to secure under condition the tying in of the extension with the existing building.  



The Chair moved the recommendation of the report including the additional condition above and it was



·         That planning application HGY/2014/ 3096 be approved subject to conditions.


1.         The development hereby authorised must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission, failing which the permission shall be of no effect.

Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of the provisions of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to prevent the accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions.


2.         The development hereby authorised shall be carried out in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason:  In order to avoid doubt and in the interests of good planning.


3.         The external materials to be used for the proposed development shall match in colour, size, shape and texture those of the existing building.

Reason: In order to ensure a satisfactory appearance for the proposed development, to safeguard the visual amenity of neighbouring properties and the appearance of the locality consistent with Policy 7.6 of the London Plan 2011, Policy SP11 of the Haringey Local Plan 2013 and Saved Policy UD3 of the Haringey Unitary Development Plan 2006.

4.         The applicant/ Developer is required to submit a Construction Management Plan (CMP) and Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) for the local authority’s approval prior to construction work commencing on site. The Plans should provide details on how construction work would be undertaken in a manner that disruption to traffic and pedestrians on White Hart Lane and the residential roads surrounding the site is minimised.  It is also requested that construction vehicle movements should be carefully planned and coordinated to avoid school drop-off and collection times and the AM and PM peak periods.            

Reason: To reduce congestion and mitigate any obstruction to the flow of traffic on the transportation and highways network and in the interests of highway  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



To advise of major proposals in the pipeline including those awaiting the issue of the decision notice following a committee resolution and subsequent signature of the section 106 agreement; applications submitted and awaiting determination; and proposals being discussed at the pre-application stage.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered an update on major planning proposals in the pipeline.


Members emphasised the importance of the level of s106 contributions for the Hale Wharf scheme in recognition of the level of development in the area and subsequent associated pressure in the locality. Officers advised that this would be covered under the draft Tottenham Area Action Plan Development Plan Document which will be submitted to Cabinet in January. 


In response to a request, officers agreed to explore the potential for revising the s106 legal agreement for the Furnival House application to reflect the uplift in property values since the application was approved.



·         That the report be noted.



To advise of decisions taken under delegated powers between 30 October and 30 November 2014.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered an update report on applications determined under delegated powers between 30 October and 30 November 2014.



·         That the report be noted.


Date of next meeting

19 January 2015.

Additional documents:


The next Planning Committee was scheduled for 19 January 2015.


The Chair advised that a Special Regulatory Committee would likely be required in January to consider a number of urgent reports including draft development plan documents and approval of pre-application charges.


It was additionally advised that the St Ann’s planning application was likely to be submitted to a Special Planning Committee in February.