Agenda and minutes

Full Council
Monday, 31st March, 2008 7.30 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Ken Pryor  2915

No. Item


To receive apologies for absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Reith.



To ask the Mayor to consider the admission of any late items of business in accordance with Section 100B of the Local Government Act 1972 pdf icon PDF 38 KB


See items 6, 8, 11, 15 and 16(b).



Declarations of Interest

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgment of the public interest and if this interest affects their financial position or the financial position of a person or body as described in paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct and/orif it relates to the determining of any approval, consent, licence, permission or registration in relation to them or any person or body described in paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct.




Councillor Griffith declared a personal interest in item 17 - Motion L, as a member of the Barbadian community.


Councillor Bevan declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 17 – Motion M relating to Post Office closures, as he was a member of Post Office Watch.



To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 18 February 2008 pdf icon PDF 128 KB




That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 18 February 2008 be signed as a true record.


To receive such communications as the Mayor may lay before the Council



  1. The Mayor reported the death of former Councillor Nicole Harrison who had served on the Council as an Alderman from 1971 until 1978 and as a Councillor from 1978 until 1986.  She had also served as Deputy Leader from 1980 – 1982 and as Chair of the Education Committee from 1973 to 1980 and again from 1983 to 1985.


In addition to her Council service she had also served as Chair of the Education Committee of the Association of Metropolitan Authorities as well as a Governor of CONEL from1993 and then as Chair from April 2000 until her death.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Meehan, paid tribute to the contribution “Nicky” had made to the Borough.


The Council stood for one minute’s silence in her memory.


  1. On behalf of the Council the Mayor welcomed to the meeting Rachel Allison, the newly elected Liberal Democratic member for Highgate Ward.

  2. The Mayor congratulated the Council’s Parking Services Team on winning the enforcement team of the year award at the National Parking Awards 2008.


  1. The Mayor announced that a fundraising cricket match would be held on 13 April in the Pavilion Park Road Hornsey, to raise money for Haringey Young Musicians.  


To receive the report of the Chief Executive pdf icon PDF 52 KB

(To follow)


The Mayor agreed to admit the report as urgent business. The report could not be circulated earlier as information was awaited from the Party Groups. The report needed to be admitted in order that the vacancies on committees could be filled for the remainder of municipal year 2007/08.




1.                  That the election of Councillor Rachel Allison in the Highgate Ward by-election be noted.


2.                  That Councillor Allison be appointed to fill the vacancies on the following bodies:


Council and Employee Joint Consultative Committee

Miscellaneous Functions Sub-Committee

Muswell Hill Area Assembly



To receive the reports of the Monitoring Officer and Head of Legal Services

(To follow)


  There were no matters to report.



To make appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 102 KB

(To follow)

Additional documents:


The Mayor agreed to admit the report as urgent business. The report could not be circulated earlier as information was awaited from the Party Groups. The report needed to be admitted in order that the vacancies on outside bodies could be filled for the remainder of municipal year 2007/08.




That the appointments to outside bodies as set out in the attached schedule be approved.



To consider requests to receive Deputations and/or Petitions and, if approved, to receive them


The Monitoring Officer advised members of the Planning Committee in respect of the two deputations concerning proposals for the Ward’s Corner site not to speak on this matter as it was the subject of a planning application. He also advised those Members who might be called upon as substitute members of the Planning Committee that if they spoke during the debate then they would not be able to participate in any Planning Committee meeting which considered the application.


  1. Proposals for Ward’s Corner


A deputation was received from residents opposing the proposals submitted for the redevelopment for the Ward’s Corner site by Grainger plc. The spokesperson for the deputation was Ms Allen.


Members asked questions of the deputation and received responses thereto.


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Enterprise responded to the deputation.


The Mayor thanked the deputation for attending.


A second deputation was received from residents who supported the proposals submitted for the redevelopment for the Ward’s Corner site by Grainger plc. The spokesperson for the deputation was Mr Horsford, assisted by Mrs Denny.


