Agenda and minutes

Full Council
Monday, 5th February, 2007 7.30 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Ken Pryor  2915

No. Item


To receive apologies for absence


Apologies for lateness were received from Councillors Beynon, and for absence from Councillors Baker, Bloch, Canver, Demirci, Haley, Oakes, C.Harris and Rainger.



To ask the Mayor to consider the admission of any late items of business in accordance with Section 100B of the Local Government Act 1972




Declarations of Interest

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgement of the public interest.


Councillor Adje declared a personal interest in item 11 – Financial planning, as he was an employee of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority for which a portion of the precept was paid to.


Councillor Butcher declared a personal interest in item 11 – Financial planning, as he was an appointed Member of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority for which a portion of the precept was paid to.


Councillor Reith declared a personal interest in item 11 – Financial planning, as she was an appointed Member of London Travel Watch for which a portion of the precept was paid to.


Councillor Engert declared a personal interest in item 11 – Financial planning, as she was an appointed Member of London Travel Watch for which a portion of the precept was paid to.



To ask Members whether they need to make a declaration in accordance with Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act in lreation to unpaid community charge or council tax liability which is two months or more oustanding.

Members to whom this applies must make a declaration if they are present at any part of the meeting and must not vote on any matter relating to the budget.  It is not sufficient for such members to refrain from voting or to absent themselves from the chamber for particular parts of the meeting.


Members were reminded of the need to consider whether they needed to make a declaration in accordance with Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 in relation to unpaid community charge or council tax liability, which was two months or more outstanding. 


No such declarations were made.



To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 8 January 2007 pdf icon PDF 45 KB


Copies of the Minutes having been circulated, they were taken as read. Councillor Dobbie advised in respect of Minute CNCL 78 that Councillor Davies had left the meeting having declared a personal and prejudicial interest at Minute CNCL 69. 



That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 8 January 2007 be signed as a true record, subject to showing Councillor Davies as having left the meeting at Minute CNCL 78.



To receive such communications as the Mayor may lay before the Council



1.      The Mayor sadly reported the death of Adelaide Tambo, Freeman of the Borough, and widow of former African National Congress President Oliver Tambo, who passed away at her home in Johannesburg last Wednesday at the age of 77.


The Mayor on behalf of the Council extended her deepest sympathy to the family Mrs Tambo.


Councillors Meehan, Lister and Hoban spoke paying tribute to Mrs Tambo.


The meeting observed one minute silence as a mark of respect.


2.      The Mayor congratulated the young people of the borough who attended the Speak Out Challenge at Greig City Academy on 18th January 2007. The Mayor stated that she was very impressed with the standard of public speaking and that all schools that took part should be praised for their efforts. The Mayor on behalf of the Council said ‘well done’ to all the schools that entered.


3.      The Mayor, in continuing the theme of young people – stated that Councillor Liz Santry and herself had been delighted to welcome the pupils from Noel Park Primary school on 30 January 2007.  Both enjoyed meeting the newly elected council members for the School and answering their many interesting questions about Haringey Council.


4.      The Mayor also commented on the formation of the Haringey Youth Forum which represented young people from across the spectrum of secondary schools and youth organisation in the borough.  On behalf of the Council the Mayor passed on the Council’s very good wishes for their success.


5.      The Mayor passed on her thanks to all those who attended the ceremonies to mark the Holocaust Memorial Day particularly at Bruce Castle Park on Sunday 28th January 2007.


6.      The Mayor congratulated Cllr Lorna Reith, who had been appointed Deputy Chair of London Travel Watch, previously known as the London Transport Users Committee, which is the official watchdog organisation representing the interests of transport users in the capital.  The Mayor also congratulated Councillor Engert on her appointment to London Travel Watch.


7.      The Mayor concluded that for those who had made new years’ resolutions to keep fit she recommended the Valentine Dance on 10th February at the Goan Community Centre.  More details would be on Harinet. There would also be a Comedy Night at the Kings Head in Crouch End on 13th February – all proceeds from these events would go to the Mayor’s Special Fund.

8.      The Leader of the Council placed on record the Council’s thanks to Andrew Travers, Director of Corporate Resources, who was leaving the Council’s employment to take up a post with the London Development Agency. The Mayor, Councillor Rahman Khan and Councillor Adje also placed their thanks and best wishes on record.



To receive the report of the Chief Executive


There were no matters to report.



To receive the reports of the Monitoring Officer and Head of Legal Services


There were no matters to report.



To consider requests to receive Deputations and/or Petitions and, if approved, to receive them



A deputation from Mr Mario Petrou in respect of St Anne’s Hospital was received.


Questions were then put to Mr Petrou.


The Mayor thanked Mr Petrou for his attendance.


A deputation from Ms Sonja Scantlebury in respect of Lymington Avenue businesses was received.


Questions were then put to Ms Scantlebury.


The Mayor thanked Ms Scantlebury for her attendance.



To consider a "State of the Borough" report by the Leader of the Council


The Leader of the Council, Councillor George Meehan, gave the following “State of the Borough” address:


Madam Mayor, fellow Councillors, Chief Executive, Officers, ladies and gentlemen.


May I start by saying how much pleasure it gives me to present to the Chamber the first State of the Borough Speech of this new Labour administration.


