Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 12th January, 2009 7.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Jeremy Williams  2919

No. Item



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Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business. (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with at item below. New items of exempt business will be dealt with at item 16 below).


There were no items of urgent business.


Declarations of Interest

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public, with knowledge of the relevant facts, would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgement of the public interest.



Cllr Adamou declared a personal interest in respect of item 14, Houses in Multiple Occupation, as Chair of a working group on this issue, referred to in the report.


Cllr Dodds declared a personal interest in respect of item 13, Gambling establishments in Haringey, as a member of the Licensing Committee.


Cllr Alexander declared a personal interest in respect of item 14, Houses in Multiple Occupation, as a member of a working group on this issue, referred to in the report.



To consider any requests received in accordance with Part 4, Section B, paragraph 29 of the Council’s constitution.


There were no such items.



To receive a presentation on the development of Haringey LINk from a representative of the Shaw Trust, in their role as host organisation for the LINk.


The Committee received a presentation from Peter Durrant of the Shaw Trust on the Haringey Local Involvement Network (LINk). It was noted that LINks had replaced Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Forums and had a wider remit that included social care as well as health care, as well as statutory powers of inspection and receipt of information on request. It was emphasised that a strong working relationship between the LINk and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be essential, and it was suggested that the possibility of inviting a representative from the Haringey LINk onto the Committee be explored. 


The Committee asked about the current structure of the Haringey LINk, and it was reported that current membership consisted of self-nominated members, largely drawn from former members of the PPI Forums and community groups, with a steering group supported by a number of small working groups. It was intended that structure and governance arrangements would be firmly established in the coming months, and that membership of the LINk would then be expanded further by actively visiting community groups to find out what the LINk could offer them and how they would like to be involved. It was clarified that handling complaints was not within the remit of the LINk, as this was the role of the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS), but that feedback gathered by the LINk would be used to identify priority issues. The Committee requested further information on the accountability of the LINk.


The Committee asked about the LINk’s involvement in the issue of neighbourhood health centres. The LINk had not been specifically asked to contribute, but it was likely that a specific group to look at this issue might be established once membership had been expanded. It was reported that minutes were available on the LINk website which was in the process of being developed and would eventually be promoted at community access points.


The Committee expressed thanks to Peter Durrant for his presentation.




i)                    That the presentation and answers to questions be noted.


      ii)         That the Committee be provided with additional information on the respective accountability of the LINk and the Shaw Trust outside the meeting.




Mental Health Reconfiguration

(Report of the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny) To agree to a shortened period of public consultation, in the light of  previous and ongoing engagement with patient and user groups by the Mental Health Trust on the proposals, and, in response to the suggestion by the NCAT review that the scope of the consultation be broadened, to approve amendments to the scope, terms of reference and work plan for the review set up to respond to the proposals by the Mental Health Trust to close an acute ward at St Ann’s Hospital.


The Committee received a report to approve amendments to the scope, terms of reference and work plan for the review of the proposals to close an adult acute ward at St Ann’s Hospital, and to agree to a shortened period of public consultation.


It was reported that the approval from NHS London was required before consultation could commence, and it was suggested that a letter be sent from Cllr Aitken and the Chair to NHS London to chase this.


The Committee emphasised that it was essential for questions about the impact of the proposed closure on adult social services to be raised as part of the consultation process, and that evidential data be requested.




i)                    That amendments to the scope, terms of reference and work plan for the review set up to respond to proposals by Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust to close an adult acute ward at St. Ann’s Hospital be approved.


ii)                  That, in light of previous and ongoing engagement with patient and user groups by the Mental Health Trust on the proposals, a shortened period of public consultation of 8 weeks be agreed.






Cabinet Member Questions: Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Safer Communities

Briefing and answers to questions from Councillor Nilgun Canver, Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Safer Communities.


The Committee received a briefing and answers to questions from Councillor Canver, Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Safer Communities.


