Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 24th July, 2006 7.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Jeremy Williams 

No. Item



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Apologies for Absence


Apologies for lateness were received from Councillor Cooke.


Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business. (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with at item below. New items of exempt business will be dealt with at item 13 below).


There was no such business.


Declarations of Interest

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public, with knowledge of the relevant facts, would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgement of the public interest.



There were no such declarations.



To confirm and sign the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 3 July 2006.  -  TO FOLLOW




With regards the minutes of 3 July 2006, Members requested that more detail be provided as to the discussion at the meeting in item OSCO7.




  1. That the minutes be amended to take account of the above request, and be resubmitted at the September meeting of the committee.




To consider any requests received in accordance with Standing Orders.


There were no such items.


North Middlesex Hospital Turnaround Plan



The committee received the Turnaround Plan for the North Middlesex Hospital from the Primary Care Trust.


Members noted that North Middlesex was required to save £9 million pounds this financial year and to do this, following support from the Department of Health, had split the programme into six key themes:


·        Service Efficiency/Change

·        Procurement

·        Income

·        Estates and Facilities

·        Workforce

·        Demand Management


Through a process of reviewing everything that the hospital did, including changing clinical practice and using experience from inside the Trust as well as externally, the Trust had put together a plan to save the £9million which had been signed off by the Trust Board and Strategic Health Authority.  Members were assured that the projected figure for redundancies was less than 30.


The committee welcomed the decision to continue the St Ann’s X-Ray Service, noting the Trust’s comments that this would operate in a different way.


Members enquired as to whether a reduction in length of stay would leave the Council having to provide financial support.  Members were assured that there was no likely impact on Haringey Social Services, with the Hospital were working with physicians and social services monitoring the impact of the changes.  Members were assured that the hospital had a good relationship with Haringey social services, meeting formally on a fortnightly basis, and forming good working relationships between staff from the two agencies.


It was noted that pressure was being applied nationally to reduce the length of stay at hospitals, and, on the surgical side, emphasis was being placed on pre-operation treatment, which reduced the patients length of stay.  Emphasis was also being placed on the effective and efficient usage of operating theatres.  Members were assured of the priority of providing good quality services in a financially responsible manner, and that none of the measures within the plan were compromising patient care.


In response to Member concerns over the Sexual Health services in the borough, the PCT stated that it was an ambition for a combined sexual health service with the London Borough of Enfield to be established at the North Middlesex hospital.


Members were informed that the process of discharge was to be made more efficient.  Significant numbers of patients were failing to turn-up for appointments, and work needed to be done on reducing the number of appointments for patients who did need to be seen.


Members raised concerns over the image and perception issues at the North Middlesex hospital.  Representatives agreed that this was an issue, but argued that it was being addressed through the new team in charge positively responding to the patient survey.  The committee noted that although buildings were an issue, patients were generally happy with the service, the overall quality of care was good.


Members emphasised that it was useful and helpful if they were to be kept informed by the North Middlesex in the long-term.  After discussion among the Members of the committee, Members thanked the North Middlesex Representatives for their presentation, and they withdrew.





  1. That Members thank the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Executive Member Questions

i)                    Councillor Bob Harris, Executive Member for Social Services & Health


ii)                  Councillor Nilgun Canver, Executive Member for Crime & Community Safety


i)                    Councillor Bob Harris, Executive Member for Social Services & Health


The committee noted that staff were trained in the administering of medicine by the guiding principle that they should provide assistance that a family member would otherwise provide.  It was to be re-stated though that they were not medically administering medicine.  The committee noted that staff were able to discuss any issue with GPs, who made regular visits to the homes.


Councillor Harris stated that the emphasis on individual choice led to the need for a re-thinking over Adult Social Care Services.  The committee noted the further progress being made on the Community Care Strategy, and further noted that a detailed consultation on day care services was forthcoming.


