Agenda and minutes

Standing Leadership Conference (HSP)
Thursday, 26th February, 2009 6.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Xanthe Barker  2916

No. Item


Apologies and Substitutions

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from the following:


Councillor Nilgun Canver

John Egbo

Councillor Brian Haley


Declarations of Interest

Members of the Board must declare any personal and or prejudicial interests with respect to agenda items and must not take part in any decision required in relation to that item.



No declarations of interest were made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 102 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 4 November 2008 as a correct record.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 4 November 2008 be confirmed as a correct record.



Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any items of urgent business. (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with under Item 17 below).



There were no items of Urgent Business raised.




Partnership Response to the Recession

A presentation will be given and Board members will discuss and agree a joint approach.


The Board received a presentation in relation to the current economic climate and its impact upon the Borough and considered how the Partnership could respond to this.


It was noted that the forecasts predicted that the economy was unlikely to recover in the next two years and that the landscape following the recovery was likely to be very different. Consequently the Partnership would need to consider how it would respond to this both in the short and long term.


In response to a query the Chair advised that the Council had looked at options for establishing a Credit Union. It was noted that the process attached to this was complicated and could take up to two years. However, the possibility of joining an existing Credit Union, in partnership with a neighbouring Borough was being explored and a feasibility study was being carried out.


The Board was advised that the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Community Cohesion had met with representatives from the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) to discuss how the change in economic climate was  affecting their clients. They had been advised that a significant number of people were coming forward in the west of the Borough and it was anticipated that this would increase as the impact of further job losses were felt.


The meeting had provided a good picture of what was happening on the ground and would inform the Council’s response to addressing the issue.


There was agreement that a holistic and coordinated approach from the Partnership was essential in order to ensure that the resources available were used as effectively as possible. As a number organisations represented were large scale employers there was an opportunity for joined up initiatives to be developed jointly. Initiatives such using Health Centres to make people aware of the Benefits they may be entitled could be built on.


The Board was advised that this also presented an opportunity for the Partnership to consider how volunteering, apprenticeships and different skills sets could be developed amongst people who were out of work. This could be linked to citizenship by encouraging people who had recently been made unemployed, who may possess a different skills sets, to work with people who had been unemployed on a long term basis. It was suggested that a time limited sub-group should be established to develop a small number of initiatives. 


The Chair requested that Board members supply the Council’s officer with information setting out the actions and initiatives being taken to address the current economic climate. Once this was received it was proposed that a ‘Task and Finish’ group should be established in order to coordinate a programme of actions and initiatives on behalf of the HSP to tackle this.


It was noted that there were currently several Government initiatives aimed at ‘kick starting’ the economy particularly in relation to the construction industry and Homes for Haringey was using funding available as part of this to push forward the Decent Homes  ...  view the full minutes text for item 121.


The Council's Budget 2009/10

A presentation will be given.


The Board received a presentation setting out detail of the Council’s Budget for 2009/10.


The Board was advised that the Council Plan and Community Strategy largely determined how the budget priorities were set. The Business Planning process then drew on these and cases were built up around the priorities contained within them and considered by Councillors.


It was noted that joint commissioning was becoming increasingly important and there was agreement that


Action Plan in Response to the Joint Area Review of Safeguarding in Haringey pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a report presenting the Action Plan that had been formed in response to the Joint Area Review (JAR) of the arrangements in place for the Safeguarding of children in Haringey.


The JAR report, received from OFSTED in December 2008, made a number of recommendations for improving the Safeguarding of children in Haringey. Following the publication of this the Secretary of State had required the new Director of Children’s Services to produce an Action Plan addressing the recommendations by the end of February 2009.   


The Board was advised that the Partners had worked together to produce the Plan and that there had been significant enthusiasm and commitment expressed towards forming the document. The Plan set out not only how the recommendations within the JAR report would be address, but also how Safeguarding would be improved and developed over the next three years.


In addition to the document presented there were a number of monitoring and performance management documents that sat beneath it. At present a piece of work was being carried out to rationalise the bodies with Safeguarding responsibilities; the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership Board was taking steps to become a Children’s Trust Board and Children and several other existing bodies were being merged or abolished. All of these measures were intended to ensure that Safeguarding in the Borough was as effective as possible.


It was noted that a narrative document would also be produced, which would provide an overview of what the Action Plan would achieve over the next three years and its strategic priorities. A ‘map’ would also accompany the document setting out how the various documents sat together, milestones and  timeline for the three year period covered by the Plan.