The importance of promoting good news stories about falling crime rates in the borough was emphasised; the Committee noted the work currently being done on this, and acknowledged that it was an ongoing process. Concerns were expressed regarding the reduction in the pooled treatment budget; it was reported that this was an issue the Council was continuing to lobby the Government on and the possibility of voluntary sector organisations continuing with some of the activities that would no longer be funded was being explored.


It was reported that the number of social clubs in Green Lanes remained constant, although the number of non-compliant, problem social clubs was very small and had fallen. The Committee noted the way in which these businesses were monitored, and welcomed the news that the borough’s methods for tackling problem social clubs had been short-listed for an LGC award.


The position regarding the Planning Enforcement Action Plan was clarified; it was reported that there was no current backlog of cases and that the remaining actions from the Action Plan were now being monitored by other management processes. Planning enforcement updates were provided regularly to both the Planning and Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


The Committee expressed concern regarding Police responses to reported burglaries; Cllr Canver agreed to raise this matter with the Borough Commander directly.


The Committee asked for an update on the protocol for using knife-detecting equipment in schools. It was reported that general guidance had been sent out to schools, and that schools were in the process of consultation on how they wished to proceed individually. Concern was expressed that it was not clear to schools that it was their responsibility as an individual school to determine their own procedures, and a briefing note to clarify the precise status of the guidance circulated to schools by the Council was requested. It was agreed that Felicity Kally would be provided with Youth Crime figures outside the meeting.


The Committee thanked Cllr Canver for her briefing.




i)                    That the Committee be provided with a briefing note to clarify the status of the guidance circulated to schools in relation to the use of knife-detecting equipment.


ii)                  That the briefing and answers to questions be noted.










Anti-Social Behaviour strategy 2009-2011

(Report of the Assistant Chief Executive – Policy, Performance, Partnerships and Communication) To obtain feedback from the Committee on the current ASB Strategy (2009-2011), which is an update on the previous (2003) and details the approach and areas of focus. Actions to achieve delivery will be detailed in the 2009/10 action plan.


The Committee received a report on the Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy 2009-2011. The Committee was advised that further information and detailed actions for certain hotspots could additionally be found in the Alcohol Strategy.


Committee members enquired about the possibility of exercising the Council’s power to declare alcohol ‘saturation zones’, to prevent additional licensed premises opening in an area, as a means of addressing anti-social behaviour issues in certain areas. Cllr Canver, Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Safer Communities, agreed that, where the necessary criteria were met, saturation zones could be considered as one of the tools available for tackling anti-social behaviour and that this would be incorporated into the ASB Strategy. Cllr Aitken moved that the Committee make a formal recommendation that the Council consider the feasibility of alcohol saturation zones in areas where high numbers of alcohol-related disturbances were recorded. Following a vote, the motion fell.


Clarification of the distinct roles of the Youth Task Force and the Youth Crime Action Plan, and the way in which these interlinked, was provided.




That the current ASB Strategy (2009-2011), which is an update on the previous (2003) and details the Council’s approach and areas of focus, be noted.



Hate Crime and Harassment - progress update

(Report of Community Safety Manager) To inform Overview and Scrutiny about the progress made against agreed actions in the Hate Crime and Harassment Strategy 07-08.


The Committee received a report on progress made against agreed actions in the Hate Crime and Harassment Strategy 07-08.


The Committee asked for information on the progress made with reporting systems for hate crimes. It was reported that work was underway to develop systems such that individuals who did not wish to contact the statutory agencies to report incidents to community or voluntary group representatives, who could then pass information on to the Police or the Council on their behalf. A list of the organisations involved in this initiative could be provided to Members.


The importance of raising awareness and publicising details of who to contact for assistance was emphasised, and it was reported that work was ongoing in these areas, including providing information in community languages.




That the content of the report and the work underway in the borough on the Hate Crime and Harassment Strategy be noted.







Fly-Tipping update report

To provide an update of the actions taken in response to the recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the Scrutiny Review of Fly Tipping of June 2007.


The Committee received an update report on the action plan created in response to the recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the Scrutiny Review of Fly Tipping.


The Committee asked for further details on the work undertaken to identify unused plots of land with the potential for development as usable open spaces in the borough and sources of funding. It was reported that work to identify fly tipping hotspots contributed to this, although no mapping exercise had been carried out for this specific purpose. A bid for funding to develop outdoor sites on a response basis had been included in the pre-budget planning process.


It was suggested that fly tipping enforcement data be included on the agenda for each Safer Neighbourhoods Panel as a means of raising awareness, and that the Haringey People article relating to fly tipping enforcement also be circulated to all leaseholders of commercial properties in the borough.


Cllr Winskill offered to submit additional questions on the report to the Enforcement Service after the meeting, and would speak to John Morris for further information on the issue of the development of micro-sites.




That the update of the action plan created in response to the recommendations in the Scrutiny Review of Fly Tipping be noted.


Cabinet Member Questions: Cabinet Member for Enterprise and Regeneration

Briefing and answers to questions from Councillor Kaushika Amin, Cabinet Member for Enterprise and Regeneration.


The Committee received a briefing and answers to questions from Cllr Amin, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Enterprise. It was emphasised that regeneration encompassed social aspects such as employment and training as well as physical regeneration.


The Committee discussed the funding available for Olympic based activity in the borough. It was reported that Haringey was looking to make use of the facilities available in connection with the Olympics, to ensure that residents of the borough and local businesses were able to access the training and opportunities available. It was important to focus resources on those key areas where the Council could most effectively deliver. It was clarified that the funding under discussion did not relate to funding for young people to train as athletes.


The Committee asked about the impact of the credit crunch on local retail outlets. It was reported that the situation was being closely monitored, and that initiatives to support local retail were being introduced, such as the reduction in parking fees in the run up to Christmas and the promotion of local retailers in areas such as Crouch End. The Committee expressed concern regarding vacant retail space in Wood Green, as this seemed greater than the available data suggested, and asked that this be looked into.


The Committee thanked Cllr Amin for her briefing.




That the briefing and answers to questions be noted.







Gambling Establishments in Haringey

(Report of the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny) To consider the feasibility of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee commissioning a scrutiny review on the licensing of Gambling Establishments in Haringey.


The Committee received a report considering the feasibility of Overview and Scrutiny commissioning a full Scrutiny Review of Gambling Establishments in Haringey.


Cllr Aitken would contact the Head of Legal Services regarding the public availability of a previous report to the Licensing Committee on Counsel’s advice in relation to a gambling establishment, which could be relevant to the issue under discussion.




i)                    That a full scrutiny review of the licensing of gambling establishments in Haringey not be commissioned at this current time.


ii)                   That the Directorate report back to the Committee on or before September 2009 to provide further analysis of the impact of the Gambling Act (2005) in Haringey.


iii)                That a Member Development session be undertaken, jointly facilitated by Licensing and Planning, to allow Members to discuss issues pertaining to the future licensing and planning application of gambling establishments in Haringey.





Houses in Multiple Occupation

(Report of the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny) To consider the feasibility of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee commissioning a scrutiny review on the licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation.


The Committee received a report considering the feasibility of Overview and Scrutiny commissioning a full Scrutiny Review of Houses in Multiple Occupation.




i)                    That a review into HMO licensing not be commissioned at this time.


ii)                  That the Strategic Housing Service be asked to report back on the conclusions of the working group on discretionary and selective licensing, and that the draft report be presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee before being reported to Cabinet.




To confirm and sign the minutes of the meetings held on 1 December and 10 December 2008.




i)                    That the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 1st December 2008 be confirmed and signed.


ii)                  That the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 10th December 2008 be confirmed and signed, subject to the inclusion of Cllr Allison’s acting as substitute at the meeting.


New Items of Urgent Business


There were no such items.




The meeting concluded at 22:00hrs.