Issue details

Extension of contracts for the provision of bundled hours home support and reablement services

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/11/2023

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - View reasons

Decision due: Between 5 Dec 2023 and 29 Dec 2023 by Cabinet Member Signing

This report seeks approval for the extension of the twelve (12) contracts for the provision of bundled hours home support and reablement service The initial extension will be six months, with three further periods of 6 months if required by the Council, up to the full 2 years extension period, subject to the outcome of a commissioning review and satisfactory contract performance. During the contract extension period the Council shall explore the options for this service including whether or not the model be decommissioned. There will be a further wider report to Cabinet on this contract in the new year.

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care, and Wellbeing

Lead director: Director of Adults, Health, and Communities

Contact: Director of Adults, Health, and Communities.