Agenda and minutes

Pre-2011 Planning Committee
Monday, 8th September, 2008 7.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Anne Thomas  2941


No. Item



Additional documents:


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Hare for whom Cllr Aitken was substituting.


Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business.  Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear.  New items will be dealt with at item 22 below.


Additional documents:


There were no items of urgent business.


Declarations of Interest

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgment of the public interest and if this interest affects their financial position or the financial position of a person or body as described in paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct and/or if it relates to the determining of any approval, consent, licence, permission or registration in relation to them or any person or body described in paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct.


Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest.



To consider receiving deputations and/or petitions in accordance with Part Four, Section B, Paragraph 29 of the Council’s Constitution.

Additional documents:


None received.



To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Planning Committee held on 21 July 2008.

Additional documents:


The Committee was asked to agree the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 21 July 2008.


The Committee requested that in PC226, paragraph 10, first sentence, the word cedar should read “Sedum”. 




That the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 21 July 2008 be agreed and signed subject to the replacement of the word “cedar” to “Sedum” in PC226, paragraph 10, first sentence. 


Consultation on Planning performance Agreement Charter

To inform the Committee of the proposed charter for Planning Performance Agreements, the planned consultation process and the procedure after consultation finishes.

Additional documents:



The Committee was informed that the Advisory Team for Large Planning Applications and the Department for Communities and Local Government had advised Local Authorities to produce a charter which sets out the organisation framework for Planning Performance Agreements.  Other Local Authorities were already adopting similar charters.


Haringey had proposed a charter for Planning Performance Agreements and a planned consultation process which would begin on 10 September 2008 and conclude in November 2008.   At the end of the consultation period, comments received would be reviewed to determine the final charter.  The results of the consultation would be reported back to the Committee on 10 November 2008 for a final decision.


The Committee was asked to note the proposed charter for Planning Performance Agreements and the consultation process that would take place in September 2008.




That the proposed charter for Planning Performance Agreements and the consultation process that would take place in September 2008 be noted.


Appeal Decisions

To advise the Committee on Appeal decisions determined by the Department for Communities and Local Government during June 2008.

Additional documents:


The Committee noted the outcome of 15 appeal decisions determined by the Department for Communities and Local Government during June 2008, of which one third were allowed and two thirds were dismissed.  The Committee was especially asked to note that the appeal decision on page 32 of the agenda: Alexandra Works, 50 Clarendon Road N8, the Inspector was supportive of the Council’s employment policy and supported the Council’s decision to refuse the application in order that the site be kept for employment purposes.  On other appeals, it was noted that flat conversion had been allowed in Crowland Road N15, dismissed in Gladesmore Road (the next road) and basement lightwells allowed in Ferme Park Road N8 but dismissed in nearby Cecile Park N8.  This decision demonstrated that appeals were dealt with by different inspectors on individual sites and considered on their own merits.




That the report be noted.


Delegated Decisions

To inform the Committee of decisions made under delegated powers by the Heads of Development Control (North & South) and the Chair of the above Committee between 30 June 2008 and July 2008.

Additional documents:


The Committee was asked to note the decisions made under delegated powers by the Heads of Development Control (North and South) and the Chair of the Planning Committee determined during a six week period between 30 June and 17 August 2008.




That the report be noted.


Performance Statistics

To advise the Committee of Performance Statistics for Development Control and Planning Enforcement Action since the 21 July 2008 Committee meeting.

Additional documents:


The Committee was asked to note the performance statistics on Development Control and Planning Enforcement work since the 21 July 2008 Committee meeting. 


The Officer informed the Committee that all the targets for July 2008 were met with the exception of minor applications which was slightly below target.  The granted/refusal rates for decision determined during July 2008 were of 149 applications determined 64% were granted and 36% were refused, a slight rise in trend of 20% in April and 36% in July 2008.




That the report be noted.


Planning Enforcement Update

To inform Members of the Planning Committee of progress on reducing open planning enforcement cases and on service improvements.

Additional documents:


The officer presented the report and informed the Committee of the progress on reducing open planning enforcement cases and improving service performance, and the arrangements in place for the delivery, monitoring and improving customer perception of the service.  


The Committee had reviewed a report on the Review of the Planning Enforcement Service in November 2007 and a programme was started to reduce the number of open enforcement cases at that time.  There was a current target to reduce the number of open cases to 120 per officer making a total of 480 overall.


