ePetition details

Roads and pavements around Tetherdown School need to be gritted after snowfall

We the undersigned petition the council to 1. Designate Lauradale Road and Midhust Avenue, and the pathway connecting Laurdale Road and Tetherdown School: routes used by primary school pupils to reach Tetherdown school as priority 1A for road and pavement gritting. 2. Install grit bins at the junctions of Lauradale Road and Midhurst, and at the bottom of Lynmouth Road

There has been no gritting of these roads in the one week since the snowfall of 11 December 2022. Snow has been compacted into ice, creating dangerous conditions for pedestrians and vehicles. This includes hundreds of primary children who attend Tetherdown school.

The importance of keeping schools open during severe weather is noted in the Haringey Winter Service Operational Plan. The Council has a duty to ensure safe access to the school for pupils in the entire catchment area.

This ePetition ran from 18/12/2022 to 17/02/2023 and has now finished.

50 people signed this ePetition.