Agenda and minutes

Full Council
Monday, 16th July, 2007 7.30 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Ken Pryor  2915

No. Item


To receive apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Dodds, Mughal and Portess.




To ask the Mayor to consider the admission of any late items of business in accordance with Section 100B of the Local Government Act 1972


See items 26, 28  and 34.



Declarations of Interest

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgement of the public interest.


Members were asked by the Mayor to declare any personal interest in respect of items on the agenda.  In accordance with Part 2 of the Members Code of Conduct set out in the Council’s Constitution, any Member disclosing a personal interest which was also prejudicial would be asked to withdraw from the Chamber during consideration of the item and neither were they to seek to improperly influence a decision on the said item.


Councillor Gmmh Rahman Khan declared a personal interest in the report on Members attendance and the Standards Committee Annual report, as these contained details of his attendance and his registered gifts and hospitality.


Councillor Dobbie declared a personal interest in Motion A as he was an employee of the North Middlesex University Hospital.


Councillor Cooke declared a personal interest in the item on Opposition Business on “the future of Alexandra Palace”, as he was Chair of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board.


Councillor Haley declared a personal interest in Motion A, as he worked for a Mental Health Trust.


Councillor Dogus declared a personal interest in the report on the Mayor and Deputy Mayor’s allowances as she was Deputy Mayor. She also declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Motion A as an employee of Haringey and Barnet Mental Health Trust.


Councillor Davies declared a personal interest in Motion A as an employee of the Health Care Commission, which regulated the NHS.


Councillor Bloch declared a personal interest in Motion A as a non-executive Director of Haringey PCT.


Councillor Thompson declared a personal interest in the report on the Mayor and Deputy Mayor’s allowances as he was the Mayor.




To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 21 May 2007.


Copies of the Minutes of the last meeting having been circulated were taken as read.




That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 21 May 2007 be signed as a true record.



To receive such communications as the Mayor may lay before the Council


1.      The Mayor, on behalf of the Council, congratulated Clasford Stirling who received the MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List.  Clasford’s work over many years with the youth of the Borough was highly regarded. The Mayor commented that this honour was very well deserved.


2.      The Mayor also announced that Cllr Brian Haley received the Freedom of the City of London in May, and passed on the Council’s  congratulations to him on this special honour.


3.      The Mayor commented that it had been a very special month for awards and the Mayor invited the Council to join with him in congratulating all the winners of the Better Haringey awards, including schools, council staff, residents and businesses across the borough.


The Mayor also congratulate staff who organised the awards and the first-ever Haringey Green Fair, as well as all those residents who braved the rain to make the event such a success.


The Mayor commented that there were too many Better Haringey award-winners to mention them all, but the Mayor highlighted the Parks Service, which won the Best Council Service Award, and which had done so much to help us towards the Authority’s ambition to become the Greenest Borough in London. The service had already helped the Council win seven Green Flag awards for its parks, the most in London, and the Authority was hoping for more good news on that front when this year’s Green Flag Awards were announced on 18 July 2007.


The Mayor also congratulated the finance, IT and customer service teams for their success in achieving a runner-up place in last month’s Municipal Journal Local Government Achievement Awards 2007, in the Efficiency Achievement of the Year category.


4.      The Mayor also commented that he had been privileged to attend the MASSIVE event at Alexandra Palace last month, which included more than 600 school students from across the borough on stage, demonstrating their fantastic musical talent. He congratulated the organisers, and reminded the Council that this was exactly the sort of event that as Mayor he was hoping to encourage and support through his Special Fund in 2007/08.


5.      The Mayor presented Cllr Gina Adamou with the Past Mayor’s Certificate in appreciation for the service that she and her Escort Andreas rendered to the borough in 2006/07.   


6. The Mayor, on behalf of the Council congratulated Councillor Meehan who was celebrating his birthday.  


To receive the report of the Chief Executive

To follow


The Mayor agreed to admit the report as urgent business. The report dealt with matters considered at Party Group meetings within the last few days. These required approval to permit appointments to Council committees to be made.



That the membership of the Remuneration Committee be increased by two places (1 per party) and that Councillors Adje and Portess be added to the membership. That Councillor Catherine Harris replace Councillor Rainger on this body.

That Councillor Aitken replace Councillor Mughal on the Pensions Committee.



To receive the reports of the Monitoring Officer and Head of Legal Services

To follow


There were no items to report.


To make appointments to Outside Bodies

To follow


The Mayor agreed to admit the report as urgent business. The report dealt with matters considered at Party Group meetings within the last few days. These required approval to permit appointments to outside bodies to be made.



            That appointments to outside bodies as detailed in the attached appendix be agreed.



To consider requests to receive Deputations and/or Petitions and, if approved, to receive them


Two deputations were received – the first from Nicky Price and Annie Whyte in respect of the Tottenham Carnival Event, the second deputation from Diane Thompson and Steven Friday in respect of funding for Lemuel Findlay Supplementary School.


Members asked questions of the deputations and received responses thereto.


The Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Lifelong Learning responded to the deputation on Tottenham carnival.


