Agenda item

Former Lynx Depot, Coppetts Road N10

Erection of new part 4 storey, part 3 storey and single storey office buildings (gross floor area 3,456sqm) with ancillary parking, secure cycle storage and circulation areas.

RECOMMENDATION:Grant permission subject to conditions



The Committee was advised that this application site lay on the west side of Coppetts Road in the extreme northwest corner of the borough.  There were allotments across the road to the East.  The Muswell Hilll Playing Fields adjoined the application site to the Southwest and there was an existing residential development, a sports pavilion and education facility to the South.


In March 2008 a planning application had been refused on the grounds that the proposed buildings would be located in close proximity to the terrace of residential dwellings at 135-141 Coppetts Road and there was concern that the two buildings due to their height , length and bulk could have an overbearing impact on the residential properties.


The reduction in the height, scale and massing of these two buildings overcame the Council’s concerns about the impact of the earlier refused scheme.  The application site also had a lower ground floor level than that of the residential properties and it was considered that this would also lessened the impact and not detract from the residential amenity of the closest two dwellings.  All of the windows of the ground and first floors of the blocks that face south-west that adjoined the residential properties would have obscure glazing which would avoid overlooking.  It was also considered that the 35 vehicle car parks would be an appropriate amount for a development of this size.  A condition was recommended that required details of on-site equipment would ensure at least 10% of the overall power generation would be from renewable sources.


The Officer asked that an additional condition (no.9) be added to limit the use of the building to Use Class B1 (a) Offices.


The Committee then viewed the plans.


The Chair moved a motion to grant the application.




That the application be granted subject to conditions.





Location: Former Lynx Depot, Coppetts Road N10 1JP


Proposal: Erection of new part 4 storey, part 3 storey and single storey office buildings (gross floor area 3,456sqm) with ancillary parking, secure cycle storage and circulation areas.


Recommendation: GTD


Decision: GTD


Drawing No’s: 3634_Location; 3634_01A, 02A, 03A, 04A, & 05A.




1.       The development hereby authorised must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission, failing which the permission shall be of no effect.

Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of the provisions of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to prevent the accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions.


2.       The development hereby authorised shall be carried out in complete accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details and in the interests of amenity.


3.       Prior to occupation, details of energy efficient design and consideration of on-site equipment for at least 10% of the overall power generation to be from renewable sources shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and shall be implemented prior to the commencement of the use hereby permitted and maintained thereafter for the life of the development.

Reason: To ensure the development incorporates energy efficiency measures including on-site renewable energy generation, in order to contribute to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions generated by the development in line with national and local policy guidance


4.       Notwithstanding the description of the materials in the application, no development shall be commenced until precise details of the materials to be used in connection with the development hereby permitted have been submitted to, approved in writing by and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to retain control over the external appearance of the development in the interest of the visual amenity of the area.


5.       A scheme for the treatment of the surroundings of the proposed development including the planting of trees and/or shrubs shall be submitted to, approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and implemented in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: In order to provide a suitable setting for the proposed development in the interests of visual amenity.


6.       The construction works of the development hereby granted shall not be carried out before 0800 or after 1800 hours Monday to Friday or before 0800 or after 1200 hours on Saturday and not at all on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

Reason: In order to ensure that the proposal does not prejudice the enjoyment of neighbouring occupiers of their properties.


7.       That a detailed scheme for the provision of refuse and waste storage within the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the works. Such a scheme as approved  shall be implemented and permanently retained thereafter to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to protect the amenities of the locality.


8.       The ground, first floor windows and dormer windows  in the south-eastern elevation of the two L-shaped buildings as shown on the approved plans shall contain obscure glazing which shall be reatined permanently.

Reason: To ensure that the amenities of the occupiers of adjoining properties are not prejudiced by overlooking.


9.       The buildings hereby permitted shall be used for purposes within Use Class B1(a) Offices, and for no other purpose.

Reason: In order that the development which is on land formerly used for employment purposes, shall continue to contribute to the employment-generating land base of the area, and to preclude its use for other purposes which may be detrimental to the amenity of nearby residential properties by reason of noise, disturbance or excessive traffic generation.




The current application has been amended with the height of the buildings proposed near the south-eastern boundary of the site reduced in part. First floor accommodation would be contained within the roof of one of the two L-shaped buildings located along this boundary and for part of the other one. The L-shaped buildings would be similar in height to the residential dwellings at 135 - 141 Coppetts Road in addition the application site has a lower ground floor level than that of these residential properties. The reduction in the height, scale and massing of these two buildings means that they would not detract from the residential amenity of any residential properties in the immediate vicinity. The other larger blocks of the development are considered to be located far enough away from the nearest residential dwellings to not give rise to any residential amenity issues. The proposed development would not give rise to any overlooking or loss of privacy issues and the level of vehicle parking provision is considered appropriate for this site. In addition an energy assessment has been provided showing an on site provision of 10% of the schemes projected energy requirement from renewable resources. The proposed development is considered to be consistent with policies UD3 'General Principles', UD4 'Quality Design', Policy ENV9 'Mitigating Climate Change: Energy Efficiency', ENV10 'Mitigating Climate Change: Renewable Energy' and SPG 1a 'Design Guidance and Design Statements'.


Section 106 No.


The Chair agreed to vary the agenda to take item 20 next.

Supporting documents: