Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 13/09/2023
Anticipated restriction: Public -
Decision due: 5 Dec 2023 by Cabinet
The report sets out details of the proposed budget for 2024-25 and MTFS to 2028-29, including savings, growth and capital proposals. The report will also set out details of provisional funding for 2024-25 and, if available, the remainder of the planning period and highlight areas of risk. The report recommends that the budget proposals be released for public consultation and Scrutiny consideration. The report also includes details of the proposed HRA budget for 2024-25 and MTFS to 2028-29, including proposed 5-year capital investment and funding. It sets out the proposed changes to the rent levels for Council tenants in General Needs and Sheltered/Supported homes, and residents in temporary accommodation.
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Finance and Local Investment
Lead director: Assistant Director for Finance
Contact: Director of Finance.