Agenda and draft minutes

North Central London Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Friday, 1st October, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: Hendon Town Hall, The Burroughs, London, NW4 4AX

Contact: Robert Mack, Principal Scrutiny Officer / Fiona Rae, Principal Committee Co-ordinator  3541 Email:

No. Item



To elect a Chair for 2021-22.


Councillor Pippa Connor was nominated for position of Chairman for 2021-22, which was duly seconded.


RESOLVED that Councillor Pippa Connor be elected as Chairman for 2021-22.



To elect a Vice-Chair(s) for 2021-22.


Councillor Tricia Clarke was nominated for position of Vice-Chairman for 2021-22, which was duly seconded.


RESOLVED that Councillor Tricia Clarke be elected as Vice-Chair for 2021-22.



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The Committee and public noted that the meeting may be filmed or recorded by the Council.



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Councillor Khaled Moyeed from Haringey Council and Councillor Linda Freedman from Barnet Council.


Councillor Christine Hamilton from Enfield Council and Councillor Osh Gantly from Islington Council were also absent from the meeting.



The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of Urgent Business.  (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear.  New items will be dealt with under item 13 below).





A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest or a prejudicial interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered:


(i) must disclose the interest at the start of the meeting or when the interest becomes apparent, and

(ii) may not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter and must withdraw from the meeting room.


A member who discloses at a meeting a disclosable pecuniary interest which is not registered in the Register of Members’ Interests or the subject of a pending notification must notify the Monitoring Officer of the interest within 28 days of the disclosure.


Disclosable pecuniary interests, personal interests and prejudicial interests are defined at Paragraphs 5-7 and Appendix A of the Members’ Code of Conduct



Councillor Connor declared an interest by virtue of being a Member of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN).



To consider any requests received in accordance with Part 4, Section B, paragraph 29 of the Council’s constitution.




MINUTES pdf icon PDF 342 KB

To note the minutes of the North Central London Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee briefing on 25 June 2021as a correct record.


RESOLVED that the Committee approved the minutes of the meeting held on the 25th June 2021 as a correct record.


Post-meeting note: under item 5, Deputations / Petitions / Presentations / Questions, references to Professor Sue Richards should be changed to Brenda Allen.



To receive an update on digital inclusion and health inequalities, focusing on health inequalities.


Presenting Officers

-       Sarah D’Souza: (Commissioning at Barnet CCG)

-       Ruth Donaldson: (Director of Commissioning at Barnet CCG)


Sarah D’Souza (Commissioning at Barnet CCG) and Ruth Donaldson (Director of Commissioning at Barnet CCG) introduced the report which provided an update on the work being driven by the Communities Team, set up in place as part of the NCL CCG Borough Directorate. The committee were informed that the team had been developed to focus on inequalities and the delivery of plans to address these issues.


It was explained to the committee that one of the key questions being researched by the team was around the current use of data and whether the right data was being collected and used in the right way to understand the needs of residents. The team was focusing on developing interventions to address the health inequalities, however, to do so effectively, the wider determinants of inequalities needed to be understood. It was explained that understanding the needs of residents and empowering them would enable the right interventions to be put in place.


Officers said that it was important that as part of the work, they were able to demonstrate that local communities and residents had been listened to and their issues taken onboard, to make a difference. Resident empowerment was key to enabling residents to have more control over their lives and care and to avoid individuals reaching crisis. Officers explained that it was not always medical interventions that were required to address health inequalities, sometimes social interventions, employment opportunities or access to digital resources were needed and that through understanding the lived experiences of residents, these interventions could be better embedded into assessments. Officers advised that the team were looking into understanding all the complex elements that contribute to health inequalities.


The Chair enquired as to how the disbanding of the Public Health England and the replacement with the National institute for Health Protection (NIHP) fitted into the integrated care systems. Officers advised that public health would remain a key aspect of the work and that moving forward the team would continue to work closely with local public health departments, as this was integral to the work.


Councillor Tomlinson enquired as to how the Voluntary Community Sector (VCS) would be included in the work, as well as how the homeless would be identified and contacted. Officers explained that the VCS were integral to reaching out to local people, as well as ensuring the groups engaged with, were as diverse as possible. Regarding identifying the homeless, officers advised that they would be working with hostels and street homeless and setting up networks across the programme to find the best way to support them.  Weekly seminars for the homeless would also take place, with assistance from specialist teams and local GP organisations to ensure they were receiving the right vaccines, resources, and care. Councillor Clarke updated the committee that Islington Council had a policy in place which ensured all rough sleepers had access to a bed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



To receive an update on Mental Health.


Presenting Officers

-       JinjerKandola: Chief Executive of Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust (BEH).

-       Darren Summers: Deputy Chief Executive at Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust.

-       Ian Prenelle: Consultant Psychiatrist at Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust


Jinjer provided the committee with an overview of the NCL mental health programme, which particularly focused on the mental health response to the pandemic, investments in services, transformation activities and mental health system challenges.


