Issue details

Disability Equality Scheme

To review progress on the Council’s Disability Equalities Scheme 2009-12.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Decision due: 26 Apr 2011 by Cabinet

Consultation process

Consultation will be undertaken with Haringey Disability First Consortium, the umbrella organisation for disability in the borough and with Council directorates. As a result of legislative changes, ongoing policy formulation and evaluation will be needed through to 2013.

DMT date and early discussion between AD and Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Cohesion with the Assistant Chief Executive

SLT date: The new Equality Act 2010 consolidates all previous equalities legislation and for the most part, replaces the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. Therefore our Disability Equality Scheme needs to be updated in line with the new legislation.