Agenda and minutes

Full Council
Monday, 9th October, 2006 7.30 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Ken Pryor  2915

No. Item


To receive apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Dobbie and Edge.



To ask the Mayor to consider the admission of any late items of business in accordance with Section 100B of the Local Government Act 1972


See minutes 41, 43  & 45.




Declarations of Interest

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgement of the public interest.


Members were asked by the Mayor to declare any personal interest in respect of items on the agenda.  In accordance with Part 2 of the Members Code of Conduct set out in the Council Constitution, any Member disclosing a personal interest which was also prejudicial would be asked to withdraw from the Chamber during consideration of the item and neither were they to seek to improperly influence a decision on the said item.


Councillors Mallett and Engert declared a personal interest in in respect of Item 13  - Motion G.


Councillors Davies and Rainger made a personal and prejudicial declaration in respect of Item 13  – Motion G.



To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 17 July 2006


Copies of the Minutes having been circulated, they were taken as read.



That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 17 July

2006 be signed as a true record.



To receive such communications as the Mayor may lay before the Council


  1. The Mayor announced the death of Lady Naomi Ellen Sargant McIntosh who died on Sunday 23 July.  The Mayor informed the meeting that Lady McIntosh was a member when Haringey Council was formed over 40 years ago and that she served South Hornsey Ward from 1964 – 1968. The Mayor commented that a number of Councillors would have had the opportunity to meet Lady McIntosh and Lord McIntosh during the 40th Anniversary celebration in April 2005. 


The Leader of the Council spoke in tribute to Lady McIntosh.  Councillor Oakes also spoke in tribute.


The meeting stood for a 1 minute silence in memory of Lady McIntosh.


  1. On behalf of the Council the Mayor expressed her delighted in receiving 5 awards at the London in Bloom Ceremony in September. These were well deserved  1st prizes for The Gardens’ Community Garden and Arocaria for Best London Restaurant.  Prizes also for West Green Common for Sustainable Planting Award and to the Faltering Fullback for Best Blooming Pub.   The London Borough of Haringey also received a Silver Gilt Award.  The Mayor congratulated the Parks Department and all those who had worked so hard to help achieve these awards.


  1. The Mayor reminded those present that Remembrance Sunday would be on 12th November.  There were 3 services in the Borough. The Civic Service at 10.45am at Wood Green War Memorial, High Road. The Mayor reported that sadly the Wood Green Branch of the Royal British Legion disbanded this Summer. The service of Remembrance would be led by Bill Stracken a former Parade Marshall for the Royal British Legion. 


10.45am Hornsey Garden of Remembrance, next to St Mary’s Chapel,  Hornsey High Street. The Service would be conducted by the Hornsey Royal British Legion and those attending were to meet in the Church grounds at 10.45am.


10.45am Tottenham War Memorial. A service would be conducted by the Tottenham Royal British Legion and those attending were to meet  at the Tottenham War Memorial at 10.45am


The Mayor on behalf of the Royal British Legion asked everyone to support the Poppy Appeal for 2006.


The Mayor thanked all the members of the Wood Green Royal British Legion for all their hard work for veterans of past and current conflicts and for the role they had played in organising the annual Service of Remembrance.



To receive an update and presentation on Alexandra Palace - Chair of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board.


The Chair of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board gave a brief update and presentation in respect of Alexandra Palace. Members asked questions and these were responded to by the Chair.




That the presentation from the Chair of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board be noted.


To receive the report of the Chief Executive (to follow)


The Mayor agreed to admit the report as urgent business. The report dealt with matters considered at Party Group meetings within the last few days. These required approval to permit appointments to Council committees to be made.




That the Membership changes as detailed below be agreed:


Disciplinary/Dismissal Appeals/ Job Evaluation Appeals/ Grievance Panel


All eligible Labour Group Members added to the pool.

The following Liberal Democrat members to also be added:

Councillors: Reid, Whyte, Beynon, Davies, Alexander, Wilson, Edge and Oatway


Haringey Council and Employee JCC


Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Housing to be added to Membership (Councillors Meehan and Diakides).


