Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 2nd July, 2007 7.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Jeremy Williams  2919

No. Item



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at the meeting.



The meeting was webcast on the Council’s website.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Matt Davies.


The committee welcomed Councillors Mallett and Egan, who were both elected to the committee for the first time for the 2006/7 municipal year.


Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business. (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with at item below. New items of exempt business will be dealt with at item 13 below).


There was no such business.


Declarations of Interest

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public, with knowledge of the relevant facts, would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgement of the public interest.



Councillor Winskill declared a personal interest in respect of items 8 and 9 (The Primary Care Strategy and the Haringey Health Report), by nature of him joining a local patients group.



To consider any requests received in accordance with Standing Orders.


Members of the public had requested to give a deputation under item 7, Wi-Fi In Schools.  The committee agreed to take this deputation as part of the consideration of that item of business.


The Cabinet's Priorities for 2007/08: High Performing Value for Money Public Services pdf icon PDF 1 MB

(Report of Councillor George Meehan, Leader of the Council)  To report to the first ordinary meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny committee in the new municipal year the cabinet’s priorities for the new municipal year and beyond.


The committee received this report from Councillor George Meehan, Leader of the Council, outlining the cabinet’s priorities for the new municipal year and beyond.


The Leader noted his thanks for the security services for their work in light of the recent attempted terrorist attacks.  He had, together with the Chief Executive, attended a recent briefing at Scotland Yard and was being kept abreast of the ongoing developments.


The Leader then outlined the Cabinet’s achievements this year and priorities for the next, as set out in his briefing to the committee.


Members enquired as to the population of Haringey, believing it to be significantly higher than the census figure, and stating concerns in terms of the calculation of the borough’s financial settlement.  The Leader stated that he was ensuring that ministers were aware of the needs of Haringey, and were aware of the inaccurate census argument in terms of London.  He was unable to give any indication of the likely size of Haringey’s next funding settlement.


On the issue of green spaces, the Leader stated that the Council would not sell off existing green open spaces to raise revenue, and stated that the borough was proud of its parks with Green Flag status.


In terms of highway repairs, the Leader stated that surfaces in the greatest need were being targeted first, but was aware of problems with repairs being carried out to an inferior standard, or indeed not being carried out at all.  The Leader promised to pursue this matter.




1.  That the briefing and answers to questions be noted.


Wi-Fi in Schools pdf icon PDF 182 KB

(Report of the Deputy Director of the Children & Young People’s Service (Business Support & Development))  To provide to the committee a report into the safety of Wi-Fi networking in schools.  A paper by Andrew Goldsworthy of Imperial College, London, is included as an appendix.

Additional documents:


The committee received this report as a result of a request to receive information on the safety of Wi-Fi networking in Schools.   The committee noted Health Protection Authority guidance that there was “no reasons why schools and others should not use wi-fi equipment”, advice which was in line with that given by other relevant bodies.  Officers stated that the Council did not possess the resources of skills to judge a complex area such as this, and thus utilised advice from the relevant professional associations.

The committee received a deputation from members of the public concerned over the potential health risks of Wi-Fi systems in Schools.  After answering questions from Members the committee, the Chair thanked them for their deputation.

Concern was raised over issues highlighted in the public deputation, in particular relating to a recent BBC television Panorama documentary which contained information potentially conflicting the Health Protection Authority guidance.  After discussion amongst the committee and with interested Members of the public, Councillors agreed to ask Officers to convene a seminar on the topic, to enable more information on wi-fi to be provided to all parties, to encourage informed choices to be made.  They also recommended that the Cabinet Member write to schools providing information on Wi-Fi in light of the discussion which took place at the committee.


1.      That a seminar be arranged by the Council for head teachers, governors and parents, to provide information and to debate the issues on Wi-Fi and its usage, including health effects, and that the seminar include information on alternative ways to provide internet access.

2.      That the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People write to Chairs of School Governing Bodies on the issue of Wi-Fi recommending that:

  • Governing Bodies give particular consideration to the use of “wired in” systems as the preferred option when IT networks are being developed.

