Issue details

Procurement of Design Consultancy for BWF ILC

Procurement Committee to approve award of Design & Technical Consultancy contract for fees above £250k. 

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: West Green;

Decision due: 28 Jul 2009 by Cabinet Procurement Committee

Consultation process

Proposals are consulted on with local planning groups, which include local residents and parents, head teacher and school governors.

DMT date and early discussion between AD and Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Children & Young People and the Director of the Children & Young People's Service

SLT date: The project will provide improved primary provision for Haringey children with Special Educational Needs, Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities (SEN/LDD) and will ensure that both mainstream and special Schools have the resources, environment, skills and confidence to ensure that children and students with SEN are fully included in the school community and are enabled to reach their full potential.

Agenda items