Agenda and minutes

AGM, Standing Leadership Conference (HSP)
Tuesday, 22nd May, 2007 6.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Nicolas Mattis, Principal Committee Co-ordinator  2916

No. Item



To report that further to the decision taken by the Board at their meeting on 22 March (vide Minute HSP 10) a steering group was established and met as the HSP Performance Management Group on 24 April. The Performance Management Group having considered proposed revisions recommends the amended Terms of Reference and membership of the Board for the municipal year 2007/8. Attached


Additional documents:



(Agenda Item 7):


We noted that it was considered good practice to keep governance arrangements under review and as this was the Annual General Meeting of the Board it was felt appropriate to consider changes that needed to be made to the terms of reference.  We were advised that the HSP Performance Management Group had considered a number of changes that would strengthen how the Board operated.  Our particular attention was drawn to the following paragraphs:


·        4.2 The Leader of the Council to be the Chair of the HSP


·        4.3 The Vice Chair to be from an organisation other than the Council


·        4.4 Deputies – Board members should not send deputies on their behalf on more than two occasions, and not to consecutive meetings.


·        4.8 The role and membership of the Performance Management Group was clearly set out here.


·        4.9 This referred to the Thematic Boards and strengthened their responsibilities in respect of delivering the Community Strategy and the LAA.


·        7.1 Accountability – made it clear that Haringey Council was the accountable body for the HSP. The Partnership was therefore accountable through the Council to Regional and Central Government Departments.




That approval be granted to the terms of reference as set out in the interleaved report.




To appoint the Chair of the HSP for the municipal year 2007/8. (In making the appointment, Board Members are asked to note paragraph 4.2 of the recommended Terms of Reference which appear at agenda item 7).




(Agenda Item 1):




That, in accordance with paragraph 4.2 of the terms of reference, Councillor George Meehan (as Leader of Haringey Council) be confirmed as the Chair of the Partnership Board for 2007/8.




To appoint the Vice-Chair of the HSP for the municipal year 2007/8 (In making the appointment, Board Members are asked to note paragraph 4.3 of the recommended Terms of Reference which appear at agenda item 7).


(Agenda Item 2):


It was moved, seconded and




That Paul Head be elected as Vice-Chair of the Partnership Board for 2007/8.





(Agenda Item 3):


Apologies were received from the following HSP members:


David Lammy MP

Joanne McCartney                            Greater London Assembly Member

Commander Simon O’Brien            Haringey Metropolitan Police (for whom Wayne Mawson  substituted)

Symon Sentain                                  Bridge NDC (for whom Rachel Hughes substituted)

Walter Steel                                       Job Centre Plus (for whom Linda Banton substituted) 

Councillor Brian Haley,                     Better Places Partnership representative

Markos Chrysostomou                     HAVCO



Members of the HSP must declare any personal and/or pecuniary interests with respect to agenda items and must not take part in any decision required with respect to these items.






The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business (late items will be considered under agenda Item 16 below).





MINUTES: pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To approve the minutes of the Extraordinary Haringey Strategic Partnership meeting held on 22 March 2007.



(Agenda Item 6):




That the minutes of the meeting held on 22 March 2007 be approved and signed.




Chair to report to the Board on Partnership activities and achievements over the past year.




(Agenda Item 8):


Our Chair outlined the achievements of the Partnership over the previous year, and the affects these had on the communities of the Borough. Having thanked partners for their efforts and continued success in improving services for the benefit of residents and service users, he expressed the hope that the Partnership structure and that of the Theme Boards would enable the hopes needs and aspirations of Borough residents to be met and for the vision to make Haringey a place for diverse communities of which people were proud to belong.




To receive a presentation on the strategic and cross-cutting housing issues.


(Agenda Item 9):


We received a presentation on the housing challenges within the Borough and we noted the various elements highlighted that taken together represented a housing crisis.  The presentation also touched on the impact of this crisis across a wide range of services including those for children especially education, health services,  community safety and crime reduction efforts, families and social services, physical regeneration, social cohesion as well as poverty and worklessness.


We were informed that while the number of children living in temporary accommodation had increased over the previous three years, this figure had stabilised as a result of recent new measures and was now decreasing. We were also informed that an overcrowding map was available which highlighted the main areas of highest overcrowding in the Borough based on the Council’s own housing stock management information, reliable information in relation to overcrowding in the private sector was not thought to be available. Having been informed of the definitions used by the Council in relation to overcrowding and severe overcrowding, we were also informed that although families were allocated accommodation which met their needs at that point in time overcrowding often arose as families grew in numbers. In response to a question we were further informed that the Council offered incentives to tenants to downsize to smaller accommodation where appropriate. In respect of the demographic statistics relating to overcrowding, these could be supplied to the proposed Integrated Housing Board the proposed establishment of which was the subject of a separate report later on the agenda.


Concern was also expressed that in other sectors of housing sector there was an expectation that every child would have their own bedroom, an expectation that the Council could not match. The lack of personal space for younger people also had implications for their education and for anti social behaviour.




