Agenda and minutes

Standing Leadership Conference (HSP)
Tuesday, 8th April, 2008 6.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Xanthe Barker  2916

No. Item


Welcome, Apologies and Introductions

To receive apologies for absence and welcome those present to the meeting.


The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting and noted that apologies had been received from the following:


Tracey Baldwin

Markos Chrysostomou

Mary Connolly

David Lammy MP

George Martin

Joanne McCartney AM

Pastor Nims Obunge

Councillor Lorna Reith


The Chair noted that Councillor Lorna Reith and Mary Connolly had recently suffered bereavements and on behalf of the Board offered his condolences.



Declarations of Interest

Members of the HSP must declare any personal/and or prejudicial interests with respect to agenda items and must not take part in any decision required with respect to these items.



No declaration of interest were made.


Urgent Items of Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any items of Urgent Business (new items of urgent business will be considered under Agenda Item 10 below).  


No urgent items of business were received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 105 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2008 as a correct record.




That, subject to the amendment set out below to minute number HSP61, the minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2008 were confirmed as a correct record.


‘The Board was advised by Pastor Nims Obunge that the Peace Alliance had organised an event to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King, which was being held at Westminster Abbey on 4 April. He encouraged members of the Board to attend.


The Board was circulated with the Annual Report for 2008/09 and Partners were asked to submit any comments by 14 March 2008.


The Council’s Annual Report for 2006/07 was circulated, together with a covering letter outlining its purpose, which sought comments and feedback, in order to inform the format of Annual Report for 2007/08.


The Board was advised that in addition to the summary statement of accounts for the year the, report also reflected some of the Council’s most important achievements and successes under each of its five corporate priorities during 2006/07.


It was noted that as part of the consultation process in relation to the Annual Report there had been consultation with residents.  In order to consult with, and obtain the views of partner organisations, members of the HSP were asked to make any comments or suggestions for inclusion in this year’s report, by 28 March 2008’.




Presentation from the Well-Being Strategic Partnership Board

A presentation will be made.


The Board received a presentation from the Well-Being Strategic Partnership Board.


The Joint Director of Public Health advised that the key strategic aim of the Board was to promote a healthier Haringey by improving well-being and tackling inequalities.


It was noted that the new Local Government and Involvement in Public Health Act placed a duty upon the Director of Public Health and the Directors of Adult and Children’s Services to undertake a Joint Needs Assessment (JNA).  The JNA would focus on three key issues when determining need:


  • Incidence and Prevalence
  • Existing Services
  • Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness


In order to demonstrate how a JNA was approached a group exercise was undertaken looking at Childhood Obesity and there was discussion following this.


The Board was advised that as part of the JNA process similar exercises would be used to identify commissioning needs. Service commissioners and providers would be engaged and themed areas would be considered by the relevant individuals. Following this a rolling programme of work would be formed and there would be consultation with the public in relation to this.


In terms of the structure supporting the delivery of the JNA the Board was advised that a Steering Group had been established that would oversee the process.  In addition to this a Project Executive, Consultation Forum and Technical Officers group were also being formed.


It was noted that representatives from each of the HSP Thematic Boards would take part in the commissioning process and that this would be fed through the HSP.








Local Area Agreement 2008/09 - 20010/11 pdf icon PDF 218 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report that provided an update on progress to date in the development of the 2008/09 Local Area Agreement (LAA).


It was noted that the HSP Performance Management Group (PMG) had negotiated thirty-five National Indicators and twenty-four Local Indicators (including the current Stretch Targets) for inclusion within the new LAA. In addition to this there were also sixteen mandatory education and Early Years targets.


As part the LAA the Partnership was required to produce a Story of Place, which set out, in narrative form, the context for the LAA. This reflected the Community Strategy set out how the priorities and Indicators included within the LAA had been selected.


The Board was advised that each of the Indicators were aligned to one of the HSP Theme Boards. Where Indicators were cross cutting and would be monitored by more than one of the Theme Boards.


As agreed at the previous meeting of the HSP, a new Performance Monitoring Framework for the Partnership had been developed, which would enable performance to be monitored with a greater degree of consistency across the Partnership.


It was noted that Lead Officers representing the Theme Boards would liaise with Lead Officers from the Government Office for London (GOL) regarding the setting of specific targets around the Indicators. This process would take place during April and May.


In response to a query in relation to existing Stretch Targets on Adult Participation in Sport, the Board was advised that there was a three-year target in place, which related to the 29.6% referred to in the report. As part of the negotiation between the relevant Council and GOL leads each of the existing Stretch Targets would be examined and appropriate targets for these would be agreed.


The Board was advised that if, after the initial six month period it was determined that a project should not longer continue to receive funding, a three month notice period would be given to the relevant organisation. In terms of the reallocation of the funding this would be considered as part of the ongoing Performance Management Framework.


It was suggested that a template setting out the responsibilities and roles of partners in achieving the National Indicator targets was devised once they had been determined.


The Board was advised that a further report would be brought to the Board at its July meeting.






That the content of the report be noted.


That, subject to ministerial sign off in June 2008, the Haringey Local Area Agreement 2008/09 to 2010/11, which encompassed the thirty-five National Indicators and sixteen statutory educational attainment and Early Years Indicators, be endorsed.



Upper Lee Valley: A New Vision pdf icon PDF 121 KB


The Board received a brief presentation and considered a report on the new vision for the Upper Lee Valley from the Deputy Director of the North London Strategic Alliance.