Members asked questions of the deputation and received responses thereto.


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Enterprise responded to the deputation.


The Mayor thanked the deputation for attending.


  1. Licensing


A deputation was received from residents concerned about the number of applications submitted for the use of premises in Green Lanes for gambling. The spokesperson for the deputation was Mr Petrou.


Members asked questions of the deputation and received responses thereto.


The Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Safer Communities responded to the deputation.


The Mayor thanked the deputation for attending.


  1. Bounds Green CPZ


A deputation was received from residents concerned about the introduction of a Controlled parking zone in the Bounds Green area. The spokesperson for the deputation was Mr. Ashra.


Members asked questions of the deputation and received responses thereto.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Conservation responded to the deputation.


The Mayor thanked the deputation for attending.



To agree the Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2008/09 pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Additional documents:




That approval be granted to the Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2008/09 as set out in Appendix 1 to the report and to its adoption as the replacement for Part 6 of the Council’s Constitution.



To consider changes to Council Procedure Rules pdf icon PDF 126 KB

(To follow)


Additional documents:


The Mayor agreed to admit the report as urgent business. The report could not be circulated earlier as information was awaited from the Party Groups.  The report needed to be admitted in order that amendments to the Council’s Constitution to address issues and anomalies that affected Council meetings could be implemented with effect from 1 April 2008.




1.      That approval be granted to the following amendments to Council Procedure Rules (Part 4 Section A of the Council’s Constitution):


·        Option 1 in Appendix 1 to the report in relation to the Duration of the Council Meeting to replace existing CPR 7;

·        CPR 14A in Appendix 2 to the report was adopted in relation to Emergency Motions; and

·        Text changes to CPRs 8.4, 9.3, 9.4, 10.5, 12.1, 12.2, 12.4, 13.1 and 13.3 in Appendix 3 to the report were adopted.


2.      That the above amendments to the Council’s Constitution take effect from 1 April 2008. 



To approve the delegation of power to the Head of Local Democracy and Member Services to appoint Members to Licensing Sub-Committees in circumstances where the Sub-Committee would otherwise be unable to function constitutionally. pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Additional documents:




1.      That, subject to confirmation by the Licensing Committee, approval be granted to the delegation of authority to the Head of Local Democracy and Member Services:


(i)   to appoint the membership of a special Licensing Sub-Committee from among the Members of the Licensing Committee; and


(ii)  to appoint an additional Member, or Members, to any scheduled meeting of a Licensing Sub-Committee from among the Members of the Licensing Committee whenever the appointment of a Substitute Member (under Part 4 Section B paragraph 49 of the Constitution) would be impracticable and the meeting would otherwise be inquorate.


2.      That the exercise of the above delegated powers by the Head of Local Democracy and Member Services be carried out so far as practicable in consultation with the Chair of the Licensing Committee and the Chief Whip of each Group and with a view to achieving political balance in the membership of Licensing Sub-Committees.


3.      That the Scheme of Delegation to Officers in Appendix E, Part F7, Section 9 of the Council’s Constitution be amended as shown in the Appendix to this report with effect from confirmation of the above delegated powers by the Licensing Committee.



To approve the main principles of, and key changes to, the revised officer scheme of delegation. pdf icon PDF 169 KB

Additional documents:




1.      That approval be granted in principle to the following changes to the officer scheme of delegation for incorporation into a revised scheme which will be recommended in due course to full Council: -


(i)  (a) Delegations should be granted further down the structure to a broadly similar level in all Directorates.


     (b) Each Director/Head of Service should be asked about the precise details of the delegations to specific officers which the he/she considers appropriate for their own Service.


     (c)There would be a presumption that the majority of delegated powers would be granted at service manager or team leader level.


(ii) The schedules of statutory delegated powers should be retained but in a much shorter form without a verbal description of every section in every Statute.


