Attendance summary

Explanation of the statistics columns

The number of meetings that the councillor was expected to attend in their capacity as member of that committee.
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in their capacity as member of that committee.
In attendance
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in a capacity other than committee member, for example a voluntary attendance out of personal interest for a topic being discussed.
Councillor Expected Present In attendance
Councillor Anna Abela13130
Councillor Gina Adamou641
Councillor Peray Ahmet11110
Councillor Ibrahim Ali10100
Councillor Kaushika Amin850
Councillor Emily Arkell980
Councillor Dawn Barnes950
Councillor Nicola Bartlett1180
Councillor John Bevan14140
Councillor Barbara Blake12120
Councillor Mark Blake640
Councillor Zena Brabazon13110
Councillor Cathy Brennan14140
Councillor Lester Buxton18150
Councillor Dana Carlin15140
Councillor Liam Carroll750
Councillor Luke Cawley-Harrison880
Councillor Seema Chandwani1090
Councillor Lotte Collett630
Councillor Pippa Connor17170
Councillor Eldridge Culverwell530
Councillor Nick da Costa13100
Councillor Lucia das Neves13120
Councillor Isidoros Diakides990
Councillor Erdal Dogan1070
Councillor George Dunstall1190
Councillor Sarah Elliott740
Councillor Scott Emery1181
Councillor Ruth Gordon870
Councillor Mark Grosskopf660
Councillor Makbule Gunes15140
Councillor Mike Hakata970
Councillor Holly Harrison-Mullane710
Councillor Tammy Hymas850
Councillor Emine Ibrahim14130
Councillor Marsha Isilar-Gosling940
Councillor Dr Thayahlan Iyngkaran770
Councillor Sue Jameson220
Councillor Cressida Johnson970
Councillor Anna Lawton660
Councillor Ahmed Mahbub1050
Councillor Mary Mason771
Councillor Khaled Moyeed640
Councillor Sean O'Donovan16160
Councillor Felicia Opoku541
Councillor Ajda Ovat990
Councillor Sheila Peacock852
Councillor Reg Rice940
Councillor Alessandra Rossetti640
Councillor Michelle Simmons-Safo530
Councillor Adam Small11100
Councillor Anne Stennett750
Councillor Joy Wallace210
Councillor Elin Weston640
Councillor Matt White14140
Councillor Sarah Williams15150
Councillor Alexandra Worrell19160