The North London Strategic Alliance worked across three Boroughs, Haringey, Waltham Forest and Enfield, to promote and improve the Upper Lee Valley (ULV) area. The ULV Vision had been formed in order to provide a long-term view of the area that could be implemented incrementally as opportunities within the area arose.


The three Boroughs, in collaboration with the Local Development Agency and Greater London Authority, had developed the ULV Vision through the Alliance. Its primary focus was to halt the long period of decline experienced in the area due to the structural decline of manufacturing in London.


It was noted that the Upper Lee Valley ULV was strategically placed to utilise links with the London-Cambridge growth corridor, Stansted Airport and the Olympic and Thames Gateways. The ULV Vision had been developed to ensure that these opportunities were realised. The following key issues were focussed upon within the Vision:


Highlighting communication and transport links within the area -demonstrating the areas connections to central London, the Olympic and Thames Gateway and the Stansted/Cambridge corridor.


Improving the built environment -focussing on how areas where industrial buildings and domestic dwellings were in close proximity could be improved.


Improving communication links across the Borough.


The Board was advised that effective Partnership working would be key to the success of the Vision and that cross Borough working was required in order to take it forward. In order to facilitate this a Leaders Forum had been established and this included the Leader of each of the Councils and key lead officers. In addition to this there were several other bodies that flowed into this.


It was noted that there had already been successful cross Borough approach to address Worklessness via the North London Pledge, which had been lead by Haringey, and the through the cross Borough action plan for the Central Leeside Area.


The Board was advised that representatives from each of the Local Strategic Partnerships would included within the bodies that sat beneath the Leaders’ Forum. Representatives from HAVCO indicated that if assistance was required in identifying community and voluntary sector representatives the organisation would be happy to assist in this process.


The Board discussed the ULV Vision and how the area could make the most of the opportunities available as part of the Olympics. It was suggested that identifying unique selling points that would attract people to the area would be crucial to the success of the Vision. Improving the waterways and canals in the area and looking at opportunities to move freight onto the canals were also identified, as areas the Vision should address.


The Board was advised that there had already been significant progress made in raising the profile of the ULV and interest in the Central Leeside area demonstrated this shift. There were other tangible examples of this such  ...  view the full minutes text for item 69.


Greenest Borough Strategy: Update pdf icon PDF 273 KB


The Board was provided with an update on the development of the Council’s Greenest Borough Strategy and the results of the consultation process in relation to this.


It was noted that there had been an extensive consultation programme around the Strategy and that as a result of this a number of revisions had been made. These included a stronger emphasis on mitigating climate change and adaptation and a strengthening the approach to bio-diversity, sustainable food and designing out crime. In addition to these amendments the Strategy had also been re-drafted as an HSP strategy, rather than a Council document and this reflected new guidelines on strategy writing and the emerging LAA.


In response to a query as to how partners would contribute to achieving the aims of the Strategy, the Board was advised that the new Local Government and Involvement in Public Health Act placed a duty upon partners to take responsibility for the delivery of strategies under the HSP’s responsibility. The Council would provide technical support to partners via its Environment Support Team.


It was noted that there was a great deal of support from the local community to support this and representatives from HAVCO indicated that they were pleased that the views of the local community had been taken into account within the Strategy.




That the context for developing the Greenest Borough Strategy, as set out in the report, be noted.


That the results of the consultation exercise and how this impacted upon the re-drafting process be noted. 


That the Greenest Borough Strategy be adopted as a strategy of the HSP.


That the Better Places Partnership Board should monitor performance against the National Indicators that would be delivered through the Strategy.



Thematic Board Updates pdf icon PDF 95 KB


The Board received a report that provided updates on the work streams, activities and recent decisions undertaken by each of the Theme Boards.


Better Places Partnership (BPP)


In addition to the written update, the Chair of the Board noted that the recent LAA workshop that had been held had been successful and that there had been discussion around the membership of the BPP. There had been agreement that the membership of the Board needed to be reviewed in order to ensure that it could deliver the targets within its responsibility effectively.


Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership Board (CYPSPB)


Nothing additional to add.


Enterprise Partnership Board


The Board was advised that the North London Pledge was now in place and that this built upon the Haringey Guarantee, which had recently been cited as a good example of ? by ? and had been awarded a grant of £1.5M.


Integrated Housing Board (IHB)


Nothing additional to add.


Safer Communities Executive Board (SCEB)


The Board was advised that its meeting on 28 March the SCEB had adopted the Safer Communities Strategy. Following this meeting a workshop on the LAA had been held, which had been successful.


Well-Being Strategic Partnership Board (WBSPB)


Nothing additional to add.




That the report and additional verbal updates be noted.



New Items of Urgent Business

To consider the admission of any new items of Urgent Business admitted under Item 3 above.


No new items of Urgent Business were raised.


Any Other Business

To consider any items of AOB.


Dates of Next Meetings

Please note that the dates list below are still provisional at present, as the Council’s Calendar of Meetings has not yet been formerly agreed, and therefore they may be subject to change.


  • 3 July 2008, 6pm, Civic Centre
  • 3 November 2008, 6pm, Civic Centre
  • 26 February 2009, 6pm, Civic Centre


Once the dates have been formerly confirmed you will be notified.



The following provisional dates for future meetings were noted:


 3 July, 6pm, Civic Centre

3 November, 6pm, Civic Centre

26 February, 6pm, Civic Centre


Once the Council’s Calendar of Meetings had been confirmed members of the HSP would be formerly notified.