Agenda and minutes

Standing Leadership Conference (HSP)
Thursday, 21st January, 2010 6.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Xanthe Barker  2916

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from the following people:




Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any items of Urgent Business. (Late items will be dealt with under the agenda item where they appear. New items of Urgent Business will be dealt with under agenda Item 15 below).


No items of Urgent Business were received.


Declarations of Interest

Members of the HSP should declare any personal/and or prejudicial interests with respect to agenda items and must not take part in any decision required with respect to those items.



No declarations of interest were made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 5 November 2009 as a correct record.




That the mintues of the meeting held on 5 November 2009 be confirmed as a correct record.


London Development Agency - Decentralised Energy Support Programme for Boroughs


A presentation will be made with respect to Haringey Council’s success in securing support from the London Development Agency (LDA) to help enable the development of Decentralised Energy networks in the Borough.




The Board received a presentation on the merits of decentralised energy and the new opportunities this presented for reducing Carbon Emissions.


Following the presentation members of the Board put questions to Mr Briault and discussed how the HSP could maximise opportunities offered by the London Development Agency (LDA) DEMaP team.


It was noted that the much of the Borough’s Council Housing stock used individual boilers that would need to be replaced in the short term. In response to a query the Board was advised that the Feasibility Study being undertaken would assess to what degree Council tenants would benefit feed in tariffs.


The Board was advised that the companies supplying Combined Heat and Power (CHP) energy would want guaranteed sales before they would commit to investing in the infrastructure required to deliver this. Forums such as Local Strategic Partnerships provided a good forum for the various partners in the Borough to identify opportunities for using CHP.


As part of the Feasibility Study consultation with stakeholders would be undertaken and the LDA would work closely with the Council’s Project Officer to establish a Steering Group. This would gather the information necessary to determine the most appropriate sites. Once this work was complete a technical analysis of the sites identified would be carried out and proposals would be drawn together.


It was noted that there were several areas in the Borough where a number of public facilities were concentrated that were densely populated, which would provide ideal locations for CHP.


In terms of the next steps the Board was advised that the Council’s Project Officer, Jess Sherlock, would contact Partners individually and site managers would be identified in order to build a knowledge base.


The Board was advised that Planning Officers were looking at how planning conditions could be used to support the Council’s targets with respect to reducing Carbon Emissions.




That the presentation be noted.








The Council's Financial Planning and Budget 2010/11

A presentation will be provided.


The Board received a presentation on the Council’s Financial Strategy for 2010/11 to 2012/13.


An overview was given of the level of Grant awarded to the Council from central Government for 2010/11 and the grant outlook for 2011/12.


The Board was advised that the Council’s overall net budget for 2010/11, inclusive of £171M for schools, was £417M. This equated to a net increase of £9M of which £6.5M was set aside for schools. Efficiency savings of £7M were also being identified across the Council during the year.


In terms of the forecast for 2011/12 the Board was advised that an assumption of a 1% reduction to the level of grant funding and a 3% rise in Council Tax was being used for planning purposes. The equated to a £10M shortfall in 2011/12 and it was anticipated that there would be a further shortfall of £8M in 2012/13.


Consequently there was an increased need to improve Partnership working and develop strategic commissioning further.


The Board was advised that steps were being taken to achieve this and that joint commissioning group had been established by NHS Haringey and the Council to plan future services.




That the presentation be noted.


Local Development Framework - Core Strategy and Infrastructure

A presentation will be provided.


The Board received a presentation on the Council’s Core Strategy 2011-2026, which formed part of the Local Development Framework (LDF).  


It was noted that when compiling a document such as this it was important to recognise that people accessed services and facilities that were most convenient to them and these often did not correlate with Borough boundaries.


The Board was advised that there had been extensive consultation with the six neighbouring Boroughs, including sharing information on population growth and other data. It was recognised that the Borough boundaries were artificial and often did not reflect where people accessed services.


The Board was advised that draft Section 106 Agreement attached to Tottenham Hot Spurs development required a financial contribution towards improved Health facilities in the area and that this would be triggered during Phase 1 of the development.


It was noted that in areas where a large number of new houses were planned the appropriate infrastructure in terms of transport links and health provision would need to be planned jointly to ensure that the various agencies concerned aligned their strategic plans appropriately.


In terms of the mechanisms in place to facilitate joint working, Board was advised that the production of the Core Strategy required the Local Authority to evidence that there was provision for joint planning. This would be tested when the Core Strategy was subject to an Examination in Public where a Planning Inspector would consider whether consultation had been adequate.


The Board was advised that regular meetings were held between the Planning Projects and Policy team and NHS Haringey and it was agreed that a schedule of these meetings should be circulated to the Board.


There was agreement that there should be discussion outside the meeting between NHS Haringey and the Council’s Planning Projects and Policy Team regarding the wording of parts of the document.




That the presentation be noted.   



HSP Performance Management Group - Report Back on Partnership Development

A presentation will be made by members of the HSP Performance Management Group. 


The Board received a presentation from members of the HSP Performance Management Group (PMG) on discussions held at the PMG Away Day and the recommendations arising from this.