The Committee was further informed that to ensure the recommendations of the review were progressed an officer service improvement group had been established to monitor the action plan and report on key issues.  The service had introduced a range of improvement to ensure complainants were better informed and a service standard had been submitted for Crystal Marking.  Once approved the service standard would form part of a pack to be brought back to the Committee for approval.


On page 98 of the agenda the officer outlined the recommendation to produce 11 performance indicators for Planning Enforcement.




That the Committee noted the planning enforcement progress on reducing open enforcement cases and the progress made to date in improving service performance and the arrangements in place for the delivery and monitoring of service improvements.


The Chair agreed to vary the agenda to consider items 16, 17 and 18 next in that order.


Highgate Wood School, Montenotte Road N8

Extensions to school building to include alterations, new learning resources centre, four new classrooms, additional dining/social space and relocation to existing open air stage.

RECOMMENDATION:Grant permission subject to conditions


Additional documents:


The Planning Officer presented the report and advised the Committee that the application site comprised the Highgate Wood School campus accessed from Montenotte Road.  The proposal was to extend the school building to include alterations, new learning resources centre, four new classrooms, additional dining/social space and relocation of the existing open air stage.


The school was a successful and expanding school and the proposed new and improved facilities would contribute toward the continuing improvement of the school.  The new buildings would be positioned on the side of the existing school buildings facing onto the site and would not be visible from outside the site. 


The proposed bridge link would be finished in materials to match the existing school buildings and would not visible from outside the site.  The existing refuse facilities would not require altering as they were considered adequate for the new proposal.  It was considered that the proposal would not adversely affect the amenity of the adjacent properties.


The Chair advised there were no objectors to the proposed application and enquired of the Committee whether they had any questions.  There being no questions from the Committee, the Chair moved a motion to grant the application subject to conditions.




That the application be granted and approved subject to conditions.


Gladesmore Community School, Crowland Road N15

Demolition of existing teaching blocks and gymnasium, and erection of 2 x new two storey buildings to create a new auditorium and new mathematics faculty building; erection of a new entrance structure and erection of a new covered cloister to internal school courtyard; alterations to existing facade of main teaching block by installation of new windows; and alterations to paved areas, including creation of an outdoor teaching area, new steps, ramps and planter boxes.

RECOMMENDATION:Grant permission subject to conditions


Additional documents:



The Planning Officer informed the Committee that this application site comprised the Gladesmore Community School campus in Crowland Road N15.  The site was adjacent to the Markfield recreation ground to the east and the residential properties of Gladesmore Road to the south and Elm Park Avevnue to the west.  Crowland Primary School was located to the North side.


The application proposed the demolition of existing teaching blocks and gymnasium, erection of 2 x new storey buildings to create a new auditorium and new mathematics faculty building; erection of a new entrance structure and erection of a new covered cloister to the internal school courtyard; alterations to the existing façade of the main teaching block by installation of new windows and alterations to paved areas, including creation of an outdoor teaching area, new steps, ramps and planter boxes.


The Committee were advised that the proposal would improve the level of facilities available to students at the school, improve the circulation and common areas throughout the campus and generally improve the learning environment offered by the school.  The new buildings would help to harmonise the fragmented appearance of the existing buildings on the site and improve the general appearance and functioning of the site as a whole.  The proposed auditorium building and mathematics blocks located to the north of and away from the residential properties in Gladesmore Road would not cause any loss of light or amenity to these adjoining properties.  


There were no windows proposed in the south elevation of the maths block, so no overlooking would occur.  The proposal involved the loss of two trees in the south east corner of the site, one Cherry and one Willow, both were mature trees with amenity value, but were not subject to Tree Preservation Orders.  The scheme included the planting of two replacement trees of a size and type to be agreed to offset the reduction in amenity caused by the removal of the existing trees and in a position to help screen the new buildings from surrounding properties.


The Chair informed the Committee that there were no objections to the proposed application and enquired whether the Committee had any questions for the officers.


Members enquired about the consultation and noted in the report that there were no responses.  The officer informed the Committee that the BSF team had carried out their own consultation and offered an exhibition separate from the planning consultation.  In the report there was a list of consultees, however no responses had been received by the planning department.  The Committee requested that a condition be added to protect the roots of existing trees at the back of the school from construction damage.


The Chair moved a motion to grant the application subject to conditions and the above additional condition.




That the application be granted subject to conditions and the additional condition to protect the roots of existing trees at the back of the school.





Location:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 244.


Park View Academy, Langham Road N15

Remodeling and refurbishment (with some demolition and new build) of an existing secondary school. Key works to include new forum space, remodeling of hall, dining and Learning Resource Centre (LRC), new landscape proposals and upgrading of building fabric.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions.


Additional documents:


The Committee was informed that Park View Academy was located on Langham Road N15.  The site was situated between Langham Road to the south-west, Downhill’s Recreation Ground to the north-east and behind the shop buildings of West Green Road, to the south.  The surrounding area is predominantly low rise residential, retail and some light industrial facilities.


The proposal included remodelling and refurbishment (with some demolition and new build) of the existing secondary school.  Key works would include new forum space, remodelling of the hall, dining and Learning Resource Centre, new landscape proposals and upgrading of the building fabric.


The site was already used for education purposes, the principle of the use had been established.  The location of the facilities included improved performing arts spaces and sporting facilities would enable the school to offer these for community use outside of school hours.


The materials used in the redevelopment would include an insulated render system on metal framing, insulated render system on existing brickwork, windows replaced with a mixture of translucent insulated panels and double glazing and aluminium projecting sun louvers.  The new landscaping design would improve the student entrance and car parking, create multi-use piazzas and generally create defined spaces and respond to the steep topography at the rear of the site.


There were no anticipated issues related to impact on residential amenity.  The site currently provided 27 on-site parking spaces for staff, 10 visitor spaces and 2 disabled spaces.  It was proposed to retain these 39 spaces and improve the configuration and setting of the parking area.  The number of cycle spaces would be increased by 50% from 22 to 44 spaces for use by staff, students and visitors.


The officer further informed the Committee that there were two condition 14 in the report.  It was proposed that the second condition 14 would be amended to an informative.


The Chair informed the Committee that there were no objectors to the application and asked Members whether they wished to question the officers.


Members queried the 50% increase in cycle provision and whether this was a usual figure for a secondary school in comparison to the size of the school.  The transport officer, in response explained that the UDP standard was one space per practitioner.  In this case for 40 teachers, so the provision of 44 cycle spaces was considered adequate and in relation to students, 86% travelled to school by sustainable means.


The Chair moved a motion to grant the application subject to conditions.




That the application be granted and approved subject to conditions and the amendment of the second condition 14, in the report to an informative.





Location: Park View Academy, Langham Road N15 3RB


Proposal: Remodelling and refurbishment (with some demolition and new build) of an existing secondary school. Key works to include new forum space, remodelling of hall, dining and LRC, new landscape proposals and upgrading of building fabric.


Recommendation: GTD


Decision: GTD


Drawing No’s: (20)A001,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 245.


235-237 Archway Road N6

Erection of a part two, part three storey end of terrace building to provide 3 x two bed, 1 x three bed and 1 x one bed flat.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions and/or subject to sec. 106 Legal Agreement


Additional documents:


The officer presented his report and informed the Committee that the application site was in a conservation area and a piece of open land, formerly occupied by two houses at the end of a terrace on the corner of Archway Road and Southwood Avenue.  The site was in part of the extensive Highgate Conservation Area that was largely residential in character, with terraces of houses on streets to the west of Archway Road.


It was the aspiration of local residents to retain the land as a small area of informal open land (park).  This issue had been comprehensively covered in a previous appeal resulting in a situation where the Local Planning Authority (LPA) had no policy position to view this site other than a vacant residential site.  Previous appeal decisions had established the principal of residential use on the site.  The officer advised the Committee that they would not be in a position to refuse the application on the loss or the potential use of the site as open space. 


In 2007 an appeal decision by the Inspector stated that “the proposal would not cause any unacceptable harm to highway safety or neighbouring occupiers’ living conditions”.  On the basis of this comment the LPA had no objection in principal to flatted development on the site.  The proposed building was for two terrace properties of the same dimension of the adjoining terrace and the original properties on site, the scheme respected the consistency of form and detailing of the adjoining and neighbouring terraces.  The building form, detailing and materials associated with the proposal would be sensitive to the distinctiveness and character of the surrounding area and overall the proposal would preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.  The proposed buildings had been designed in such a way so as not to have an adverse impact on neighbouring properties.  It was considered that the additional on-street car parking in association with the proposal could be accommodated within the parking bay along the southern boundary of the site fronting onto Southwood Avenue.


Cllr Hare addressed the Committee to object to the application.   He advised that he had been involved with the application site since 2001.  Planning permission had been granted in 2004 for one house on the site, however the owner of the site had recently appealed for two houses, which created a lack of benefit to Archway Road and a lack of space.  The proposed application was now for the development of two houses with no open space.  The Inspector in 2004 had recognised the open space to benefit Archway Road.  


