Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 26th October, 2009 6.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Natalie Cole  2919


No. Item



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at the meeting.


Additional documents:


It was noted that the meeting was web-cast.


Apologies for Absence

Additional documents:


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Canver and Newton and Helena Kania (LINk).


Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business. (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with at item 17 below).

Additional documents:


There was no urgent business.


Declarations of Interest

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgment of the public interest and if this interest affects their financial position or the financial position of a person or body as described in paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct and/or if it relates to the determining of any approval, consent, licence, permission or registration in relation to them or any person or body described in paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct.

Additional documents:


Councillor Bull declared a personal interest in agenda items 6 (Cabinet Member for Housing Services questions) and 12 (Homes for Haringey Half Year Performance Report) as he was a Council leaseholder.


Councillor Aitken declared personal interests in items 6 (Cabinet Member for Housing Services questions), 11 (Decent Homes Half Year Report) and 12 (Homes for Haringey Half Year Performance Report) as he was a Council tenant.


Councillor Mallett declared a personal interest in item15 (Support to Carers) as she was a carer.



To consider any requests received in accordance with Part 4, Section B, paragraph 29 of the Council’s constitution.

Additional documents:


There were no deputations, petition, presentations or questions.



Briefing and answers to questions from Councillor Bevan, Cabinet Member for Housing Services.

Additional documents:


The Committee received the briefing and advance questions from Councillor Bevan, Cabinet Member for Housing Services, and Members were invited to ask supplementary questions.


In response to the Committee’s concerns about the future of sheltered housing, Niall Bolger (Director of Urban Environment) explained that: sheltered housing covered a range of care from light-touch to more intensive extra care depending on individual needs; current housing was not necessarily fit for purpose and there was a gap in provision and a reconfiguration of the service would enable better provision. The Committee requested a briefing note on the reasoning behind plans to demolish four of the Borough’s sheltered housing units.


The Committee noted that the Older People’s Housing Strategy would look at meeting service users’ requirements without moving them out of their homes.


The Committee would be sent more information on the length of time households were housed in Temporary Accommodation. Phil Harris (Assistant Director of Strategic and Community Housing) informed members that households were given the choice on whether to accept a permanent dwelling or remain in Temporary Accommodation.


The Committee requested 3-monthly updates on Fire Risk Assessments in high rise blocks.


The Committee noted that a decision had not been made on whether to cap leaseholder charges for digital aerials (IRS system) but consultations with residents were taking place and results would be considered and further work on the strategy for introducing the digital aerials would be conducted.


The Committee emphasised the need to conduct maintenance work to Council properties at the same time as works on the Decent Homes programme.




That the briefing be noted.


CABINET MEMBER QUESTIONS: CABINET MEMBER for Environment and Conservation pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Briefing and answers to questions from Councillor Haley, Cabinet Member for Environment and Conservation.

Additional documents:


The Committee received the briefing and advance questions from Councillor Haley, Cabinet Member for Environment and Conservation, and Members were invited to ask supplementary questions.  Council officers Beverley Taylor (Assistant Director – Frontline Services) and Joan Hancox (Head Of Sustainable Transport) were in attendance.


The Committee highlighted the difference in the cleanliness and maintenance between roads under the responsibility of Homes for Haringey (HfH) and public highways and officers recognised the need to inspect but highlighted that those roads under HfH were considered private roads.  The Committee were informed that the Council used a contractor to monitor performance and perception of street cleanliness across the Borough and HfH estates. The Committee requested a briefing note on the strategy to deal with litter and maintenance in HfH streets.  Committee members would be sent a schedule of environmental maintenance of areas by postcode as well as results of surveys detailing residents’ perceptions.


Committee members questioned the safety implications of faded road markings and officers explained that road maintenance and public safety were priorities including pavement defects; road makings were renewed when transport schemes were put in place.


The Committee was informed that in addition to investing in the coaching and physiotherapy of elite athletes in the Borough the Council had submitted a bid for Haringey to be a training venue during the 2012 Olympic Games and further funding, if received, would be used to redevelop the White Hart Lane sports centre.   Local residents had also been involved in the pre-volunteering programme and local businesses would also benefit.  The Committee requested a briefing note on how the £180k Olympic fund would be used.


The Committee questioned whether the Borough was working with local bus operators to improve routes for the benefit of the community. Officers affirmed that transport liaison meetings took place and people could feed into discussions about the development of services and routes by contacting Joan Hancox, Councillor Haley or Malcolm Smith (Team Leader, Transportation).  In response to concerns that transport in the Borough should be more inclusive of older and disabled people, the Director of Urban Environment explained that a new mobility scheme had recently been launched where vehicles were available to transport people with disabilities.




That the briefing be noted.



To receive the half yearly crime performance report.

Additional documents:


The Committee received the Community Safety Half-Year report (2009/10) introduced by Jean Croot (Head of Safer Communities and Stronger Communities Service) and Dave Grant (Borough Commander).  


The Committee noted the hard work of the Borough Commander and police and Council staff, which was reflected in the performance report but expressed concern that violent crime was still rising.


In response to the Committee highlighting the recent news that armed police would patrol estates the Borough Commander explained that this did not mean that there would be routine armed patrols but these patrols would be deployed in cases of serious incidents. 


In response to the Committee’s questions about how young males at risk of being targeted by extremist groups could access support, the Borough Commander explained that the police relied on the local community to highlight young people at risk.


The Committee requested details on funding spent on delivering frontline services, which would be circulated after the meeting.  Members noted that up-to-date figures for individual wards could be found on the Metropolitan Police and Home Office websites.   


The Committee recognised the importance of victim support services being available for young people exposed to domestic violence and violent crime as well as drug support services.  The Borough Commander informed members that most schools had policies dealing with drugs; the Police would not get involved until other pathways for young people had been exhausted.  The relevant contact details for these support services would be circulated to members.




i.          That the current performance and the mitigating actions to address the areas of concern be noted;


ii.         That the ongoing arrangements for the performance management of targets under the responsibility of the Safer Communities Partnership under the Local Area Agreement (LAA) be noted.



To receive the briefing from NHS Haringey on the management of high impact users of healthcare.

Additional documents:


The Committee received the update report on the management of high intensity users of healthcare introduced by James Slater (Director of Commissioning, NHS Haringey).  The Committee noted that the report was in draft format and the final version would be circulated  


In addition to more effective arrangements for the role of the Community Matrons,  monthly meetings between the Director of Adult Services, Mr Slater and Andrew Williams (Interim Joint Chief Operating Officer NHS Haringey and Islington) had been established to discuss priority areas and a joint action plan would be brought to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee once finalised.


The Committee noted that Clinicenta was an independent sector healthcare provider, commissioned at pan-London and North London level, and funded by “top-sliced” PCT monies.  As such, NHS Haringey was commissioning a range of community-based services from Clinicenta, in addition to the services provided by NHS Haringey itself.


The Committee questioned the authority that would be given to Community Matrons.  Mr Slater explained that the role of the Community Matron would be to support, encourage and assist people to remain in their homes.  Their authority included a duty to act on issues such as neglect or abuse.


In response to the Committee’s concerns Mr Slater recognised that stroke rehabilitation had to be more local. He described the work being done across London regarding stroke e.g. the hyper-acute units into which local rehabilitation services would fit within a clear “pathway”.


The Committee noted that swine-flu vaccinations were currently being distributed to hospitals and GPs.



To receive the exceptions report on financial and performance information for the year to August 2009.


Additional documents:


The Committee received the report on the performance of the Council and partners in relation to Local Area Agreement and Sustainable Community Strategy Outcomes introduced by Eve Pelekanos (Corporate Head of Performance & Policy).


Graham Oliver (Head of Finance – Accounting Control) introduced the Finance section of the report and the Committee noted that the under-spend highlighted in the report was mainly due to schemes being deferred.  The Committee’s suggestion that Treasury Management training be provided to all members of the Council was noted by officers.


The Deputy Director – Children & Families was asked to circulate further information on costs of support to families at the different stages of service to members after the meeting.  The Committee expressed concerns that the target of 53% of children being assessed within 7-days was low.  The Deputy Director – Children & Families explained that whilst this seemed like a low target, it took into account the backlog of cases and did not mean that children were not being assessed.  The target would rise later in the year and was being closely monitored by the Government of London (GOL) and the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF).


Committee members noted, in response to their concerns about the length of time taken to complete assessments, that the Council received 200 referrals each week and prioritised using as much information as could be gathered.


The Committee asked for more information to be provided after the meeting on the cost of support provided to families at the different stages of intervention.


Information on what the Haringey Guarantee had achieved would be circulated to members.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


Clerks note:  Councillor Adamou took-over as Chair of the meeting while Councillor Bull left the room briefly


The Committee asked that the Director of Adult, Culture and Community Services informed members if any budget reductions in response to the budgetary overspend were being planned in Adults Services.


Clerks note:  Councillor Bull returned to the room and took-over as Chair of the meeting.


The Committee were informed that 15 out of the 45 performance indicators were not included in the report as the information had not been available but this information and the scorecards (which were available on the Council’s web-site) would be circulated to Committee members.




i.          That the report and the progress being made be noted.


ii.         That the Council budget changes (virements) set out in Appendix 2 of the report.



To receive the mid-year review of Year 2 of the Decent Homes programme, setting out performance to date against key performance indicators, lessons learned from year 1 and how these have been incorporated into the programme, as well key issues for years 3-5.

Additional documents:


The Committee received the Decent Homes Half Year report introduced by Paul Bridge, Chief Executive - Homes for Haringey (HfH).


In response to the Committee’s concern, the Chief Executive, HfH, recognised that there was a financial over-spend on the Decent Homes Programme, and explained that it was likely that the Programme would generate savings in the longer term and negotiations were taking place with contractors to ensure value for money. The Council established a Decent Homes Board to scrutinise and monitor the Programme and at its next meeting the Board would consider residents’ aspirations and the allocation of the funding.


The Committee noted that the Decent Homes funding package enabled national companies to bid for the work but HfH was keen to employ local contractors in the future.


Members requested details of the 10 questions in the residents’ survey and a breakdown of the answers provided and a briefing note on the cost of bringing the Borough’s four sheltered housing establishments up to the Decent Homes Standard.


Members expressed that they felt that residents’ expectations were unrealistic due to the miss-leading photographs in the Council’s Haringey People and tenant magazines.




That the progress to date with Year 2 of the Decent Homes programme be noted.



To receive the half-year performance report for Homes for Haringey.

Additional documents:


The Committee received the Homes for Haringey Half Year Performance Report, introduced by Rowann Limond (Director of Finance, Homes for Haringey (HfH)) and Paul Bridge (Chief Executive, HfH).


In response to the Committee’s concerns about the future of the four Supported Housing sites in the Borough officers clarified that HfH was responsible for the management of the sites but the future of the sites was the responsibility of the Council, which was reviewing the schemes.




That the performance of Homes for Haringey for August 2009 and the actions being taken to improve performance where targets are not being met be noted.


Scrutiny Review of Sexual Health in Teenagers pdf icon PDF 153 KB

To receive and approve the draft scope and terms of reference for a review of sexual health in teenagers.

Additional documents:


The Committee received the draft scope of the Scrutiny Review of Sexual Health in Teenagers.




That the scope, terms of reference and work plan for the review of Sexual Health in Teenagers be noted.


Engaging with Hard to Reach Communities pdf icon PDF 141 KB

To receive and approve the scope and terms of reference for a scrutiny review on engaging with hard to reach communities.


Additional documents:


The Committee received the draft scope of the Scrutiny Review of Engaging with Hard to Reach Communities.


The Committee asked what plans would be put in place to engage with young people and how services were focussed when half of the population was so young (under 31).




That the scope and terms of reference be approved.


Support to Carers pdf icon PDF 223 KB

To receive and approve the scope and terms of reference for a scrutiny review of support to carers.


Additional documents:


The Committee received the scoping report for the Scrutiny Review of Support to Carers in Haringey. 




That the Terms of Reference and scope be agreed.


SUPPORT TO VICTIMS of crime pdf icon PDF 165 KB

To receive and approve the scope and terms of reference for a review of support to victims of crime.

Additional documents:


The Committee received the scoping report for the Scrutiny Review of Support to Victims. 




That the scope, Terms of Reference and work plan be approved.


New Items of Urgent Business

Additional documents:


There were no urgent items.