In light of the current economic climate and the increasing need to work creatively with Partners the PMG had taken the opportunity to review how the HSP and PMG operated. There had been agreement that Partnership needed to be more outward facing and improve the ways in which it engaged with people.


In order to achieve these two key goals the following recommendations had been compiled:


Haringey Strategic Partnership


To best utilise the expertise and time committed by Partners it was proposed that the HSP should become a Standing Conference. This would consist of the existing membership plus the Chair of each Area Assembly. In addition local representatives with expertise would also be invited to attend to inform discussion on specific topic areas.


It was envisaged that this approach would provide a clearer identity for the HSP and improve engagement with local people.


HSP Performance Management Group


It was proposed that the PMG would form the Executive Board of the HSP enabling it to take a clear role in terms of leadership. It would have the remit to prioritise and direct resources, challenge performance and consider the strategic approach that the Partnership should take to key issues.


The PMG would be accountable to the Standing Conference.


The Board discussed the proposals put forward and there was a general consensus that the proposals put forward were sensible, particularly in the current economic climate. It was noted that if meetings were to be held in different locations throughout the Borough they would need to be well planned and considered to ensure that they had a real purpose and that they did not become formulaic. 


It was also noted that only the elected Councillors sitting on the HSP had a mandate to describe themselves as community leaders. Therefore consideration would need to be given as to how the role of Community Leaders would be described.


In response to concern around how LAA targets would be performance managed, if the HSP moved to a Standing Conference, the Chair noted that whilst performance monitoring formed an important element of the Partnership’s work the PMG was recommending that the HSP’s time could be used more effectively. There had been agreement that focussing on the broader priorities of the Partnership and where it could add value would form the most effective use of the HSP’s time.


It was noted that a different type of relationship between the Public Sector the public was evolving in terms of service provision. In addition to bringing together community leaders the Partnership had a key role to play in gauging public opinion and developing mechanisms to increase engagement. The proposals put forward were intended to address this.  


There was agreement that the HSP should receive a presentation on Access to Services at its next meeting and that this should be used as a starting  ...  view the full minutes text for item 196.


Local Area Agreement Performance Update to November 2009 pdf icon PDF 75 KB


The Board received a report that provided an update on the latest performance data against Local Area Agreement targets.


The Board was advised that current forecasts predicted that approximately £6M of Reward Grant would be received. This was based on the assumption that seven of the Stretch Targets would be achieved in full and three would be achieved in part.  




That the report be noted.   


Local Area Agreement 2008/09 - 2010/11 Annual Review and Refresh pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report that set out the process and timescales for completing the Local Area Agreement (LAA) Refresh and Review.


The Board was reminded that the Haringey LAA for 2008/09 – 2010/11 had been signed off by the Council’s Cabinet and Government in July 2008. The LAA was reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that all the necessary measures were being taken to achieve targets.


In response to a query the Board was advised that the refresh and review process was largely a technical, officer based, piece of work and that there was limited scope to renegotiate targets.


Councillor Reith, Chair of the Children’s Trust, noted that the Trust’s Executive Performance Management Group had agreed that N1 112 should be removed from the LAA. This would continue to be monitored as a Local Priority.




  1. That the timescales for completing the LAA Review and Refresh be noted.


  1. That the actions proposed actions with respect to frozen and deferred targets and all outstanding targets, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, were approved.  




Mapping Haringey's Third Sector - Final Report pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a report setting out the findings of the Third Sector Mapping exercise commissioned by the HSP.


Following a brief overview of the report, given by the consultants employed to carry out the exercise, the Board discussed its findings. It was noted that Homes for Haringey was funding a project to bring community spaces back into use and it was suggested that many of the smaller Third Sector organisations identified may be able to benefit from this.


In response to a query the Board was advised that in calculating the level of Gross Value Added (GVL) by the Third Sector the funding provided by the Public Sector had been taken into consideration. However, there may be an element of duplication, not identified where people had not answered the question set with respect to this.


It was confirmed that the data suggested that  




Outcome of the Department of Health - Health Inequalities National Support Team Visit pdf icon PDF 84 KB

A presentation on the outcome of the Health Inequalities National Support Team visit, which took place in October 2009, will also be provided.


The Board received a report that provided an overview of the recommendations made by the Health Inequalities National Support Team (HINST) following their visit in October 2009.


It was noted that NHS Haringey was holding a seminar on 27 January, from 11am to 12.30pm, which would look at the HINST’s findings in more detail. This was being held at St Ann’s Hospital and members of the HSP were welcome to attend.




That the report be noted.  


Thematic Board Updates pdf icon PDF 107 KB


The received a report, for information, that provided an update on activities undertaken by each of the Theme Boards since the previous HSP meeting.




That the report be noted.



New Items of Urgent Business

To consider any New Items of Urgent Business admitted under agenda Item 2 above.


No new items of Urgent Business were raised.


Any Other Business

To raise any items of AOB.


No items of AOB were raised.


Dates of Future Meetings

The next HSP meeting will take place on 25 March 2010, at 6pm and will be held at the Civic Centre, Wood Green.


It was noted that the next meeting was scheduled to take place on 25 March 2010 at 6pm.