The Inspector at a recent appeal had further recognised the wider aims of the Council to contribute to the Archway corridor and approved the value of the open space.  The proposal should therefore be rejected and the owner should continue with the 2004 approval already received.


The Committee enquired of Cllr Hare how much open space was around the application site.  In response the Committee was informed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 246.


82 Beechfield Road N4

Demolition of existing workshops and erection of 1 x 3 storey block comprising of 6 x 1 bed, 1 x 2 bed and 2 x 3 bed self-contained flats.

RECOMMENDATION: grant permission subject to conditions and a Section 106 agreement.


Additional documents:


This items was deferred to the next meeting.


150 Crouch Hill N8

Retention of existing building shell and development of property to form two storey building with basement level comprising 2 x 1 bed live/work units (revised scheme)

RECOMMENDATION: grant permission subject to conditions


Additional documents:


The Committee was informed that the existing building was a late 19th Century building of one and a half storeys in height.  The property was located within the Crouch End conservation area.  The building was contemporary with surrounding properties and had some attractive qualities.  Access to the site was via the undercroft to the side of 146 Crouch Hill.  The proposed development retained the existing building in bulk, height and massing, however there was the addition of a basement.


The proposed units provided an acceptable standard of accommodation for live/work units and the proposed use would continue to provide an employment generating use.  Local residents had raised the issue of light pollution and potential overlooking.  The lighting proposed reflected the interior lighting scheme for the renovated building and would incorporate a design that relied more on subtle but functional background lighting using LED and low voltage fittings.  The proposed scheme had reduced the amount of external flat roof glazing by 60%, from 65sqm down to 24sqm to minimise the impact of light emanating from the new building.  Many of the windows would have blinds and the main working lights would not be on throughout the night.


It was considered that the proposed development would not have an adverse impact upon important trees on the neighbouring site.  Vehicle access was at the front of the property from Crouch Hill utilising the existing crossover to the site.  Waste storage was located at the front of the building and would allow for appropriate re-cycling and refuse collection.


The Officer informed the Committee that a letter had been tabled from Cllr Winskill who objected to the application on the basis of the following:


  • Loss of office/light industrial sites.
  • The change of use to live/work.  Live/work was a high-brid category and virtually unenforceable.
  • Excavation of the basement would be a challenge and reports should be provided on the practicalities of the development.


The Committee raised concerns regarding the surrounding trees being damaged during the construction and due to the nature of the site, and what restrictions on the hours of work would apply to the building.  In terms of access there was no turning bay and vehicles would have to reverse onto a highway and had this been taken into consideration within the officer’s report.  The officer responded that the construction of the basement would not cause damage to the trees as the existing building could be under-pinned and would not cause harm to existing properties.  The hours of working could be conditioned.  In terms of the access it was an existing premises and the situation would not change in terms of access.


An objector addressed the Committee stating that they were fundamentally against the change of use from light industrial to residential as there were not a lot of small light industrial properties left in Crouch End.  The proposed application represented over development of a small back lands site by digging an enormous basement.  There would be direct overlooking and light pollution  ...  view the full minutes text for item 248.


Former Lynx Depot, Coppetts Road N10

Erection of new part 4 storey, part 3 storey and single storey office buildings (gross floor area 3,456sqm) with ancillary parking, secure cycle storage and circulation areas.

RECOMMENDATION:Grant permission subject to conditions


Additional documents:


The Committee was advised that this application site lay on the west side of Coppetts Road in the extreme northwest corner of the borough.  There were allotments across the road to the East.  The Muswell Hilll Playing Fields adjoined the application site to the Southwest and there was an existing residential development, a sports pavilion and education facility to the South.


In March 2008 a planning application had been refused on the grounds that the proposed buildings would be located in close proximity to the terrace of residential dwellings at 135-141 Coppetts Road and there was concern that the two buildings due to their height , length and bulk could have an overbearing impact on the residential properties.


The reduction in the height, scale and massing of these two buildings overcame the Council’s concerns about the impact of the earlier refused scheme.  The application site also had a lower ground floor level than that of the residential properties and it was considered that this would also lessened the impact and not detract from the residential amenity of the closest two dwellings.  All of the windows of the ground and first floors of the blocks that face south-west that adjoined the residential properties would have obscure glazing which would avoid overlooking.  It was also considered that the 35 vehicle car parks would be an appropriate amount for a development of this size.  A condition was recommended that required details of on-site equipment would ensure at least 10% of the overall power generation would be from renewable sources.


The Officer asked that an additional condition (no.9) be added to limit the use of the building to Use Class B1 (a) Offices.