Concern was raised by representatives from the Community and Voluntary Sector that there had not been sufficient consultation with the sector during the formation of the Plan. This point was acknowledged, however, it was noted that there had been a very limited timescale in place to draw together the Plan and as a result it had not been possible to engage and consult with the range of partners the Council would normally consult with.


It was noted that following the death of Baby P it had become evident that staff had raised concerns around the handling of cases with senior officers and these concerns had not been addressed. In response to a query, as to how this and the broader issue of attitude and cultural change were being addressed, the Board was advised that this was a key issue for the Plan. There were measures within the Plan aimed at improving and developing reflective practice and how staff were supported by senior officers.  


The Board was advised that there was also measures contained within the Plan to raised awareness of Safeguarding issues amongst the public more generally and these were aimed at encouraging people to come forward if there were issues of concern.


It was contended that in order for the Plan to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 123.


Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA): Audit Commission Lead, Jackie Barry-Purssell

A presentation will be given.


The Board received a presentation on the Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) from Jackie Barry-Purssell, Haringey’s link officer from the Audit Commission.


An overview was provided of how the CAA would assess the performance and effectiveness of public services in the Borough. The Assessment was comprised of two key elements:


  • Area Assessment
  • Organisational Assessment


The Area Assessment would focus on how well local priorities expressed community needs and aspirations and how effectively outcomes and improvements were delivered. The Organisational Assessment would be informed by the Area Assessment and would focus on the contribution made by public services individually and as part of the wider partnership.


In terms of the evidence based used local performance management information such as performance against LAA targets would form a key source of information. In addition evidence from existing inspection and audit  systems and information gathered by government offices and other agencies would taken into consideration. Views would also be sought from Third Sector organisations and local businesses.


The Board was advised that the CAA would be published on both the individual organisations respective websites and the Audit Commission’s website. A more customer orientated approach was intended and summary documents would be produced and categorised so that people were able to ‘drill down’ and obtain more detailed information.


It was noted that the CAA Framework had been published on 10 February and that CAA process would begin in March 2009. The final CAA report would be published at the end of November 2009.


Following the presentation the Chair invited questions from members of the Board.


In response to a query the Board was advised that the Assessment would be guided by the priorities contained within the LAA and Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS). However, if there were additional sources that were relevant these could also be considered.


In terms measuring and assessing Third Sector involvement and influence the CAA team would need to be able to see evidence of the mechanisms in place to facilitate this and the outcomes that had been produced.  


The Chair thanked Jackie Barry-Purssell for her presentation.




That the presentation be noted.








Preparing for Haringey's Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) -The Area Assessment pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report setting out the proposed governance arrangements for the preparation of the Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA).  


An overview of the proposed governance arrangements was provided and it was noted that the HSP Performance Management (PMG) would oversee the Area Assessment. A working group would be established consisting of members nominated by the PMG and this would be tasked with compiling the self assessment and supporting evidence base.


It was noted that the final document would be submitted to the HSP in June for approval.


The Board was advised that the group would include a range of partners including representatives from the Community and Voluntary Sector.




That the proposed governance arrangements, timetable for the Area Assessment and CAA Briefings, set out in the report be approved.




Haringey's First Community Engagement Framework pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report setting out progress in relation to establishment of a Community Engagement Framework (CEF).


The Board was advised that the HSP Performance Management Group (PMG) had established a multi agency sub group to lead on the delivery of the CEF.  


The first phase of the consultation process had now concluded and the second phase was due to commence on 5 March. This would include publishing the consultation document on the Council’s website and circulating this Voluntary Sector groups for feedback. A questionnaire would also be circulated as part of this seeking specific comments in relation to the vision, definition and principles of the CEF. 


During the second phase a each of the Thematic Boards would also be provided with an opportunity to discuss and comment on the draft CEF.


It was noted that the third phase of the consultation process would take place in the Autumn and would focus primarily on the development of the Action Plan.


The Board discussed progress to date and concern was raised that at present there was not sufficient emphasis on Empowerment and the measures in place to achieve this. Representatives from the Third Sector felt that this would form an essential part of the CEF and its success.


The Board was advised that it had not been considered appropriate to carry out a cost analysis or allocate funding until the second phase of consultation had been completed.  Once this phase had concluded work would be carried out work in relation to this would commence.


It was noted that organisations often received requests for the same sets of information on a regular basis and it was suggested that there should be cross referencing with tools such as the Compact Tool Kit to ensure that duplication did not occur.


The Board was advised that the sub-group working on the document had recognised the need to present information in a way that made it accessible to people. To reflect this information had been presented in the form of a matrix rather than in a list.




That the draft CEF consultation document be approved for public consultation in early March 2009.






