Issue details

Cabinet Response to Scrutiny Review on Youth Transition - Findings Part Two, Conclusions and Recommendations

The Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Panel has been undertaking a piece of in-depth work regarding the challenges facing young people growing up and reaching adulthood in Haringey.  It began this work in 2014-15 and reported its preliminary findings to the Panel meeting on 9 July 2015.  The Panel commissioned further work with the aim of enabling it to make final conclusions and recommendations. The scrutiny  report will outline the outcome of this further work and the findings, conclusions and recommendations that the Panel has made and Cabinet will provide a response to these recommendations.


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/06/2016

Anticipated restriction: Public  -

Decision due: 12 Jul 2016 by Cabinet

Lead director: Assistant Director for Schools and Learning

Contact: Deputy Chief Executive.

DMT date and early discussion between AD and Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Social Inclusion and Sustainability with the Interim Assistant Director for Schools and Learning

SLT date: Report of the Deputy Chief Executive

Draft report clearing date: Public