Proposal: Demolition of the existing building and redevelopment to provide affordable homes, purpose-built student accommodation, and flexible ground floor commercial (Class E) floorspace within buildings ranging between 3 – 9 storeys, public realm and landscaping works, cycle parking, and associated works.
Valerie Okeiyi, Planning Officer introduced the report for demolition of the existing building and redevelopment to provide affordable homes, purpose-built student accommodation, and flexible ground floor commercial (Class E) floorspace within buildings ranging between 3 – 9 storeys, public realm and landscaping works, cycle parking, and associated works.
The following was noted in response to questions from the committee:
The following was noted in response to questions to the applicant:
The Chair asked Robbie McNaugher, Head of Development Management and
Enforcement Planning to sum up the recommendations as set out in the report. It
was noted that there would be an amended waste storage condition as set out in the officer presentation. The Chair
moved that the recommendation be granted following a vote with 10 for, 0 against
and 0 abstentions.
1. That the Committee authorise the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director of Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability to GRANT planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out below and the completion of an agreement satisfactory to the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director of Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability that secures the obligations set out in the Heads of Terms below following Stage II referral to the GLA.
1. That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Development Management or
the Assistant Director Planning, Building Standards and Sustainability to make any
alterations, additions or deletions to the recommended measures and/or
recommended conditions as set out in this report and to further delegate this power
provided this authority shall be exercised in consultation with the Chair (or in their
absence the Vice-Chair) of the Sub-Committee.
2. That the agreement referred to in resolution (2.1) above is to be completed no later
than 30/08/2024 within such extended time as the Head of Development
Management or the Assistant Director Planning, Building Standards &
Sustainability shall in his sole discretion allow; and
3. That, following completion of the agreement(s) referred to in resolution (2.1) within
the time period provided for in resolution (2.3) above, planning permission be
granted in accordance with the Planning Application subject to the attachment of
the conditions.
Conditions/Informative Summary – Planning Application HGY/2022/4552 (the full
text of recommended conditions/informative is contained in Appendix 2 of the
1. Time limit
2. Approved Plans and Documents
3. Materials
4. Boundary treatment and access control
5. Landscaping
6. Lighting
7. Site levels
8. Secure by design accreditation
9. Secure by design certification
10. Land contamination
11. Unexpected Contamination
12. NRMM
13. Demolition/Construction Environmental Management Plan
14. Arboricultural Impact Assessment
15. Delivery and Servicing Plan
16. Cycle Parking
17. Electric Vehicle Charging Points
18. Wheelchair accessible car parking spaces
19. Car parking Management Plan
20. Piling Method Statement
21. Off-site Water Infrastructure
22. Satellite Antenna
23. Restriction to Telecommunications apparatus
24. Architect Retention
25. Wheelchair Accessible Dwellings
26. Accessible Student Accommodation
27. Commercial Units – Noise Attenuation
28. Noise Attenuation – Student Accommodation
29. Urban Greening Factor
30. Commercial Units – Ventilation/Extraction
31. Commercial Units – Café/Food Hall Opening Hours
32. Restriction to Use Class
33. Whole Life Cycle Carbon (GLA)
34. Circular Economy (GLA)
35. Digital Connectivity (GLA)
36. Ecological Management Plan (GLA)
37. Biodiversity Net Gain
38. Energy Strategy
39. Overheating
40. Building User Guide
41. BREEAM Certificate
42. Living roofs
43. Biodiversity
44. Climate Change Adaption
45. Circular Economy (Pre-Construction report, Post Completion report)
46. DEN
1) Co-operation
2) CIL liable
3) Hours of construction
4) Party Wall Act
5) Street Numbering
6) Sprinklers
7) Water pressure
8) Thames Water Groundwater Risk Management Permit
9) Thames Water Underground Asset
10) Asbestos
11) Flood Risk Activity Permit
12) Secure by design
Supporting documents: