Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 29th June, 2009 6.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Natalie Cole  2919


No. Item



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at the meeting.


Additional documents:


The meeting was webcast on the Council’s website.


Apologies for Absence

Additional documents:


An apology for absence was received from Gerald Almeroth, Chief Finance Officer.


Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business. (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with at item below. New items of exempt business will be dealt with at item 14 below).

Additional documents:


There were no items of urgent business.


Declarations of Interest

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgment of the public interest and if this interest affects their financial position or the financial position of a person or body as described in paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct and/or if it relates to the determining of any approval, consent, licence, permission or registration in relation to them or any person or body described in paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct.

Additional documents:


Councillor Mallett declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest in item 6 as she was a member of the Safeguarding Policy and Practice Panel.


Councillor Bull and Councillor Aitken both declared personal, non-prejudicial interests in item 7 – Housing Strategy as Councillor Bull was a Council property leaseholder and Councillor Aitken was a tenant.


Yvonne Denny declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest in item 9 – Neighbourhood Development Plan as she was a member of The Laurels Steering Group.



To consider any requests received in accordance with Part 4, Section B, paragraph 29 of the Council’s constitution.

Additional documents:


There were no such items.



To receive the report of the Council Leader, Councillor Claire Kober, on the Cabinet’s priorities for 2009/10.

Additional documents:


The Committee received a briefing on the State of the Borough and responses to questions from the Leader, Councillor Claire Kober.


The Committee requested a list of the roads that had been authorised for planned resurfacing.  


The Leader recognised the seriousness of the recession and was liaising with local shop owners to provide support but highlighted that the numbers of empty shops in the Borough were considered to be in line with other similar town centres.


The Leader outlined that the Tottenham Hotspur pre-application phase would be a catalyst for physical and social regeneration in Tottenham.  The application would include a number of set targets for regeneration when brought before the Planning Committee in the next few months.  Ward Councillors would be involved in the target setting process where legally possible. 


The Committee noted that the Council did not currently have the finances to start building Council Housing however dialogue with government on creating the opportunities for doing so were continuing. 


The Committee was informed that the Children’s Safeguarding Policy and Practice Panel had appointed an independent advisor and there would be an opportunity to review how the Panel operated next year. 


Councillor Aitken commented that consultation responses on the Council’s website for proposals for changes to the Leadership model were poor.  The Leader explained that an extensive article would shortly appear in Haringey People and, in response to comments that residents did not read Haringey People, the Leader informed the Committee that the recent resident survey highlighted clearly that Haringey People was the top source of local information for people living in the borough.


The Committee expressed concerns that reductions were being made to the Environment Service yet the report stated that there would be a named Street Enforcement Officer for every ward. The Chief Executive, Dr. O’Donovan, stated that she would ensure exact details of staffing arrangements under the new Enforcement Team Structure would be provided to Members.  The Leader agreed with the Committee that there were hotspots with high amounts of litter in the Borough and explained that officers were concentrating on and monitoring these areas.


The Committee were informed that focus groups would be established as a result of the staff survey where results showed that levels of morale were variable across the organisation.


In response to concerns on possible recent reporting of abductions the Leader explained that she had been aware of a small number of incidents which had been labelled as alleged abductions of children but on further investigation by the Police these cases had been found not to be abductions.  The Leader agreed with concerns and explained that procedures were in place to notify schools in such cases.


The Committee expressed concerns about the vacant Enterprise and Regeneration Portfolio within the Council’s Cabinet.  The Leader explained that, in accordance with the Constitution, she had shared out the duties to ensure that the regeneration portfolio was covered by other Cabinet Members.  A short report would be presented to Council on 20th July outlining  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



To receive the Council’s Housing Strategy 2009-2019.

Additional documents:


The Committee received the Council’s Housing Strategy 2009-2019 report, presented by Nick Powell, Head of Housing Strategy and Development Partnerships. 


The Committee noted that the draft Housing Strategy was an overarching strategy dealing with all housing needs in the Borough and was underpinned with smaller strategies including Homelessness, Affordable Warmth and Empty Homes.  The Housing Strategy had been the subject of extensive consultation (and linked in with the London Housing Strategy) and would be presented to full Council for formal adoption in July 2009.


Mr Powell agreed to provide Members with a briefing note on the smaller strategies within the overarching Housing Strategy, and when they were scheduled to come into practice.


Concerns were raised about whether leaseholders were being provided with options for loans or other repayment terms for maintenance and repairs works and works to bring properties up to the Decent Homes Standard (DHS). Councillor Bevan, Cabinet Member for Housing Services, explained that all new leaseholders were told of their responsibility to maintain the leased properties and repayment options were presented when necessary.  Niall Bolger, Director of Urban Environment,  stated that the Council offered the most assistance of all partners. Leaseholders could also organise a charge on the property which meant that the owed amount could be taken from the profit once the property sells.  The suggestion of loans or grants being offered to leaseholders for environmental improvements was noted.


The Committee expressed the need to link teenage pregnancy awareness with the Housing Strategy and educate young people about the Council’s provision. Awareness had been delivered by multi-agency partnerships which in the previous year prevented 63 cases of homelessness. 


In response to the Committee’s concerns that Mental Health service users had not been mentioned in the Strategy, it was explained that mental health was a priority and discussions were being held on how to improve provision. The Housing Department were involved in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment which included housing needs for people with mental health issues.


Mr Bolger added that with regards to children in care, Housing Officers were working closely with Social Workers to assist with leaving care arrangements so that people leaving care did not make housing choices that they could not manage.


The Committee noted that all future applications to build housing would go through Planning Design Officers before being brought before the Planning Committee to ensure high quality, good design and a balance between social and private sector housing.  The Government’s funding programme to kick-start energy efficient Council housing was in place and the Council had been engaging with partners and other departments on taking this forward.  A report was due to be presented to Cabinet in the near future setting out  a clear formal strategy on where Homes for Haringey should develop and the roles of partners.


The Committee questioned how “the need for culture change was stressed” as stated on page 25 of the report.  Mr Bolger explained that the Council’s Housing Options and Advice service provided advice for all options  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.



To consider a report on the feasibility of a scrutiny review of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report on the feasibility of commissioning an in-depth scrutiny review on Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), which outlined three potential options for the focus of the review.


The Committee noted that it would be a good time for the review due to the draft CAMHS Needs Assessment having been recently completed, which could be used to inform the review and which would feed into the commissioning strategy.


The Committee commented that a review would be beneficial and discussed the various options.  It was considered by officers that Option 1 (a review commissioned on a specific tier of service) would allow a more in-depth review. Option 2 was considered to fit in with the reconfiguration of services.  Option 3 was suggested although concerns were raised that this might reinforce the stigma that children in care have mental health problems.


The Chair suggested that the Terms of Reference of the review of CAMHS be agreed by the Panel when the review took place.




1.         That approval be given to the commissioning of an in-depth scrutiny review into CAMHS when resources for the review were available; and


2.         That at the point of commencing the review referred to in 1 above, the Scrutiny Panel convened for the review consider and agree either one of the three options as detailed in the report or an alternative option.



To receive the Haringey Primary Care Trust Neighbourhood Development Plan (TO FOLLOW).

Additional documents:



The Committee received an update report on the NHS Haringey’s plans for World Class Primary Care from James Slater, Director of Primary Care – NHS Haringey.  There were four active teams working on the Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDPs), which were intended to show a clinically-led view of the 3-5 years ahead for each of the four neighbourhood areas.


The Committee asked if there were likely to be any changes to the NDPs, particularly in Hornsey, in the next three years as a result of any budgetary changes.  Mr Slater explained that there were currently no plans to scale back funding and the NHS would be resourcing the relocation of existing services in Hornsey to the new health centre in accordance with the plans.


Concerns were raised by the Committee about patients who may not wish to change where they normally see doctors.  Mr Slater explained that some patients will have the option not to move with their doctors and an alternative list of surgeries would be provided. 


Mr Slater provided an update on the Neighbourhood Health Centres.  Solutions for the integration of the IT systems were being investigated at the Hornsey Central Health Centre and reception staff from the various doctors surgeries had been informed that they would be working from one reception desk.  Consultation was taking place to establish a shared reception at the Laurels Centre.  The Lordship Lane Health Centre would contain just one GP practice.


In response to questions, Mr Slater informed the Committee that there would certainly be sexual health centres at Hornsey Central, North Tottenham, Lordship Lane, Laurels and St Annes Health Centres.


A written response to the following three questions posed by local resident Mario Petrou would be provided by NHS Haringey:


1.   What was happening with the PCTs plans with St Anne’s hospital – will there be a health centre at St Anne’s?


NHS Haringey, having completed its Neighbourhood Development Plans, will review its Estates Strategy (opportune given the Council’s consultation on spatial planning).  As part of that strategy, we are committed to working in partnership with the Local Authority, BEH Mental Health Trust, The Bridge NDC & other agencies to re-develop the St Ann’s site.  We believe that an essential part of that major & long-term re-development will be a major community health facility for SE Tottenham, complementing those services provided at The Laurels and also offering some specialist or bed-based services. 


2.   Was the PCT still planning to move its Head Quarters to Wood Green, from St Anne’s


NHS Haringey does not see any compelling reason for its corporate offices to remain on the St Ann’s site.  We are keen to explore options for re-location – including collocation with the local authority, as is the case with some other London boroughs.  There is no timescale for this re-location. 


3.   Are the PCT prepared to admit access will be more difficult to the health centres, given the recent Transport and Access study?


Throughout the consultation on its Primary Care Strategy and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



To consider the feasibility of undertaking a full scrutiny review of Information Prescriptions.

Additional documents:


The Committee received a feasibility report for a full scrutiny review on Information Prescriptions, which were personalised prescriptions for information based on individual assessments of patients needs. 


The Committee was informed that heath and social care professionals would decide who would be eligible for Information Prescriptions. A national pilot scheme had found that the Information Prescriptions proved beneficial particularly at early diagnosis stages and the intention was to develop these locally.




1.         That the report be noted.


2.         That a full scrutiny review not be commissioned at this time, but that NHS Haringey be requested to provide a progress report to the Committee on plans to implement Information Prescriptions in Haringey by March 2010.  



To approve the co-option of a non-voting representative of the Local Involvement Network onto the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Additional documents:



The Committee received a report on the co-option of a Local Involvement Network (LINks) representative onto the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  Ms Helena Kania and Mr Peter Durrant from LINks were in attendance for this item.


The Committee noted that LINKs represented the whole community’s views on the health and social care services within an area and were funded by the Department of Health. 


Ms Kanya  explained that a LINks working group managed a group of volunteers from across Haringey as representative as possible of community groups.




1.         That the co-option of a non-voting Local Involvement Network representative to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee be agreed, with the terms of the co-option as detailed in the report.

2.         That the co-option of a deputy Local Involvement Network representative, to stand in for the representative should (s)he be unable to attend a committee meeting, be approved. 

3.         That the co-option of a non-voting Local Involvement Network representative onto task and finish review panels where the review was looking at health and social care issues be approved.

4.         That the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee write to the Local Involvement Network asking for a representative of the Committee and deputy representative to be nominated.



To receive the Overview and Scrutiny Committee work programme for 2009/10 TO BE TABLED.

Additional documents:


The Committee received the work programme for the 2009/10 municipal year, including the reports the Committee wished to receive in the next few months and lead scrutiny roles for Committee Members in respect of Hackney Strategic Partnerships (HSP) Theme Boards.


The Committee agreed to remove the update on the School Exclusions Review from this year’s list (and add it to next year’s work programme) and replace it with an update on Allotments.




1.         That a lead scrutiny role for the Haringey Strategic Partnership Theme Boards be established


2.         That the Committee receive the following reports:

·        The Council  Performance Monitoring Reports  -  3 monthly

·        The Council Budget Monitoring Report – 3 monthly 

·        The Children’s Service’s annual performance self-assessment

·        Joint Area Review Action Plan update

·        Inspectors Comprehensive Area Assessment report

·        Exam results – Annual Report

·        Annual Health Check – NHS Performance Ratings

·        Decent Homes progress report - 6 monthly

·        Homes for Haringey Performance report – 6 monthly

·        Annual report on performance of Registered Social Landlords

·        Annual report on the Crime and Disorder Partnership

·        Children’s Safeguarding reports


3.         That the Committee receive the following updates:

·        Waste collection Recycling and disposal

·        High intensity users

·        Access to services for older people

·        Post Office Closures

·        Allotments

·        Children’s Centres

·        Resourcing Safer and Stronger Communities

·        Youth Service

·        Extended Schools


4.         That the nominations below be agreed:

HSP Theme Board

Lead Councillor


Children’s Trust

Councillor Newton



Councillor Adamou


(Councillor Bull will lead a review in this area)


(Councillor Winskill will lead a review in this area)



Councillor Adje


Better Places

Councillor Mallett


Safer Communities

Councillor Aitken


Integrated Housing

Councillor Winskill


Cross cutting

(Councillor Bull will lead a review in this area )



5.                  That the wish to commission task and finish Scrutiny Review Panels for the topics below be agreed:

·        How well is the transition of young people with assessed needs from services delivered by Children’s service to adult services made?

·        Review the Child and Adolescent Mental Health services (CAMHS)

·        What is/can be done to increase the stability of placements of Looked After Children and what steps are taken to secure permanent placements?

·        What can be done to improve the support given to carers?

·        What actions are/can be taken to improve sexual health in teenagers?

·        What actions are being taken to improve screening services? e.g. breast cancer.

·        To look at the way the Haringey Guarantee is operating

·        To look at the support given to small businesses and how business grants are allocated in the current financial climate

·        What actions are being taken/considered to encourage sustainable travel and to reduce traffic congestion?

·        How well are we protecting the natural environment?

·        What can/is being done to reduce youth crime? E.g. youth services.

·        What is/can be done to improve partnership working between organisations supporting the victims of crime? e.g. victim support, hearthstone, safer neighbourhood teams, community health teams

·        What actions are/can be taken to improve the perception of Haringey as a safe place

·        What is being done to increase the supply of affordable houses in the Borough?

·        To look  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.



To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 20th April and 29th April 2009.

Additional documents:




1.         That the minutes of the meeting held on 20th April 2009 be confirmed and signed subject to the amendment of minute OSCO30 which should read that Councillor Aitken was a tenant and not a leaseholder.


2.         That the minutes of the meeting held on 29th April 2009 be confirmed and signed.


New Items of Urgent Business

Additional documents:


There were no such items.