
Decisions published

09/05/2017 - Request for Implementation of Contract Standing Order (CSO) 10.02.1 a) variation of contract sum under £500,000 for the provision of Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA), Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Relevant Person’s (Paid) Representativ ref: 2084    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director for Adult Social Services

Decision published: 08/11/2017

Effective from: 09/05/2017


That the Director of Adult Social Services approves a variation of the IMCA, DoLS RPR and IMHA contract to increase the funding for the financial year 2017/18 by £6,000, as allowed under CSO 10.21 (a).

Lead officer: Beverley Tarka

28/04/2017 - Approval of extension of contract with Apex Medical for supplies and equipment servicing at Osborne Grove Nursing Home under CSO 10.02.1. ref: 2083    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director for Adult Social Services

Decision published: 08/11/2017

Effective from: 28/04/2017


Approval of extension of contract with Apex Medical for supplies and equipment servicing at Osborne Grove Nursing Home under CSO 10.02.1. Value £88,000 over 3 years commencing 1st April 2017 with an annual review at the end of each financial year.

Lead officer: Beverley Tarka

09/05/2017 - Vary an existing award of the Housing Infill Contract C - Borras (Main Contractor) ref: 2051    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director for Corporate Property and Major Projects

Decision published: 28/07/2017

Effective from: 09/05/2017


To approve the implementation of Contract Standing Order 10.02.1b and vary and in crease the value of the Contract Sum in line with the anticipated construction Final Account value

Lead officer: David Moore

03/05/2017 - Body Worn Cameras ref: 2032    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Head of Operations

Decision published: 23/05/2017

Effective from: 03/05/2017


Award of contract to Oscomms to supply Civil Enforcement staff with Body Worn Cameras

Lead officer: Ann Cunningham

12/05/2017 - FILMING AT MEETINGS ref: 2033    For Determination

Decision Maker: Special Licensing Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 12/05/2017 - Special Licensing Sub Committee

Decision published: 12/05/2017

Effective from: 12/05/2017


The Chair referred Members present to agenda item 1 as shown on the agenda in respect of filming at this meeting, and Members noted the information contained therein’.


12/05/2017 - Russell Road, N15 (Tottenham Green Ward) ref: 2034    For Determination

Decision Maker: Special Licensing Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 12/05/2017 - Special Licensing Sub Committee

Decision published: 12/05/2017

Effective from: 12/05/2017


The Committee carefully considered the application for a Temporary Event Notice, the representations of the Police, and Licensing Authority as responsible authorities, the representations made by the applicant, the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and the Licensing Act 2003 s182 guidance.


Having heard the parties’ evidence, and having had regard to the Licensing Objectives namely; Prevention of Crime & Disorder, Public Safety, Prevention of Public Nuisance and the Protection of Children from Harm, the Committee resolved to refuse to grant the application for a Temporary Event Notice. The Committee was satisfied that the event as presently proposed presented a real risk of disorder because the event organiser would not be able to prevent people from outside the immediate area from attending. 


The Committee felt that that organisers ability to control the number of people attending, many of whom were likely to have consumed alcohol, would present a risk of disorder which would be difficult to control in a confined area.  Ingress to and egress from the area could not be easily monitored, and having had regard to the evidence the committee felt that the character of the event was more in keeping with a music event than a street party. The Committee also had concerns about public safety given the large number of people who it is anticipated would attend


The Committee had further concerns about noise levels during the event and the potential nuisance this would cause to local residents.


The Committee was keen to endorse Community events being held in commemoration of the late Jo Cox MP and wished to encourage the applicant to engage with the Licensing Authority regarding arranging an event that would allow for the licensing objectives to be upheld more readily. The Committee wished to advise the applicant that the authority offers material assistance in support of street parties on the weekend in question.


The Committee only made its decision after hearing all of the parties’ evidence and considered the decision to be appropriate and proportionate in the circumstances.



30/03/2017 - Award of Contract under CSO 9.07.1c to Sheffield NHS Trust ref: 2031    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Interim Director Commercial & Operations

Decision published: 10/05/2017

Effective from: 30/03/2017


For the Assistant Director for Commercial and Operations to approve the implementation of Contract Standing Order 9.07. 1© and award a contract for Toxicology in the North London Coroners jurisdiction to Sheffield NHS Trust for a period of 3 years form 5th May 2017 to 4th May 2020, at a cost of £61,000 pa or £183,367 for 3 years. In order to take account of any increase in the number of Post Mortems during contract period it is further proposed that a contingency of up to 25% is made taking the maximum contract value up to £229209.

Lead officer: Stephen McDonnell