Jinjer updated the committee that services had been set up in St Pancras, with two hubs for children in the North and South in response to the pandemic. She said these hubs had been vital in the first stages of the pandemic, when the full impact was not yet clear. The long-term impact on mental health was now much clearer and the long exposure to isolation had significantly increased cases of anxiety and negatively impacted mental health across the country. It was noted that eating disorders had significantly increased, as well as a general increase on demand in services. One of the biggest challenges arising from the increased demand was securing an adequate workforce to enable the expansion of services.


Darren explained that Covid had made the inequalities people living with mental health issues faced far more pronounced. It was noted that the Covid vaccine uptake, in this cohort of people, was significantly lower than the average and that this cohort already had a lower life expectancy. He outlined that outreach work was taking place to improve both physical health and increase the vaccine uptake in this cohort. It was also noted that the community transformation project would significantly transform the way work was conducted in partnership with primary care, the Local Authority, and the VCS.


Ian explained there had been a shift in the mental health care system, in that it was moving towards a whole population approach. The principles would be that the system would be universal, person centred, with a new focus on prevention for both physical and mental health outcomes. He said that initiatives would not just focus on combatting issues when they arise but would ensure required interventions were in place. This new holistic offer would be delivered by new population health nurses, which would work alongside GP practices, peer coaches and the VCS. Ian explained that working more closely with general practitioners would help to deinstitutionalise mental health care and that working and embedding care into the community, would help move towards normalising and destigmatising mental health within the community. Ian said that during the early phase of the pandemic this type of work had already been in place, for example Camden Council had worked closely with the VCS to help those suffering with severe mental health who rely on both social and emotional support. Ian said that moving forward the model would look to share the approaches and practices across the boroughs, with the next wave of implementation due to take place in April 2022.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.



To receive an update on Integrated Care Systems (ICS). (To follow)


Presenting Officers

-       Frances O’Callaghan: Accountable Officer for North Central London CCGs.

-       Richard Dale: Executive Director of Transition at North Central London CCG – North London Partners)


Frances provided an overview of the report and highlighted the benefits for residents of the new integrated care systems (ICS). She explained how the ICS would take on responsibilities which previously sat under the CCG and would be placed based. The new set up would enable continued engagement with residents and the ability to respond to their needs, which had changed following the pandemic. The Integrated Care Board (ICB) would be established to work with Local Authorities to understand the place-based partnerships arrangements and how the ICS could best deliver these.


Richard explained that the primary aim of the ICS was to streamline work and reduce unnecessary bureaucracy, as well as enabling funding to be moved around in a way that it previously had not been able to. It was noted that in response to the pandemic the system had already been acting as an ICS, helping to meet the community needs, for example having implemented new ways of providing care at home, introducing new technology to provide higher level of support and greater involvement within communities to ensure neighbourhood borough care was in place. Richard said clinicians would remain at the heart of the system, but services would be designed around local people.


Councillor Clarke asked whether the committees would continue to be open to the public. Richard advised that the bill had not been finalised yet, but that Local Authority involvement would remain key. The understanding was that the ICB would have a single Local Authority member on it, but specific arrangements were still being worked through. Frances said that Local Authority involvement would remain a key aspect of the ICS, as the group needed to understand how accountability for spend would take place collectively. She assured the committee that there was a commitment to collaborative working, which had already been evidenced over the previous 18 months.


Councillor Clarke asked if officers had received the seven recommendations put forward by the JHOSC. Frances confirmed that the recommendations had been read and that she envisaged there would be no change in terms of the role and engagement with the JHOSC moving forward. However, due to the bill not being confirmed, officers were unable to provide specific detail on arrangements, but acknowledged that to provide the best services for residents, scrutiny would continue to be a key element.


The Chairman questioned the decision to only have one Local Authority representative for all five boroughs on the ICS and felt that this individual would require extra support to understand the needs of each borough. Frances advised that the NCL Partnership Council would have all five Local Authority Chief Executives on it, which would feed into the ICB. It was also noted that once the CEO for the ICB had been appointed, arrangements to support the Local Authority representative on the ICB would be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.



This paper provides an outline of the 2020-21 work programme for the North Central London Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Additional documents:


Following discussion on the work programme the following was agreed:


Items for the 26th November meeting:

-       Fertility Review

-       Elective Surgery and recovery results

-       Winter pressures (to include London Ambulance Service)


Items for the 28th January meeting:

-       Integrated Care System (ICS) financial arrangements and update report

-       Dental care


Items for 18th March meeting:

-       Mental Health care update

-       Estates

-       Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS


RESOLVED that the Committee agreed the items for the work programme 2021-22 as outlined above.



To consider any items of urgent business as identified at item 5.


A Member raised the need to have an update on the London Ambulance Service brought to a future meeting. The Chairman agreed to discuss the most appropriate time for this to be brought to committee, under the work programme item on the agenda.



To note the dates of future meetings:


26 November 2021

28 January 2022

18 March 2022


The Committee noted the future dates of meetings:


26 November 2021

28 January 2022

18 March 2022