(iii) The Chief Executive should be granted all “non-executive” powers to make changes to the staff establishment for any number of posts but subject to retaining the requirement that all changes above 20 posts, or subject to objection from the employees’ side, must be authorised by the Cabinet Member or the full Cabinet.


(iv) (a) The existing Protocol for taking delegated decisions should be   retained but in a much simpler and clearer form.


      (b) For each decision there should be recorded:

(1) the officer taking  it;

(2) the substantive facts;

(3) the reasons for it;

(4) the expenditure authorised; and

(5) the date it was taken.


      (c) In addition, officers should always consider carefully whether there are any factors that make it advisable to consult their Cabinet Member(s) in advance.


      (d) There should be training for all decision-takers to ensure that these basic standards are met.


      (e) Each Directorate should continue to keep a comprehensive record of its decisions.


 (v) (a) Reporting to Members on the exercise of delegated powers should be improved and implemented more consistently.


       (b) To identify the decisions of “particular significance” that must be   reported individually, the following criteria should be used:

(1)  any expenditure of £50,000 or more;

(2) decisions with implications for policy development; and

(3) any decisions that are potentially sensitive for other reasons.


                  (c) In addition all decisions with a “local impact” should be reported to the relevant Ward Members.


      (d) A  “local impact” decision would be one involving:

(1) any enforcement action or prosecution affecting premises or residents in the Ward;

(2) any grant of a permission or licence (e.g. planning permission) affecting premises in the Ward;

(3) any initiative significantly affecting streets or open spaces in the Ward (e.g. a traffic calming scheme); and

(4) any expenditure within the Ward of £50,000 or more.


     (e) There should be training to ensure that reports are made regularly to the Cabinet and the relevant Committees.


2.      That the process and timetable for completing the revision of the officer scheme of delegation as set out in paragraph 6.6 of the report be noted.



To consider Opposition business submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule No.12


The opposition gave notice of their wish to debate Haringey PCT and the Primary Care Strategy.


Councillors Wilson and Winskill spoke on behalf of the Opposition Group. Councillors Bob Harris and Bull responded on behalf of the Majority Group.


The Mayor thanked Councillors for their contributions.



To answer questions, if any, in accordance with Council Rules of Procedure Nos. 9 & 10 pdf icon PDF 148 KB


The Mayor agreed to the admission of this report as urgent business. Under Standing Orders, notice of questions was not requested until eight clear days before the meeting, following which matters raised had to be researched and replies prepared, in order to be given at the meeting.


There were 8 oral questions and 26 for written answer.



To receive reports from the following bodies pdf icon PDF 129 KB

a)     The Cabinet - Report No.10 – 2007/08

b)     The Cabinet – Report No.11- 2007/08 (To follow)

Additional documents:


The Mayor announced that he wished to bring the meeting to a close as it was past 22.00 hours.


The Monitoring Officer advised that there should be adherence to the previous practice of adopting outstanding reports without debate and the remaining business falling.




That Cabinet reports numbers 10 and 11 be received and adopted and the Local Area Agreement be noted and endorsed.



To consider the following Motions in accordance with Council Rules of Procedure No. 13 pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Motion L (2007/8)


Councillor Griffith has given notice that he will move in the following terms:


“This council recognises the cultural diversity of Haringey and wishes to celebrate the contribution of the Barbadian community, particularly in the fields of race relations, community and police relations, education, and the judiciary.


This council notes that the proposal for this link has come from the Barbadian Government. The proposal will establish links between a number of schools in the borough, specifically Highgate Wood School and St. Mary’s Primary, and those in Holetown, specifically St James Secondary and Primary Schools. A full programme of cultural events are proposed to promote a mutual understanding of both cultures including, theatrical shows, musicals, school exchange visits, sporting events, and other activities”.


Subsequent to the meeting at which this motion is tabled there shall be no financial burden to the council.


Motion M (2007/8)


Councillor Butcher has given notice that he will move in the following terms:


“This Council,


Notes the unanimous cross-party support for emergency motion J passed by this Council on 18th February 2008 calling on the government to act to reverse plans to close Post Offices in Haringey.