Pensions Panel


Councillor Aitken to replace Councillor Davies.



To receive the report of the Head of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer (to follow).


There were no matters to report.



To make appointments to Outside Bodies.


The Mayor agreed to admit the report as urgent business. The report dealt with matters considered at Party Group meetings within the last few days. These required approval to permit appointments to outside bodies to be made.




That appointments to outside bodies as detailed in the attached appendix be agreed.



To consider requests to receive Deputations and/or Petitions and, if approved, to receive them


A petition was submitted by on behalf of Muswell Hill and Highgate Pensioners Action Group in respect of the Muswell Hill Library proposals.  Members asked questions of the petitioners and the replies were duly noted.


The Mayor thanked Pamela Jefferys for attending.



To answer questions, if any, in accordance with Council Rules of Procedure Nos. 9 & 10


The Mayor agreed to the admission of this report as urgent business.  Under Standing Orders, notice of questions was not requested until eight clear days before the meeting, following which matters raised had to be researched and replies prepared, in order to be given at the meeting.


There were 10 oral questions and 27 for written answer. Oral Questions 8-10 were not reached in the allotted time and written answers would therefore be supplied to these questions.



To receive reports from the following bodies

a)     The Executive – Report 4, 5 and 6. 2006/7


In accordance with Council Rules of Procedure No. 12(1), the Chief Executive will submit a report, if appropriate, listing any recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee requiring policy change or executive action.



The Leader, in reporting the activities the Executive, commented on a visit to a resident of the Borough who had celebrated their 105th Birthday.  The Leader commented that as part of the duties as Leader, it was a delightful occasion and on behalf of the Authority had wished the resident well.


The Leader reported that the CPA and Joint Area Review inspection reports would be available on Harinet from 10 October and highlighted key points from these.  




That reports 4, 5 and 6 of the Executive be received and adopted.



To consider Motion F in accordance with Council Rules of Procedure No. 13

MOTION F (2006/07):


Councillor Williams has given notice that he will move in the following terms:


“This Council wishes to express its concern at the recent criticisms of the Council’s allocations policy, which have come from both the Audit Commission and the Council’s own Cross-Party Scrutiny Review.


Council notes;


·        That as long ago as 2000 the Housing Service was made aware that it was operating an unlawful and discriminatory lettings policy.

·        That 24000 families are currently on the housing register of whom 5800 are in temporary accommodation; Government targets will force the Council to reduce this by 50% by 2010.

·        Applicants for permanent housing and transfers have been told that points may have been wrongly calculated and will have to re-register their details.

·        This crisis in the Housing Service threatens the Council’s plans to obtain £238m of funding from the Government for housing improvements and may jeopardise attaining the Decent Homes Standard.


In view of these serious failings Council calls on the Lead Member for Housing to resign and for the Council to arrange independent oversight of the allocations system and housing register, so that no applicant for housing or existing tenant suffers discrimination or disadvantage as a result of the mismanagement of the allocations system”.


MOTION G (2006/07):


Councillor Haley has given notice that he will move in the following terms:


"This Council welcomes the current Transport for London campaign to “Share the Road”, supported by a wide range of road user organisations including London Cycle Campaign (LCC), the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), Living Streets, the Motorcycle Industry Association and the Freight Transport Association.


The campaign aims to help the growing trend for cycling to work by encouraging consideration from motorists and cyclists alike to make sure everyone feels safer and more confident on the road, especially those on cycles.


This Council is committed to working to increase cycle use among residents and employees in Haringey, and resolves to support the campaign and promote cycling and considerate road use in the borough through active publicity and as part of its wider commitment to enabling people to use greener transport and to take more exercise."


It was moved by Councillor Williams and seconded by Councillor C Harris



“This Council wishes to express its concern at the recent criticisms of the Council’s allocations policy, which have come from both the Audit Commission and the Council’s own Cross-Party Scrutiny Review.