The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People responded to the deputation on Lemuel Findlay Supplementary School.


The Chair thanked each deputation for their presentation.



Opposition business: To consider Opposition business submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule No.12



The Chief Executive read a statement advising the Council that as they were meeting as a local authority, they would be exercising their general duty as elected Councillors to represent their constituents and the broader interests of Council inhabitants/Council tax payers.


Members were advised that they should refrain from discussing matters from the standpoint of Trustees and to be aware of the delicate stage that the progress towards leasing the Palace had reached and in particular the threat of legal action against the Charity Commission.


The opposition gave notice of their wish to debate “the future of Alexandra Palace”.  Following a succinct commentary by Councillor Williams on the future of Alexandra Palace, Councillor Cooke responded on behalf of the Majority Group.


The Mayor thanked both Councillors Williams and Cooke for their contributions.



To consider a report of the Chief Executive proposing an increase in respect of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor's allowances.




1.      That the annual allowance paid to the Mayor be raised from £10,000 p.a. to £15,000 p.a.

2.      That the percentage paid to the Deputy Mayor at 25% of the Mayor’s allowance be maintained, thereby raising the Deputy Mayor’s allowance to £3,750 p.a.



To appoint a Section 151 Officer




1.      That the Acting Director of Finance undertake the role of Section 151 officer on a permanent basis.

2.      That the Council’s Constitution be amended to reflect this and those issues detailed in the report.



To receive a revised statement of Councillors attendance at meetings of the Council, Committees and Sub-Committees for 2006/7




That the circulated revised statement of attendance be noted.



To answer questions, if any, in accordance with Council Rules of Procedure Nos. 9 & 10


The Mayor agreed to the admission of this Item as urgent business. Under Standing Orders, notice of questions was not requested until eight clear days before the meeting, following which matters raised had to be researched and replies prepared, in order to be given at the meeting.


There were 8 oral questions and 27 for written answer.


Oral Questions 7 & 8 were not reached in the allotted time and written answers would be supplied to these questions.



To receive reports from the following bodies

a)     The Cabinet – Report No.1/2007-08

b)     Standards Committee – Report No.1/2007-08

c)      Audit Committee – Report No.1/2007-08

d)     Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Report No.1/2007-08




The Leader of the Council commented that he would be writing to the former Prime Minister thanking him for his services to the Country and the people of Haringey.




1.      That the Cabinet report number 1 be received and adopted.

2.      That the Standards Committee Annual Report be received and adopted.


3.      That the Audit Committee report number 1 be received and adopted.

4.      That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s Committee report number 1 be received and the recommendation in respect of establishing a joint Scrutiny Committee with the terms of reference as detailed, be adopted.




To consider the following Motions in accordance with Council Rules of Procedure No. 13


MOTION A (2007/08):


Councillor Bob Harris has given notice that he will move in the following terms:


“This Council notes the contents of the Annual Health Survey and the need to improve health services in the borough.


It calls upon the PCT to ensure that the forthcoming primary care strategy meets the needs of the people of Haringey, especially in parts of the borough currently not well served.


This Council shares the concerns of many in the local community who want locally accessible health services, and will fight to ensure that in any redevelopment of St Ann’s Hospital its health facilities are retained or reprovided in an improved way with full consultation and mutual agreement.”


MOTION B (2007/08):


Councillor Oakes has given notice that he will move in the following terms:


“This Council notes


The long-standing promise by the Council to repair Alexandra Park Library, the continuing deterioration of Muswell Hill Library and the structural problems of Stroud Green Library.


This Council further notes the concern of residents and unions that current proposals may compromise the quality of the library service to the borough.


This Council resolves to reassure residents that plans are in hand for the refurbishment of all three libraries and that infrastructure changes will in no way prejudice the present standards of the service”.



It was moved by Councillor Bob Harris and seconded by Councillor Adamou that:


“This Council notes the contents of the Annual Health Survey and the need to improve health services in the borough.


It calls upon the PCT to ensure that the forthcoming primary care strategy meets the needs of the people of Haringey, especially in parts of the borough currently not well served.


This Council shares the concerns of many in the local community who want locally accessible health services, and will fight to ensure that in any redevelopment of St Ann’s Hospital its health facilities are retained or reprovided in an improved way with full consultation and mutual agreement.”


Councillor B Harris advised that he accepted the amendment to the MOTION as proposed in the following terms:


Insert at end after “full consultation and mutual agreement” in paragraph 3


“In particular this Council calls upon the PCT to ensure that there is full and proper consultation, with all patients registered at each practise, over the relocation of each individual GP practise to a polyclinic on a practise by practise basis, if this aspect of the Health Strategy is approved in forthcoming consultations.


“In addition, the PCT must undertake to consult, through appropriate channels, what transport changes may be necessary to ensure that all patients can reach local health services, and ensure that where this is not possible health services are provided in the home or transport provided by the health facility.”


Under Standing Orders, as it had reached 10pm, the amended Motion as accepted by Councillor Bob Harris was put to the vote and unanimously declared CARRIED.



Appendix 1 - Outside body appointments