Local Area Agreement 2nd and 3rd Quarter Performance Report pdf icon PDF 372 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a report that provided a summary of performance against Local Area Agreement (LAA) targets during the second and third quarters of 2008/09.


An overview was provided of the areas where targets were not being met and the measures being taken to mitigate these. It was noted that performance in relation to the Prevalence of Chlamydia was expected to improve during the forth quarter as a result of the increased action taken by partners to address this.


The Board was advised that a number of suggestions arising from discussion at the previous meeting had been taken forward in relation to improving Chlamydia screening. These included two articles in Haringey People and new initiatives by CONEL and the PCT.


The Board discussed the target around reducing the number of people receiving Incapacity Benefit and was advised that this had been a problematic target for all London Boroughs. As a result it had been proposed that this target should be removed from the LAA during the current Refresh and adopted as a Local Target.


It was clarified that the Performance Reward Grant was tied to the successful meeting of targets. As the target in relation to Incapacity Benefit could not be achieved within the remaining timescale for 2008/09 future financial calculations had already been made on the basis that this would not be achieved.




  1. That performance during the second and third quarters be noted.


  1. That the remedial actions being taken to address areas of under performance be noted.   


Local Area Agreement Refresh pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a report that provided an overview of the process in relation to the Local Area Agreement Refresh for 2008/09.


It was noted that following the JAR report the opportunity was being taken to include the following additional Safeguarding indicators:


  • NI 59 –Initial assessments for children’s social care (National Indicator)
  • NI 61 –Stability of looked after children adopted following an agency decision (Local Indicator)
  • NI 62 –Stability of placements of looked after children  -number of moves (Local Indicator)
  • NI 67 –Child protection cases reviewed within the required timescales (Local Indicator)


It was noted that in order to accommodate the adoption of N1 59 as an LAA target N1 would become a Local Indicator rather than an LAA target.


Concern was raised that there had been no discussion in relation to the removal of NI 127. The Board was advised that although the target was being removed from the LAA it would still remain as a Local Target and would continue to be monitored and reported on.




  1. That the report be noted.


  1. That the recommendations from the PMG set out below be endorsed:


·        The additional Safeguarding targets set out in the report be approved.

·        The Stretch Target in relation to the number of people claiming Incapacity Benefit be converted to a Local Indicator.

·        The removal of Local Target N1 127.


  1. That the timescales for completing the LAA Refresh be noted.


  1. That the Leader of the Council, as Chair of the HSP, be authorised to agree any final revisions that may be required by GOL after the report has been approved by the Council’s Cabinet on 24 February 2009 and endorsed by the HSP.  


Area Based Grant: Allocations to Theme Boards 2009/10 - 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 53 KB


The Board considered a report detailing the allocations to Thematic Boards for 2009/10 and 2010/11 and setting out the process for approving the programme of activity funded by the Area Based Grant (ABG) the period.


At present the Thematic Boards were in the process of planning activities funded by the ABG for the next two year period.


It was noted that the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership Board would receive the most significant increase in its funding due to an increase in the number of Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) grants within the overall allocation. As supporting children and young people was a key priority for the Board it had been agreed that this should be ‘passported’ directly to the Board.


The Board was advised that the PMG would consider the proposed Activity Programmes from each of the Thematic Board at its meeting on 18 March.




  1. That the report be endorsed and the process and timescales for approving the 2009/10 programme be noted.


  1. The authority be delegated to the PMG to approved the programme of activity funded as recommended by the Thematic Boards at its meeting in March.




Haringey Housing Strategy 2009-19 -Update pdf icon PDF 48 KB


The Board received a report, for information, which provided an update on progress made in relation to new Housing Strategy 2009-19.


The Board was advised that there would be an opportunity




That the be noted.


Haringey Sustainable Community Strategy: Progress Report June 2007 - December 2008 pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a report seeking approval of the final Haringey Community Strategy: Progress Report Summary.




That the Haringey Community Strategy: Progress Report Summary for the period June 2007 to December 2008 be approved and circulated with the April edition of Haringey People.


Briefing on the Proposed Merger of the College of North East London (CONEL) and Enfield College pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a report that provided a briefing on progress in relation to the proposed merger of the College of North East London (CONEL) with Enfield College.




That the report be noted.


Thematic Board Updates pdf icon PDF 46 KB


The Board received a report that provided a summary of work streams and recent decisions undertaken by each of the Thematic Partnership Boards.




That the report be noted.


New Items of Urgent Business


No new items of Urgent Business were raised.


Any Other Business


No items of AOB were raised.


Dates of Next Meetings

The next scheduled meeting of the HSP is due to take place on 27 April 2009.




It was noted that the next meeting of the HSP was due to take place on 27 April 2009.