The report will set out details of the options that have been considered to find a sustainable long term solution to the use of Hornsey Town Hall and recommend the best option for securing future operation and development. The report will also seek approval to appropriation of land for planning purposes.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Decision status: For Determination
Decision due: 26 Apr 2011 by Cabinet
Consultation process
Public consultation has taken place since 2003 culminating in a planning application and subsequent consent in 2010.
DMT date and early discussion between AD and Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Finance and Sustainability with the Director of Corporate Resources and Director of Urban Environment.
SLT date: An Equalities Impact Assessment has been undertaken as part of the planning process and implications are also included in the report. Community benefits both locally and across Haringey have been considered as an essential part of the solutions proposed.