The Committee then viewed the plans.


The Chair moved a motion to grant the application.




That the application be granted subject to conditions.





Location: Former Lynx Depot, Coppetts Road N10 1JP


Proposal: Erection of new part 4 storey, part 3 storey and single storey office buildings (gross floor area 3,456sqm) with ancillary parking, secure cycle storage and circulation areas.


Recommendation: GTD


Decision: GTD


Drawing No’s: 3634_Location; 3634_01A, 02A, 03A, 04A, & 05A.




1.       The development hereby authorised must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission, failing which the permission shall be of no effect.

Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of the provisions of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to prevent the accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions.


2.       The development hereby authorised shall be carried out in complete accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details and in the interests of amenity.


3.       Prior to occupation, details of energy efficient design and consideration of on-site equipment for at least 10% of the overall power generation to be from renewable sources shall be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 249.


159 Tottenham Lane N8

Erection of 4 storey building over 2 basement levels comprising gym / storage at sub-basement, car parking in basement, retail unit or D1 (class XV) at ground floor level, offices at first floor level, 3 x two bed and 6 x three bed flats from first to third floor mezzanine.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions and a Section 106 agreement.


Additional documents:


The Committee were advised that the application site was a former petrol station (now cleared) situated on the south eastern side of Tottenham Lane opposite Elmfield Avenue.  The principle of mixed use development on the site had been agreed through the granting of planning permission for a mixed use scheme on 30 August 2005.


The proposal involved the following changed from the previous scheme refused in April 2008.  The density would be 240 habitable rooms per hectare based on 33 habitable rooms which was considered to be appropriate for this location.   The proposal would provide 6 x 3 bedroom units and 3 x 2 bedroom units as this mix was encouraged as larger family units were proposed.


It was considered that the mix of private terraces and communal area was considered to be sufficient to provide adequate amenity space for the flats and provide some play space for children.  The scheme was below the 10 unit threshold and as such did not generate affordable units.  It was further considered that the roots from the trees in the rear gardens would have established, therefore the proposed development would have no impact of their future life expectancy.


The proposal included servicing and a fully accessible basement area for parking and twenty cycle racks.  The plan demonstrated that delivery vehicles would enter and leave the site in forward gear.  The scheme proposed a number of sustainability elements.  Adequate bin storage/recycling had been allocated for the scheme that was easily accessible. 


Two objectors addressed the Committee and confirmed that residents would have preferred a smaller building, however the architects had taken account of their previous concerns.  There was now a significant improvement on the previous two applications.  Concern had been raised about the mezzanine floor, however this was now set back and had a covered roof which was considered acceptable.  The vehicle access was further considered to be inconvenient to pedestrians.


The applicant responded by stating that they had worked on the project since 2006 and taken on board previous concerns and comments from local residents.   Meetings had taken place with residents to develop a scheme which was now considered satisfactory and the height and bulk of the building had now been reduced. There was now broad agreement reached on many of the issues raised and the site currently had two vehicle accesses.  The use of the rear yard was not intended for parking but to be used for vehicles to turn and included in the travel plan.


The Committee discussed the application and requested that further conditions be included:


  1. Retention of the 4 metre high wall at the rear of the site.
  2. Natural ventilation provided for the scheme.
  3. That the yard would not be used for noisy activity.
  4. That the roots of existing trees would not be damaged during construction work.


The applicant stated he was happy for a condition to be added for landscaping.


The Chair moved a motion to grant the application subject to conditions, the extra conditions above and a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 250.


Furnival House, 50 Cholmeley Park N6

Change of use from hostel to residential (C3) and conversion of property into 15 residential units comprising of 6 x 3 bed, 7 x 2 bed 2 x 1 bed flats that will include erection of two storey rear stepped infill extension and replacement top floor structure to create new unit.  Excavation of lower ground floor and new basement to accommodate leisure facilities, 11 car parking spaces in basement area and four parking spaces externally, 15 cycle spaces. Refuse/re-cycling facilities and associated landscaping. (Revised Description)

RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions and a Section 106 Agreement.

Additional documents:


This item was deferred to the next meeting.


Wood Green Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

To consider the draft Wood Green Town Centre Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), following consultation.

Additional documents:



This item was deferred to the next meeting.


New Items of Urgent Business

To consider any items admitted at item 2 above.

Additional documents:


There were no new items of urgent business.


Date of Next Meeting

Monday 6 October 2008.

Additional documents:


Special Planning Committee ~ Thursday 25 September 2008.



The meeting ended at 22.00hrs.