Councillor Harris stated what he saw as his personal objectives over the coming year.  He stated that he wished to see a caring Social Services and to encourage the effective and efficient delivery of good practice.  He also wished to investigate funding issues and was against the privatisation of any of the services provided.


In response to Member enquiries concerning there being two points of contact for people in residential care homes, the Director of Social Services explained that due the creation of the Arms Length Management Organisation for housing, Homes for Haringey were responsible for tenancy management, while support and care remained the responsibility of the Council.  Scheme managers for the Council should assist in helping people contact Homes for Haringey, and we noted that the current system gave residents choice.





  1. That we thank Councillor Harris and note his responses


  1. That Councillor Harris report back to the committee on any issues which may arise regarding the Primary Care Trust



ii)                  Councillor Nilgun Canver, Executive Member for Crime & Community Safety


Councillor Canver discussed the briefing which she had provided to Members and highlighted key achievements over the last year, and priorities for the next.


The committee was informed that the Youth Offending Service was climbing up the performance ladder, and the Executive Member offered her congratulations to the team.  The committee were informed about the upcoming Police & Justice Bill and its specific reference to the future rôle of Scrutiny committees in scrutinising police services.  The committee noted that the annual Haringey Peace Week was due to occur from September 10th to the 17th.


The committee discussed the Enforcement service, enquiring over the use of voluntary overtime by it’s staff, and the mechanism for feedback between themselves and the Planning Service.  The Executive Member agreed to look into these issues and report back.  The Executive Member assured the committee that she had asked Officers to look at ways of strengthening the service.   She also agreed to pass on figures for Enforcement in the borough onto all Members who requested them.





  1. That we receive an update from Enforcement on their feedback loop to the Planning Service


  1. That the Executive Member look into the issue of voluntary overtime in the Enforcement Service


  1. That the committee be updated on the new  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.


Annual Crime Trends in Haringey (April 2005 – March 2006) pdf icon PDF 567 KB

(Report of the Assistant Chief Executive – Strategy)  To provide members with an overview of trends in crime in Haringey during the last financial year.


The committee received this report to provide Members with an overview of trends of crime in Haringey during the last financial year.


Borough Commander Simon O’Brien was present for this item to answer questions from Members on figures contained within the report.


The committee noted that of the crime indicators stated in the report, approximately half had seen reductions in crime numbers of previous years.  Although concern was raised over statistics for robberies, Members were assured that substantial investment was taking place in this area to attempt to remedy this.  Members also noted that the mechanism for reporting violent crime, wounding and common assaults had changed, causing figures fluctuations. 


The Borough Commander praised the work of the Safer Neighbourhoods Team, praise which was echoed by Members from various wards.  Members in those wards with smaller teams, thanked the police for the excellent work they were doing, but re-iterated their desire for these teams to be expanded  to their full size as soon as possible.  Members were assured that the roll-out was due to take two years.  This timeframe had been reduced and full Teams were expected to be in place in all wards by 31st December 2006.


It was also noted that the borough had the best overall detection rate in Greater London, for which the committee congratulated the police, although it was noted that the aforementioned changing government definitions was making it difficult for the borough to meet certain targets.


Members enquired over ‘single patrols’, and whether they were considered best practice for the police.  The committee noted that clear instructions had been given for this technique to be used in Haringey, but the Borough Commander would welcome any evidence back as to situations where this was not occurring.


Members raised concerns over violence at the North Middlesex hospital.  As the hospital was situated in the London Borough of Enfield, the Borough Commander agreed to liaise with his counterpart in that borough.


Members raised concerns over homophobic attacks, and that the data was not included in the report.  The committee was assured that it would be included in future reports of this nature.  The committee also noted that the police had re-recruited into the LGBT Officer role, and that a consultant had been commissioned to pick up on the hate crime and harassment strategy.





  1. That the Chair of Scrutiny raise with the Borough Commander for Enfield concerns over violence at the North Middlesex Hospital.