  • Governing Bodies be asked to consult fully with parents and staff over the introduction of new Wi-Fi systems in the school before they are implemented.
  • Where Wi-Fi is already in use in schools, Governing Bodies be asked to undertake a full consultation with parents and staff over its continued uses.

  • Schools using Wi-Fi systems be asked to ensure they are only switched on when necessary.

3.  That the report be noted.


Developing World Class Primary Care in Haringey – A Consultation Document pdf icon PDF 238 KB

(Report of the Corporate Head of Performance and Policy)  To receive a presentation on the draft Primary Care Strategy for Haringey and make comments, as appropriate.


Additional documents:


The committee agreed to take this item together with the report following it on the agenda, the Haringey Health Report (item 9) due to the linkages between the two items.


Councillor Winskill declared a personal interest in these items (The Primary Care Strategy and the Haringey Health Report), by nature of him joining a local patients group.


The Health Report provided Members with an overview of the health challenges which were being faced in the borough.  These included a higher mortality rate than the national average, and issues around obesity and cancer.


Officials from the Primary Care Trust gave this report together with a  presentation on the  Primary Care Strategy for Haringey, before receiving questions from Members.


It was noted that the Primary Care Strategy was proposing a step-change in the provision of Primary Care in the borough, and was being placed out for a 16-week period of consultation.  This was due to conclude on 19 October 2007.  The strategy proposed focussing on areas of health promotion, diagnostic services and urgent care.  This would be underpinned by a system of six ‘Super Health Centres’ (or polyclinics), replacing much of the traditional primary care currently provided within Haringey.


In response to Member enquiries as to the effects of the proposed changes on specific services, the PCT stated that specific issues would be tackled as part of the ongoing development of the implementation plan.  It was stated by the PCT that greater specialist treatment would be available as part of the proposed new system than that offered currently by GPs in many areas.  It was planned that GPs would be able to rotate into the community for six month periods.  Detailed work would be carried out on the sustainability of access to GP facilities.


Members noted that implementation of the strategy would require significant investment in the region of £3.7million.




  1. That the committee and Cllr Baker be provided with information on the both the average and range of GPs lists.


  1. That the following additional recommendation be added to the report formally designating the Strategy to be a Substantial Variation to services:


3.3        That the proposals within the strategy be considered by the Committee to constitute “substantial variations” to services due to:


-          The potential affect on accessibility to services;

-          Possible impact on the wider community

-          Number of patients affected

-          Changes to methods of service delivery


And are therefore subject to consultation under Section 7 of the Health and Social Care Act 2001.



Haringey Health Report

Presentation by the PCT.


This item was taken together with the item 8 above.




1.  That the presentation be noted.


Towards Excellence: The Council's End of Year Performance April 2006 to March 2007 pdf icon PDF 108 KB

(Report of the Chief Executive)  To review 2006/07 service performance against the Council's basket of key indicators reported in a balanced scorecard format.

Additional documents:




1.  The committee agreed that due to time constraints, this report would be deferred to the meeting of July 30th 2007 where it would be considered as the first substansive item on the agenda.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 34 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2007.




1.  That the minutes of the meeting of May 14th 2007 be confirmed and signed.


Overview and Scrutiny - Work Programme 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 80 KB

(Report of the Chair of Overview & Scrutiny)  To determine what issues the Committee would like reported to it during the Municipal Year, and to agree “task and finish” scrutiny review panels, and to agree scrutiny of the budget.


The committee received this report to determine which issues the Overview & Scrutiny Committee would like to be reported to it during the new Municipal year.  The committee also agreed seven topics for which the Committee would commission in-depth “task and finish” scrutiny review panels, as well as scrutiny of the budget.


Members were provided with a tabled version of appendix F, detailing the Work Programme, including the Scrutiny Review of the Haven Centre.




  1. That the report be noted and the work programme, including the tabled appendix F, be agreed.





New Items of Urgent Business


There were no such items.