Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 20th November, 2006 7.00 pm

Contact: Jeremy Williams 

No. Item



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The meeting was webcast on the Council’s website.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for lateness were received Councillor Jones.


Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business. (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with at item 11 below).


There was no such business.


Declarations of Interest

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public, with knowledge of the relevant facts, would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgement of the public interest.



Councillor Cooke declared a personal interest under item 7, in that he was the Deputy Executive Member for Crime and Community Safety.  He informed Members that he had taken no part in the budget formulation process.



To consider any requests received in accordance with Standing Orders.


There were no such items.


Budget Scrutiny - Enterprise & Regeneration pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To update Members on the financial planning process and to consider the pre business plan reviews for  the following business units:

· Planning, Environment Policy and Performance (PEPPs)

· Strategy (Regeneration and Policy & Partnerships)



The committee received this report to update Members on the financial planning process and to consider the pre-business plan reviews for the following business unites.


-          Planning, Environment Policy and Performance (PEPPs)


-          Strategy (Regeneration and Policy & Partnerships)


Members noted that planning applications performance had met and exceeded all local and national targets this year.  Success had also been achieved in the areas of protecting green spaces, and quality of planning services.  It was noted that improvement was required in appeals performance and customer satisfaction.


Strategy objectives included strengthening the approach to co-ordination and development of corporate policy and key strategic change projects, improved co-ordination of the Haringey Strategic Partnership and continuing to develop the Council’s leadership rôle for economic development and inward investment.


Members noted the proposed reduction of support staff in Planning, Policy and Peformance. In terms of the management of these redundancies, Members were assured that the reduction in the number of support posts by 10 would likely be achieved through redeployment.


Members were informed about the work of the Groundwork Trust, a country-wide network which brought together various Environmental Improvement Bodies with the ability to raise funds for matching funding, fund increased project capacity and to engage with the local community over a period of time.


Members enquired as to soliciting a greater contribution from the retail sector in recognition of the Council’s work in Wood Green Town Centre Management.  Officers acknowledged that retailers contributed already to office space and future studies, and were working with them on possible future projects.


Members emphasised the need to make more use of the threat of Compulsory Purchase Orders to move regeneration work forward.  Officers appreciated the need for the usage of all tools available to them, but pointed to successful current projects such as the Sixth Form Centre, New River Village and the Bernie Grant Centre.




1.      That the committee approve the financial planning position set out in the report.


Budget Scrutiny - Crime & Community Safety pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To update Members on the financial planning process and to consider the pre business plan reviews for  the following business units:

· Enforcement

· Safer Communities



Councillor Cooke declared a personal interest in this item, in that he was the Deputy Executive Member for Crime and Community Safety.  He informed Members that he had taken no part in the budget formulation process.


The committee received this report to update Members on the financial planning process and to consider the pre-business plan reviews for the following business units:


-          Enforcement


-          Safer Communities


Members were informed of the key strategic areas, objectives, savings and investment proposals across both the Enforcement and Safer Communities business areas.


Discussing Safer Communities, Members were informed that due to the large external component of its funding, all proposed savings would have a substantial impact on services.  Members expressed their concern over identifying savings which would have a substantial negative impact in this manner.


Members were informed that the Enforcement policy and strategy were due to come before the committee in February 2007.  Officers acknowledged that planning enforcement action was an priority area. It was noted that Pest Control charges were one of the few chargeable areas which the Council had control over.  Members requested an update on the current charges.


Members expressed reservations over proposed savings relating to the Youth Offending Service, stating the importance of maintaining its level of service, and recommended to the Executive that these savings be reconsidered.




1.      That officers provide information to Members on current pest control charges.


2.      That the Overview & Scrutiny committee recommends to the Executive to reconsider the proposed reductions with regard the Youth Offending Service


3.      That the Overview & Scrutiny committee expresses its uncertainty over the proposed reductions with regard the ASBAT team.


4.      That the committee approve the remainder of the financial planning position set out in the report.


Budget Scrutiny - Leader pdf icon PDF 792 KB

To update Members on the financial planning process and to consider the pre business plan reviews for  the following business units:

· Organisational Development (Equalities)

· Strategy (Communications : Media & PR)



The committee received this report to update Members on the financial planning process and to consider the pre-business plan reviews for the following business units:


-          Organisational Development (Equalities)


-          Strategy (Communications: Media & PR)


The Leader of the Council set out his key proposed savings and investments for the above mentioned areas.


Members raised concerns over the stated postal costs for the Haringey People magazine, especially in light of the revised Royal Mail postal costs based on size of item.  Officers agreed to investigate Haringey People and its pricing structure and report back to Members.  Officers spoke of the advantage of keeping Haringey People ‘in-house’ allowing the Council to have full control of all advertising content.


Members requested information on support the Haringey Strategic Partnership.  The Leader re-enforced the message of the government white paper arguing for a stronger rôle for Strategic Partnerships, and agreed that the Council had to contribute to this as a whole.




1.      That the ACE- Strategy provide to Members details of the total cost figure for the postal delivery of the Haringey People magazine.


2.      That the ACE- Strategy investigate the new Royal Mail pricing structure to ensure that Haringey People is optimising the most cost effective rate.


3.      That the ACE- Strategy brief Members on the advertising revenue for Haringey People


4.      That the committee approve the financial planning position set out in the report.


Budget Scrutiny - Finance pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To update Members on the financial planning process and to consider the pre business plan reviews for  the following business units:

· Corporate Finance / Audit & Risk Management

· Corporate Property

· Benefits and Local Taxation

·Corporate Procurement



The committee received this report to update Members on the financial planning process and to consider the pre-business plan reviews for the following business units:


-          Corporate Finance / Audit & Risk Management


-          Corporate Property


-          Benefits and Local Taxation


-          Corporate Procurement


The Executive Member for Finance introduced the report, setting out key savings and investment proposals across the abovementioned areas.


Councillors questioned the large spend on Value for Money projects, but were assured by Officers that such projects were likely ultimately to deliver savings.  In terms of IT expenditure, Officers assured Members that the in-house capacity existed to support a large IT investment programme.   Members requested a breakdown of all IT spend across directorates, which Officers agreed to provide.


Members enquired as to the large spend on SAP and indicated surprise over the lack of indication of future savings.  Officers responded that the SAP upgrade work was necessary, and that the system was not yet being exploited to its full potential, being able to target specific management information.


In line with the policy adopted by Full Council, Members requested that Officers be mindful of the alleged health risks from mobile phone masts, and that companies be encouraged to pay rent for the use of Council land for masts.






1.      That Officers provide Members with a briefing note explaining the expected savings from the SAP investment.


2.      That the Director of Corporate Finance provide to the committee details of Information Technology spend from throughout the 10 portfolio areas.


3.      That the committee approve the financial planning position set out in the report.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 25 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of the meetings held on 21 August 2006 (special meeting).




1.         That the minutes of the special meeting held on 21 August 2006 be confirmed and signed.



New Items of Urgent Business


There was no such business.