1.      That the Board place on record its thanks to Councillor Diakides for his presentation.

2.      That the overcrowding map to which reference was made above be circulated with the minutes of the meeting.



To consider the report put to Haringey Council’s Executive on 20 March 2007 and consider the proposals to establish an Integrated Housing Partnership Board. Attached


Additional documents:


(Agenda Item 10):


The Board was advised that following approval by the Council’s Cabinet, and in order to more effectively address and monitor the issues highlighted in the previous presentation on housing challenges, an Integrated Housing Board (IHB) be established as a theme board of the HSP.




1.      That approval be granted to the establishment of an Integrated Housing Partnership Board as detailed in the interleaved report.


2.      That measures be taken to strengthen the links between the Integrated Housing Partnership Board and the Area Assemblies.


3.      That the Integrated Housing Board assume responsibility for delivering relevant areas of the Sustainable Community Strategy and monitoring the relevant key performance indicators, Decent Homes and the delivery of affordable housing.



The HSP is asked to consider recommendations from the HSP Performance Management Group in relation to the thematic partnership boards’ arrangements for 2007/08. Attached


(Agenda Item 11):


We were informed of the on-going work emanating from the HSP Review in respect of the role and structure of the Board’s thematic boards. It was emphasised that the role for theme boards was an important and serious one, and that performance management arrangements for each theme board would be established in due course.




1.      That approval be granted to the establishment of an additional thematic board for housing (the Integrated Housing Board), building on the current thematic structure.


2.      That the Integrated Housing Board be established initially for one year, to be reviewed thereafter with a view to incorporating it in future years within the Haringey Well-Being Partnership Board.


3.      That, in the light of the need to deliver on the Sustainable Community Strategy and the Local Area Agreement, the thematic boards report to the HSP Board to update it on how their work, and the activities within their themes were contributing to meeting the mandatory targets and outcomes.



To advise the HSP of the event to launch ‘a sustainable way forward’ – Haringey’s sustainable community strategy and of the progress around the emerging performance regime to monitor, manage and deliver the strategy.


Additional documents:


(Agenda Item 12):


We received an update report on the implantation of the Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS), noting that the official launch would be held on 29 June 2007. We were advised that it was proposed that the outcomes from the SCS be monitored by way of a colour coded scorecard mechanism similar to that used by the Council for its monthly performance review. The proposal would be discussed by the HSP’s Performance Management Group (PMG) at its next meeting before endorsement of the final process by the Board.




1.      That the report be noted.


2.       That HSP partners ensure that they align their own plans and strategies to deliver the Sustainable Community Strategy.


3.      That the details of the official launch be circulated with the minutes.




NRF & SSCF OUTTURN: pdf icon PDF 48 KB

The HSP is asked to consider:

·        The 2nd 6 month’s review of the SSCF end of year expenditure statement for 2006/07

·        The NRF outturn for 2006/07


Because of changes to the deadlines for submission made by the Government Office for London and the need to conclude necessary consultations the report is not available at the time of collation of the agenda but it is intended that it will be circulated to Board Members as a second despatch.


Additional documents:


(Agenda Item 13):


We received a report on the second six month review and the end of year expenditure statement of the SSCF Agreement for 2006/7, and the outturn position for NRF for 2006/7. In respect of the SSCF, we were informed that the assessment of progress made during the first six months, against overall outcomes and spend for the Agreement, was scored as "green". Only the community empowerment element of the Agreement had scored "amber". We were also advised that the assessment and end of year outturn of grant allocation had been reviewed by the Council’s Internal Audit Service who had identified several key areas for improvement in terms of the standards as outlined in the interleaved report.


In response to a question we were informed that a “green” score reflected actual achievements in outcomes from the Funds and notified that the direction of travel was considered to be positive. In respect of the Crime Reduction target which had received a “green” assessment score, we noted that although two of the ten targets were under-achieving this still compared well with London generally and would be the subject of negotiations with the Government Officer for London if necessary. We acknowledged the importance for our Theme Boards keeping robust monitoring regimes in relation to  their respective NRF/SSCF spending, particularly as these would be pooled into the Local Area Agreement budgets despite the continued requirement to report separately on the NRF/SSCF allocations. In this respect we noted that full guidance would be issued to the Theme Board Chairs and lead officers to assist in this new process.




1.      That the NRF outturn report within the 2006/7 programme as set out at Appendix A to the interleaved report be approved for submission to the Government Office for London by 5 June 2007.

2.      That the second six month review of the SSCF Agreement together  the end of year statement of grant allocation with Internal Audit opinion as set out at Appendices B and C be approved for submission to the Government Office for London by 1 June 2007.



To outline the proposed method for establishing a new community empowerment process in Haringey by HAVCO and the interim arrangements while the new method for electing representatives to the main HSP and Partnership Theme Boards.



