Report of the Director of Environment and Resident Experience. To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Resident Services &Tackling Inequality.
Outcome of the statutory consultation on the introduction of a number of changes to the Essential Service Permit (ESP) scheme, which supports local authority services, NHS health professionals, charities, faith groups, and organisations who provide healthcare, counselling or social care to Haringey residents.
The Cabinet Member for Cabinet Member for Resident Services & Tackling Inequality introduced the report which sought approval to implement changes to the Essential Service Permit scheme following the outcome of statutory consultation.
The Cabinet Member explained that the report and proposed decision acknowledges that there were services that operate in the borough that require vehicle access such social workers who do home visits or community-based services such as religious leaders who visit residents to give last rights.
The Council had conducted a review on the ESP's both in line with transport policies, but also to tighten up a very manual process.
The Cabinet Member highlighted the positive changes including new charges, for diesel surcharge to bring this permit in line with all other parking charges. Also, introducing Essential Service Permits to foster carers for the first time, following extensive co production work with children’s social services.
The Council were also introducing team permits with staff, so that staff did not have an individual annual permit for a specific car but received visitors permits instead.
In response to a question from Cllr da Costa regarding which services retain vehicle specific permits and the provision that will be made for this in the revised operational policy, it was noted that the aim was not to have a rigid policy that becomes unworkable in the future, and, at the moment, there was not a specific team in question. However, this could apply to teams that need that vehicle access every day such as civil enforcement officers.
4. That Essential Service Permits issued to Council staff being transferable (‘Team’) permits, with provision retained for vehicle specific permits on a needs basis.
5. That access for regulated foster carers with children up to the age of 15 years to the subsidised ESP scheme.
6. To agree the change to charges as proposed in Appendix 1.
7. To agree the delegation of authority to the Head of Highways and Parking to take all consequent steps necessary to implement the proposed measures in recommendations 3 to 6 above.
Reasons for decision.
This scheme allows those delivering essential services to residents to park in controlled parking zones (CPZs). Schools can also access the scheme which is required to support recruitment and retention as well as the efficient operation of the school. The scheme is reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains aligned with the Councils wider transport policies.
This review sought to address residents’ concerns about the impact of ESP holders parking on busy roads, without compromising the benefit of the scheme to users. The recommendations ... view the full minutes text for item 67