The people of the borough once again returned a Labour administration to run this Council on their behalf in May 2006 and my colleagues and I are proud to serve local people once again.


This State of the Borough speech means a great deal to me.


The more experienced Members in the Chamber will no doubt recall my previous State of the Borough speeches pledging, and reporting on, change, improvement, and progress for our residents.


This speech is different, for the achievements of Labour in transforming Haringey are now recognized nationally and this Council is now recognised as a high performing Council.


Recognition from the Audit Commission that we are this year, as an authority, "improving well", as we were for the first time last year, is testament to the determination with which myself and my colleagues have pursued improvements and driven through a transformation in the quality of council services.


What is more important, however, is that Haringey's residents share this confidence in their Council.  Residents have also noted the improvements that we have achieved, and will continue to achieve, as demonstrated in the recently published Residents Survey.


Evidence, Madam Mayor, as if it were needed, that Labour are the only party capable of governing Haringey Council.


I truly believe that we are now well prepared to achieve in the next few years a four star rating for this Council.


I believe that we can, and that we will, reach our goal of becoming an excellent Council, not just in the eyes of the Audit Commission but in the eyes of our residents as well.


The passion of my fellow Labour Councillors, and as I am in a generous mood - Members on the opposite side of the Chamber too - together with the dedication of our Council's officers, suggests to me that we all have our sight on the same goal: delivering excellent services for our Residents to improve the quality of life for everyone in the borough. They deserve no less!


To those of us on this side of the Chamber, excellent services are not just an end in themselves.  They are the means by which we deliver our programme of improvement for local people and through which we improve life chances for residents and transform our communities.


To us, excellent services are what enable us to achieve and drive forward the Labour agenda for which local people voted.


Haringey is the tenth most deprived local authority in England. This fact should unite all of us in this Chamber in our drive to improve the quality of life for our all diverse communities, to tackle inequality and to address the poverty  ...  view the full minutes text for item 88.


To receive the Executive report number 13-2006/7 - Financial Planning 2007/08 to 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Additional documents:


Councillor Mallett introduced the Executive Report 13-2006/07 – Financial Planning 2007/08 to 2010/11. A debate ensued and other Members contributed to the discussion. 


On a VOTE there being 28 for, and 22 against, it was




That report 13 /2006-7 of the Executive be received and adopted and that the following recommendations contained in the appendix to report number 13 be agreed:

1.      To agree the changes and variations set out at paragraph 9 and appendix B.


2.      To note the outcome of the consultation processes set out at paragraph 11.


3.      To agree the new savings and investment proposals set out in paragraphs 12 and 13 and appendices D and E.


4.      To agree the proposals for the children’s services (DSG) budget set out in appendix F.


5.      To agree the proposals for the HRA budget set out in appendix G.


6.      To agree the proposals for the capital programme set out in appendices H and J.


7.      To agree the treasury management strategy and policy and prudential limits set out in appendix K.


8.      To agree the proposed general fund budget requirement of £384.602m, subject to the final settlement and the decisions of precepting and levying authorities, and the consequences for council tax levels.


9.      To note that the final decision on budget and council tax for 2007/8 will be made at the Council meeting on 19 February.



To receive the Executive report number 12-2006/7: pdf icon PDF 103 KB

In accordance with Council Rules of Procedure No. 12(1), the Chief Executive will submit a report, if appropriate, listing any recommendations from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee requiring policy change of executive action.




That Executive report number 12 be received and adopted.



To consider the following Motions in accordance with Council Rules of Procedure No. 13

MOTION P (2006/7):


Councillor Mughal has given notice that he will move in the following terms:


 “This Council recognises the vital role played by private sector businesses towards the present and future economic well being of Haringey and its residents, and believes that more work needs to be done to make Haringey an attractive place to do business, and to foster an enterprise culture within the Council.


This Council therefore resolves to make 2007 the 'year of business' for the Council, pursuing with greater vigour the promotion of enterprise in the borough wherever possible, including through the production and promotion, through council publications, of business directories for the borough; the creation of a business services desk in the Council, with the establishment of identified business champions in appropriate council departments, and the development and promotion of a brand for Haringey as a great place to do business”.


MOTION Q (2006/07):


Councillor Whyte has given notice that she will move in the following terms:

This Council believes that the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which came into force on 1st January 2005, is a significant and most welcome piece of legislation in empowering citizens and ensuring all forms of government and public bodies are effectively scrutinised and held to account.  This Council celebrates the significant benefits of this legislation to the public which far exceed its administrative costs.


This Council believes that it is vital that the Freedom of Information legislation is better publicised throughout Haringey and that every step should be taken to ensure that this Council meets all relevant requests for information within the specified time requirements set out by the legislation.


This Council also opposes current proposals to significantly change, after a very short period of time, the administration of this significant legislation, especially relating to the dangerous proposal that unrelated requests by the same individual or organisation to an authority should be aggregated and refused if the aggregated cost exceed the specified financial limits.   This Council believes this proposal could severely ration use of the Act by the local media and campaigning organisations.


This Council urges Haringey’s two Members of Parliament to defend the basic principles of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and to ensure that the harmful proposals as set out in the current consultation by the Department of Constitutional Affairs are opposed.




The two Motions P & Q were not heard due the lack of time.