Further notes the new and innovative plans by Essex County Council to rescue its Post Offices.


Believes that Haringey Council can also have a positive approach to help to save Post Offices in Haringey


And resolves to,


a)     Look more closely at the Essex CC plans to see whether these may be adopted in Haringey.

b)     Contact the Post Office to discuss options open to the Council and request financial information of threatened Post Offices. 

c)      Support threatened Post Offices by providing Council services in Post Offices in Haringey”.


Motion N (2007/8)


Councillor Alexander has given notice that she will move in the following terms:


“This Council notes:


·        that 16 and 17 year olds can leave school, get married, have a full-time job and must pay taxes on their income, and can join the armed forces, but are not allowed to vote in public elections;


·        that 16 and 17 year olds have been calling for the right to vote for many years through the Votes at 16 coalition;


·        that disconnection between young people and the political establishment is growing.


·        the continuing good work by Haringey’s youth parliament and its members


This Council believes:


·        that young people are interested in politics and have valid views on issues that affect them;


·        that 16 and 17 year olds are adults and that all adults should have the right to vote in public elections;


·        that refusing to allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote is likely to further depress turnout and encourage young people to give up on formal political structures.


This Council resolves:


·        to support the moves to lower the voting age for all public elections to 16;


·        calls on the Government to establish the Youth Citizenship Commission with a clear remit to develop the necessary framework for reducing the voting age to 16.


·        for the leader of  ...  view the full agenda text for item 123.

Additional documents:


At this point the meeting agreed to the variation of the order of business on the agenda.

Motion L (2007/08)

The meeting agreed to accept an alteration to the Motion in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 15.9, which was circulated with the second despatch of papers. The text of the alteration is shown in the last paragraph.

Itwas movedby Councillor Griffithand secondedby CouncillorGmmh Rahman Khan that:


“This Council recognises the cultural diversity of Haringey and wishes to celebrate the contribution of the Barbadian community, particularly in the fields of race relations, community and police relations, education, and the judiciary.


This Council notes that the proposal for this link has come from the Barbadian Government. The proposal will establish links between a number of schools in the Borough, specifically Highgate Wood School and St. Mary’s Primary, and those in Holetown, specifically St James Secondary and Primary Schools. A full programme of cultural events are proposed to promote a mutual understanding of both cultures including, theatrical shows, musicals, school exchange visits, sporting events, and other activities.


Subsequent to the meeting at which this motion is tabled there shall be no financial burden to the Council.


It is resolved that this Council recognises and approves a linking arrangement between Holetown in Barbados and Haringey”


The Motion was put to the vote and declared CARRIED unanimously.


Motion M (2007/08)


Councillor Bevan having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item took no part in the debate or votes.

Itwas movedby Councillor Butcherand secondedby CouncillorOatway that:


‘This Council,


Notes the unanimous cross-party support for Emergency Motion J passed by this Council on 18 February 2008 calling on the Government to act to reverse plans to close Post Offices in Haringey.


Further notes the new and innovative plans by Essex County Council to rescue its Post Offices.


Believes that Haringey Council can also have a positive approach to help to save Post Offices in Haringey


And resolves to,


a)     Look more closely at the Essex CC plans to see whether these may be adopted in Haringey.

b)     Contact the Post Office to discuss options open to the Council and request financial information of threatened Post Offices. 

c)      Support threatened Post Offices by providing Council services in Post Offices in Haringey.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Bob Harris and seconded by Councillor Meehan that :

  • In point a) after ‘Look more closely at the’ insert the words “financial viability of the”


  • Delete ‘Support’ in point c) and replace with ‘Examine supporting’.


·        Insert a new point d) to read “Call upon the post office to be open and transparent in its consultation process and to examine more innovative ways of using post offices, bearing in mind their role in providing a public service”


On being put to the vote there were 28 in favour of the amendment and 26 against and it was declared carried.

The substantive motion as amended was then put to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 123.