Council notes;


·        That as long ago as 2000 the Housing Service was made aware that it was operating an unlawful and discriminatory lettings policy.

·        That 24000 families are currently on the housing register of whom 5800 are in temporary accommodation; Government targets will force the Council to reduce this by 50% by 2010.

·        Applicants for permanent housing and transfers have been told that points may have been wrongly calculated and will have to re-register their details.

·        This crisis in the Housing Service threatens the Council’s plans to obtain £238m of funding from the Government for housing improvements and may jeopardise attaining the Decent Homes Standard.


In view of these serious failings Council calls on the Lead Member for Housing to resign and for the Council to arrange independent oversight of the allocations system and housing register, so that no applicant for housing or existing tenant suffers discrimination or disadvantage as a result of the mismanagement of the allocations system”.


An amendment to the motion was moved by Councillor Meehan and seconded by Councillor Bull proposing:


Delete all after “This Council ” in the first line, and replace with:


“recognizes the progress being made in improving the performance of housing services in our borough.


This Council notes the plans set out for further advances in the performance of this service in recent reports to the Executive from the Executive Member for Housing and the Chair of Overview & Scrutiny, taking on board all the comments and suggestions in the Audit Commission’s report, which was commissioned by the Council for this purpose.


This Council notes that the recently completed review of the lettings policy to comply with new legislative requirements and to reflect the council’s increased emphasis on overcrowding and local connections issues has been ongoing since 2003 and further notes that the current review of the housing register is an administrative process, which allows the Council to ensure that all applicant’s details are up to date and to remove households who no longer wish to remain on the register.


This Council notes that the delivery of the 2010 temporary accommodation reduction target is a key project for the current Administration. A comprehensive temporary accommodation reduction plan is in place, which will see this Council achieve the required 50% reduction by the 2010 deadline. The plan brings together the following five main areas of activity:


·        Prevention activity to reduce the numbers entering the system and temporary accommodation

·        Development of alternative housing options, especially in the private rented sector

·        Delivery of affordable and intermediate housing options and maximisation of existing stock

·        Conversion of existing units of temporary accommodation into assured shorthold tenancies

·        Legal propriety and robust action on client fraud


This council notes the progress already made against this plan,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47.


To consider Motion G in accordance with Council Rules of Procedure No. 13


MOTION G (2006/07):


Councillors Davies and Rainger, having earlier declared a personal and prejudicial interest withdrew from the proceedings.


It was moved by Councillor Haley and seconded by Councillor Jones that:


"This Council welcomes the current Transport for London campaign to “Share the Road”, supported by a wide range of road user organisations including London Cycle Campaign (LCC), the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), Living Streets, the Motorcycle Industry Association and the Freight Transport Association.


The campaign aims to help the growing trend for cycling to work by encouraging consideration from motorists and cyclists alike to make sure everyone feels safer and more confident on the road, especially those on cycles.


This Council is committed to working to increase cycle use among residents and employees in Haringey, and resolves to support the campaign and promote cycling and considerate road use in the borough through active publicity and as part of its wider commitment to enabling people to use greener transport and to take more exercise."


An amendment to the motion was moved by Councillor Newton and seconded by Councillor Williams proposing :


Add in the last line after ” exercise” ,:


“This council also notes the vital role of pedestrians and walking in promoting greener transport in the borough, and regrets the indiscriminate granting of vehicular crossings without proper regard to the rights of way and safety of pedestrians. This council therefore resolves to always adhere fully to the 4.8 metre house-to-pavement guidance in the granting of vehicular crossovers, to ensure that pedestrians are not forced to compete with road traffic in order to avoid parked vehicles overhanging and obstructing the pavement.


This council adopts a coordinated approach between Council Departments to the granting of such crossovers and resolves to introduce Article 4 directions so that the safety of pedestrians on pavements is assured and the pavements of the borough better protected for use and enjoyment of present and future Haringey citizens.”


The Amendment was then put to the meeting and declared LOST.


The substantive Motion was then put to the meeting and declared unanimously CARRIED.