Cllr Connor to Cllr Arkell
There have been a number of complaints regarding the
running of the leisure centres since the council took over; and in
particular shock and anger at the reduction in hours to the Lido -
something that was not publicly proposed prior to the takeover. The
justification for bringing the service in-house was a better
service for residents, but when will residents see improvements and
much better engagement?
Cllr Barbara Blake to Cllr Williams
- We have
embarked on an ambitious house building programme with 3000 council
homes due to be completed. Many of these properties are
acquisitions and form part of larger developments. Can the cabinet
member outline how this and other measure are helping to address
the housing crisis facing many families in Haringey.
Cllr Emery to Cllr Williams
Haringey housing workers walked out on strike in the
middle of October over a number of issues, including
representatives of the Union saying that resident safety was not
being taken seriously. Talking to the press in response, Cllr
Williams said that “All repairs can be reported to us in the
usual way, and we expect to deal with emergencies within the usual
24 hours to keep our residents safe and comfortable.” However
when a resident reported an emergency repair for a ceiling leak
they were told that due to the strike, unless it was
life-threatening, nothing could be done at that time. Just a couple
of days later this ceiling collapsed on her daughter’s cot.
What is being done on strike days to ensure that urgent repairs
like this are attended to in a timely manner, to avoid potentially
catastrophic results?
Cllr Sheila Peacock to Cllr Ruth Gordon
- Haringey’s Civic Centre is a central part of
Haringey’s history, and many residents have fond and memories
of it. We are proud that we are investing in this building. Can the
cabinet member provide an update on the Civic Centre Redevelopment
Cllr Cawley-Harrison to
Cllr Carlin
How confident are you that you will be able to close
the budget gap this year and set a balanced budget, and are you
already in discussions with the government about if you are unable
Cllr Grosskopf to Cllr
- The new
Government has put education at the heart of the Autumn Budget.
Tripling of Breakfast club funding, £6.1 Capital investment
for building and maintenance, and £1bn for SEND provision.
Can the cabinet member tell us about the work the council is doing
to support young people in the Borough?
Cllr Mason to Cllr Ovat
Twenty nine thousand and seventy three
people (one third) in Haringey are struggling to pay rents, buy
food, and pay their bills. 12.7% of whom are at risk or in crisis.
Increasing numbers of households are filling an essential gap for
these families. Currently at least four food banks in
Haringey do not have premises or are threatened with having to
leave their premises.
Please can you assure us that you will actively and urgently
support the use of empty council owned properties by Food Banks an
ensure that the scheme is running before the Christmas
Cllr Simmons-Safo to
Cllr Chandwani
- Can the
Cabinet Member provide an update on the Council’s work
supporting residents with the Universal Credit
9. Cllr Ibrahim to Cllr Ovat
Can the Cabinet Member outline the work being done
to tackle hate crime in Haringey?