Outside body

Triangle Children, Young People and Community Centre - Mgmt Advisory Board


Aims and Objectives


1. The primary purpose of the Board is to receive reports on the development of the Centre, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of services provided and to make comments and suggestions to the accountably body [Haringey Council] on strategic developments.


2. As the accountably body, The Local Authority retains full responsibility for the financial and legal affairs of the centre. The management board has no legal status, cannot hold a budget or enter into legal contracts or legal agreements and cannot be held legally liable should things go wrong. The Local Authority, or anyone with whom it contracts to provide services or employ staff, will be accountable.


3. To seek the views of the local community on services which can be delivered through the Centre and make recommendations to the appropriate Centre managers and Local Authority officers. 



Every six weeks


Meeting Time:

Variable – daytime meetings


Responsibilities of members:

None outside the meeting except actions arising


Any legal responsibilities of members:



Training required:

 CRB for Chair only


Representative: Ideally a councillor


July 2010

Please note: The Management Advisory Board is currently being reviewed.


Contact information

Carol Beaumont

Website: http://www.haringey.gov.uk/index/children-families/eyc/childrenscentres/trianglecc.htm

Haringey Borough Council is not responsible for the content of any external link

Our representatives