Agenda and minutes

Standing Leadership Conference (HSP)
Tuesday, 23rd June, 2009 6.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Xanthe Barker  2916

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from the following:


Derma Ioannou

Michael Jones

David Lammy MP

Walter Steel




Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any items of Urgent Business. (Late items will be dealt with under the agenda item where they appear. New items of Urgent Business will be dealt with under Item 16 below).


The Board was provided with an update in relation to the measures that were being taken to address Swine Flu.


It was noted that Swine Flu was now classed as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation. Although the illness had spread rapidly it was not as severe as initially feared and those effected generally recovered well without needing to be admitted to hospital.


The Board would received further updates as the situation developed.




Declarations of Interest

Members of the HSP should declare any personal/and or prejudicial interests with respect to agenda items and must not take part in any decision required with respect to these items.


No declarations were made.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 27 April 2009 as a correct record.


With regard to minute HSP141 it was noted that concern raised at the previous meeting with regard to population projections and the need to gain a better understand these in Haringey and in terms of the wider London context. This was particularly important in forming the Partnership’s response to the Recession.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 27 April 2009 be confirmed as a correct record.


Appointment of Chair for 2009/10

To appoint the Chair for 2009/10.




That Councillor Claire Kober be confirmed as Chair of the Haringey Strategic Partnership for 2009/10.




Appointment of Vice-Chair

To appoint a Vice-Chair for 2009/10.




That Paul Head be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Haringey Strategic Partnership for 2009/10.


Chair's Annual Statement

The Chair will make an annual statement.




That the Chair’s Annual Statement be noted.


Confirmation of Terms of Reference and Membership: 2009/10


The Board considered a report presenting its Terms of Reference and Membership for confirmation.


It was noted that on the 16 June Council’s Cabinet had appointed three Cabinet Members to the HSP for 2009/10:


  • Councillor Nilgun Canver
  • Councillor Matt Cooke
  • Councillor Lorna Reith


In terms of the Board’s Membership the agencies included within the list remained the same.


There was agreement that the wording contained within the Terms of Reference with respect to the attendance of meetings should be revised to set out clearly that Members of the Board were expected to give apologies for no more than two or consecutive meetings without sending a substitute in any twelve month period.


It was noted that there were still references to the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership Board and that these would need to be amended to reflect the establishment of the Children’s Trust.




  1. That the Term of Reference presented be agreed on an interim basis.


  1. That the Membership list be noted.


Initial Feedback on the Comprehensive Area Assessment

A presentation will be made by Jackie Barry-Purssell of the Audit Commission.


The Board received an overview from the Emerging Issues Feedback from the Audit Commission on the recent Comprehensive Area Assessment and how the Partnership had been assessed.


It was noted that the document highlighted Mortality as an area where further information would be sought. The Director of Public Health noted that the Local Area Agreement (LAA) referred to standardised mortality ratios and that a briefing for the Audit Commission could be provided on this and there was agreement that this would be useful.


In response to a query as to when the outcome of the recent Care Quality Commission inspection of Adult Services would be available the Board was advised that this was due within the next three weeks; the Board would be advised of the exact date when the minutes were circulated.




That the feedback provided be noted.


The Partnership's Experience of the Comprehensive Area Assessment

A verbal report will be provided.


The Board was provided with an overview of how preparation for the CAA had been undertaken and the experience of the CAA Steering Group.


The Chair of the CAA Steering Group noted that the process had provided individual with a better understanding of how partner organisations operated and the issues they faced. Partners from the Voluntary Sector noted that this was the first time they had contributed to this type of work and the experience had been positive.


There was a general consensus that the process that had been undertaken and the critique of the Partnership would inform future work and strengthen the Partnership further.


It was noted that there should be a balance between positive areas of work and those where further work was required. Although there were significant areas of challenge for the Partnership this should not overshadow the good work and progress that had been achieved.




That the verbal report be noted.  


Update from the Recession Task Group


The Board received a report that provided an update on work being carried out by the Recession Taskforce.


Apologies were given for the omission of Appendix 1 referred to in the report and the Board was advised that this would be circulated separately.


It was noted that the first meeting of the Taskforce had taken place on 3 June and that this had been attended by a range of representatives from across the Partnership. A Recession ‘Dashboard’ containing statistical information drawn from across a number of areas provided a broad picture of the impact that the recession was having upon Haringey and this was now being shared across Partner organisations.


The Board was advised that the Government had recently announced that £30M was being made available for public authorities to bid for job creation programmes and that the Taskforce would be looking at opportunities in Haringey to take up this offer.


At the previous HSP meeting the Board had been advised that options around the establishment of a Credit Union were being considered. This work was progressing and the Recession Taskforce would receive a presentation on progress at its next meeting.