  1. That figures for homophobic hate crime be included in future versions of the Crime Trends report.


  1. That we note the report.


Budget Scrutiny pdf icon PDF 44 KB

(Report of the Director of Finance)  To set out a process for scrutiny of the budget within the Council’s financial and business planning framework and to consider the financial strategy issues for the four -year planning period.


Additional documents:


This report was received to set out the process for scrutiny of the budget within the Council’s financial and business planning framework, and to consider the financial strategy issues for the four-year planning period.


We noted the rôle of Scrutiny Members in respect of the budget which was:


i)                    to ensure the budget proposals supported the Council’s priorities and the improvement of services

ii)                  to ensure value for money was being achieved and that the Council was obtaining maximum benefit from the resources it was using


The committee noted to achieve this rôle it was suggested that:


i)                    in respect of the annual budget process, the new savings and investments from the Pre-Business Plan Review be considered at meetings during November and December and that Chief Officers and/or business unit managers were to attend to present and answer questions

ii)                  That when scrutinising value for money, the committee would ensure that wherever possible in scrutiny reviews the specific issue of value for money was investigated using the cost, performance and perception matrix; and,

iii)                That possibly the committee would consider adding to the work programme with specific thematic or cross-cutting reviews, or a review of previous years approved budget savings and investments to assess their impact


The committee noted Appendix 1 to the report, which set out the financial planning process in full, providing details of relevant national issues as well more local budgetary ones.


The committee noted the proposals with regards to efficiency savings.  With Members having agreed to cap Council Tax rises at no more than 3% across the next four years, it was noted that these would likely be required.  The committee also noted that Haringey had been at the bottom of the grant settlement floor for the last five years.  However, Members agreed that efficiency savings could be made across the board through corporate projects, as well as those from individual business units.


Member requested that the budget take full account of the Gershon Review of public sector finance.


Members requested training on the budget scrutiny process, and agreed that the Training Officer should organise a conference for all Councillors to set out the process, allow a forum for a full debate and ensure that all had a good understanding of the process as it stood.  Members also requested that measures be taken to ensure the accuracy of the eventual document which was to be scrutinised.


Members requested that an informal session of the committee meet in due course to decide a course of action in scrutinising the budget itself.




1.      That we receive the report.


2.      That the training and other recommendations outlined above be implemented.



Fly- tipping Scrutiny Review pdf icon PDF 81 KB

(Report of the Chair of the Fly-Tipping Scrutiny Review)  To provide members with information about fly-tipping so that they can determine if this is an area they wish to review.

Additional documents:


This report provided Members with information about fly-tipping, and to determine whether this was an area which they wished to review.


The report set out information about fly-tipping, its causes, research into who fly tips and why, the scale of the problem in Haringey and the action taken.  We also received information about the actions taken by agencies in relation to the problem and suggestions on potential areas for Scrutiny to examine.


Members agreed the recommendations for setting up the review, and noted their wish to concentrate on removal and enforcement issues.




1.  That the scope and terms of reference as laid out in the report be approved.


Scrutiny Review on the Community Safety Role of CCTV pdf icon PDF 49 KB

(Report of the Chair of the Review Panel)  To approve the scope and terms of reference for the Scrutiny Review on the Community Safety Role of CCTV.


Additional documents:


Members received this report to approve the scope and terms of reference for the Scrutiny Review on the Community Safety Role of CCTV.


The committee noted that Members of the Overview & Scrutiny committee had indicated their interest in undertaking a scrutiny review on the use of CCTV within the borough.  The Executive Member for Crime and Community Safety and the Borough Commander have also requested that the Community Safety Team undertake a review on the effectiveness of CCTV within the Borough in order to inform decisions about the future use of resources and to develop appropriate options for partners to consider.  The committee noted that these two processes were being developed so that they would work in tandem.


The committee noted that the issue of CCTV on housing estates was to be considered at the first meeting of the Review group, and Members were encouraged to become involved in the review.



1.  That the scope and terms of reference for the review be approved.


New Items of Urgent Business


There was no such business.