Meeting attendance

Friday, 27th May, 2011 10.00 am, North Central London Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance
Haringey Advertiser Public Expected
Cllr Maureen Braun Public Expected
Cllr Peter Brayshaw Public Expected
Cllr John Bryant Public Expected
Councillor Gideon Bull Chair Expected
Stephen Conroy Public Expected
Cllr Alison Cornelius Public Expected
Sue Cripps Public Expected
Peter Durrant Public Expected
Andy Ellis Public Expected
Hampstead and Highgate Express Public Expected
Jacqueline Firth Public Expected
Cllr Kate Groucutt Public Expected
Cllr Christine Hamilton Public Expected
Kim Inam Public Expected
Hornsey and Crouch End Journal Public Expected
Cllr Martin Klute Public Expected
Camden Link Public Expected
Rob Mack Secretary Expected
Katie McDonald Public Expected
Pete Moore Public Expected
Mun Thong Phung Officer Expected
Helena Pugh Officer Expected
Lucy Purdy Public Expected
Cllr Michael Rye Public Expected
Duncan Stroud Public Expected
Emma Whitby Public Expected
Jeremy Williams Public Expected
Ian Wilson Public Expected
Councillor David Winskill Committee Member Expected