The Board was advised by partners from NHS Haringey that business cases were being compiled for projects that were aimed at tackling ?? At present posts for sixteen Health Workers, who would be community based and would provide information on health and well being, were being established and these would be in place by the Autumn. In addition health equality audits continued to be carried out and these would be used as a tool to highlight areas of need.


It was noted that the Government Officer for London (GOL) was carrying out work with respect to the establishment of Credit Unions and there was agreement that officers from the Council’s Regeneration Team should contact GOL to discuss this further.  




  1. That the report be noted.


  1. That officers from the Council’s Regeneration Team should contact GOL to discuss the establishment of Credit Unions.




Implementation of Haringey Children's Trust


The Board received a report with respect to the establishment of a Children’s Trust, which would form part of the HSP structure and replace the former Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership Board (CYPSP).  


It was noted that the Trust had met on 19 May and had agreed its Terms of Reference, Membership and the format for its three Sub Groups. The Children’s Trust Executive Performance Management Group (EPMG), which would take an overview of performance and agenda planning, had be established and was due to meet on 24 June.


Concern was raised that the size of the Trust would inhibit its ability to work effectively. In response the Board was advised that the Membership had been reviewed with a view to reducing it size. However, as new legislation was expected with respect to the membership of Children’s Trusts, it had been decided that the membership should remain relatively broad until guidance was issued. The six month review would provide an opportunity to evaluate whether the size of the Board was appropriate in light of the new legislation.


It was noted that as the Sub Groups developed the members of the Trust may feel that it was more appropriate for them to take up places on these bodies.


Clarification was sought as to how the Trust and the role of its members differed from the CYPSP. It was noted that each partner organisation, regardless of its size, would share equal accountability for delivering the Trusts work. The document contained a section describing the difference that the Trust would make. The new legislation around the Trust was also likely to review the role of trustees.


In terms of the relationship between the EPMG and the HSPs Performance Management Group (PMG) it was noted that in order to ensure that the PMG could hold the EMPG to account there would be no cross membership; second tier officers had been nominated by the statutory organisations with places on both groups to sit on the EPMG.


The Board discussed the role of the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) and the relationship between this and the Children’s Trust. It was noted that there would be an element of by scrutiny between the bodies. However, they had separate roles to perform and therefore would not be a duplication of work.




That, subject to the amendment set out below, the proposals set out below regarding the implementation of the Haringey Children’s Trust, as set out in the report and protocol, be approved.



Haringey's Information Sharing Protocols


The Board considered a report that provided an update on the work being undertaken to establish improved Information Sharing Protocols (ISPs).


The Board was reminded that the JAR Action Plan had recommended that the Partnership Framework for information sharing should be improved and developed. To address this officers from the statutory organisations had been formed to identify consider how the respective information sharing arrangements could be aligned to the Information Commissioners model of best practice.


It was confirmed that provision was being made to include the services delivered by the Voluntary Sector.


It was contended that information relating to young people at risk of Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) would need to be held in one area and in response the Board was advised that as there was  





Local Area Agreement End of Year Performance Report: 2008/09


The Board received a report that provided an overview of performance against Local Area Agreement (LAA) targets at the end of 2008/09.


It was noted that at the end of 2008/09 forty-two were rated as either Green or Amber and twelve were rated as Red. An additional twenty-six could not be assessed at present as the data was not available at present.


The Board discussed performance during the year and there was agreement that there should be a greater focus on


It was noted that the HSP Performance Management Group (PMG) was reviewing the way it managed performance with a view to increasing dialogue with Thematic Board Chairs.  This was intended to improve the focus on areas of underperformance and identifying measures to address these.




  1. That the performance and the remedial actions being taken to address areas of under performance be noted.


  1. That progress against the 2007 LAA Stretch Targets be noted.







Thematic Board Updates


The Board considered a report that provided a summary of the work streams, activities and recent decisions taken by each of the Thematic Boards during the last cycle of meetings.




That the report be noted.



New Items of Urgent Business

To consider any new items of Urgent Business admitted under Item 2 above.


No new items of Urgent Business were raised.


Any Other Business

To raise any items of AOB.


Tour of Decent Homes Works in Haringey -27 June


The Board was advised that a tour was being arranged of the Decent Homes works being carried out in the Borough on 27 June. Details would be circulated to members of the Board following the meeting.




Dates of Future Meetings

To note the dates of future meetings set out below:


  • 5 November 2009
  • 21 January 2010
  • 25 March 2010


The Board was asked to note the following dates of future meetings and was advised that an additional date was being arranged for late September to consider the CAA results.


  • September 2009 *
  • 5 November 2009
  • 21 January 2010
  • 25 March 2010  


* The date of this meeting will be confirmed shortly.