Additional documents:


(Agenda Item 14):


We noted proposals for establishing a new community empowerment process in Haringey by the Haringey Association of Voluntary and Community Organisations (HAVCO), and the interim arrangement set in place whilst the new method was being established. We noted, that in proposing the new arrangements, there were imperative actions that would need to be taken to ensure best results for all parties involved, and for the HSP more generally. The new representation arrangements would be entitled the Haringey Community Link (HCL) and it was proposed that these not include representatives from the Haringey Youth Council.


Concern was raised in respect of the process of establishing the proposed HCL and the way it had been presented to the Board. However, we noted that the model was a proposal only at this stage and that the method leading up to the final creation of the HCL would include a full consultation mechanism with partners. We were advised that the implementation timetable would need to take regard of partner agencies’ ability to engage in the process, but noted the commitment to ensure that the new proposed models were explained to existing HSP voluntary and community sector (VCS) representatives, the wider voluntary and community sector, and other statutory partners before a final decision on a new model of community engagement was agreed in July 2007. In respect of the number of places for VCS representatives on the Partnership, the current proposal was for five elected representatives, plus the chair of HAVCO to sit on the main HSP Board; the HAVCO Chief Executive to sit on the HSP Performance Management Group; and for one HAVCO representative, plus three elected VCS representatives to sit on each of the HSP Theme Boards. We also noted the principals behind the process for engaging voluntary and community sector representatives, as outlined in the report, as well as the statutory requirement notified  by the Government for community empowerment through representation.




That the proposed method for community empowerment representation submitted by HAVCO as outlined in the interleaved report be approved.



To receive verbal updates from the thematic partnership boards:


  • Better Places Partnership Board
  • Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership Board
  • Enterprise Partnership Board
  • Safer Communities Executive Board
  • Well-Being Partnership Board



(Agenda Item 15):


Better Places Partnership:


We noted that the next meeting of the Better Places Partnership was scheduled to take place on 11 June 2007. Partners were invited to attend a Green Fair on 30 June 2007. We also noted that, in future, all dates for events which might be of interest to partners would be circulated by the Council. We further noted that in respect of the Better Haringey campaign undertaken by the Council, an update would be circulated on those projects that continued to promote cleaner, safer and greener areas within the borough, such as the recent Clean Sweep.


            Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership Board:


We noted that work was progressing well on the development of the Childrens Network in conjunction with the Council’s Neighbourhood Management Service, and the Community Safety Team.


Enterprise Partnership Board:


We noted that the Enterprise Partnership Board had lat met on 5 March. We also noted that the Haringey Guarantee Programme had been launched on 20 April and that the next meeting of the Board was scheduled for 5 June which would be discussing, amongst other things, a new regeneration strategy for the Borough. 


Safer Communities Executive Board:


An update report was tabled and it was agreed that this should be circulated with the minutes. In addition, we received a verbal update received from the Metropolitan Police on the highlights of their main achievements in 2006/7. We particularly noted measures taken in the vicinity of Hollywood Green and the success of CCTV surveillance initiatives within certain areas of the Borough. In response to question in respect of the recent incident at Wood Green police station office in which a police officer had been injured, we were informed that the station would re-open for 24-hour operation on 23 May 2007 after a deep clean and IT upgrade. With regard to the night closure of certain police stations within the Borough, we were informed that consultation was still in progress and a decision was expected from the Police Borough Commander in due course.


Haringey Well-Being Partnership Board:


We noted that at its last meeting the Theme Board had discussed provisions being made for the implementation of the new smoking in public places legislation; the community consultation process adopted by St Ann’s Hospital; and the Mental Health Strategy. We also noted that the next meeting of the Board would be held on 12 June 2007




1.      That the updates be received.

2.      That in future Theme Boards be asked to submit all future updates in written report format of no more than one page.



To consider any new items admitted under item 5 above.



(Agenda Item 16):


·        We placed on record our thanks and good wishes to Justin Holliday, Assistant Chief Executive (Policy Performance Partnerships and Communication) who was leaving the Council to take up a post at the Home Office.


·        We were reminded of the date for the HSP Away Day, namely the morning of 29 June 2007, and that further details would be sent by the Council’s Head of Partnerships.


·        The Board noted a suggestion that the Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust be invited to appoint a representative to serve on our Board.




That the Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust be invited to appoint a representative to serve on the Haringey Strategic Partnership Board and that the Board’s terms of reference be amended accordingly.




The HSP is asked to agree to the following dates for future meetings:


·        19 July 2007, 6pm

·        13 November 2007, 6pm

·        11 February 2008, 6pm

·        8 April 2008, 6pm

·        12 May 2008, 6pm



(Agenda Item 17):


The following dates were noted by the Board:


·                    19 July 2007, 6pm

(Board members were asked to note that this new date had been brought forward to avoid the school summer holidays)

·                    13 November 2007, 6pm

·                    11 February 2008, 6pm

·                    8 April 2008, 6pm




Partners should submit proposed agenda items for the next meeting of the HSP (on 19 July 2007) to the Committee Secretariat no later than noon on 25 June 2007.


(Agenda Item 18): 


The Board noted that partners wishing to put forward items for a future agenda were asked to contact the Committee Secretariat.



The meeting ended at 20:00 hours.