Agenda item

HGY/2024/0450 707-725 Lordship Lane, Wood Green, London, N22 5JY

Proposal: Demolition of the existing building and redevelopment to provide affordable homes, purpose-built student accommodation, and flexible ground floor commercial (Class E) floorspace within buildings ranging between 3 – 9 storeys, public realm and landscaping works, cycle parking, and associated works.




Valerie Okeiyi, Planning Officer introduced the report for demolition of the existing building and redevelopment to provide affordable homes, purpose-built student accommodation, and flexible ground floor commercial (Class E) floorspace within buildings ranging between 3 – 9 storeys, public realm and landscaping works, cycle parking, and associated works.


The following was noted in response to questions from the committee:


  • Members noted that asking the NHS London Healthy Urban Development Unit (HUDU) Planning Contributions Model, a contribution of £472,565 to be paid on commencement and indexed linked to building costs has been requested. Officer clarificated that this  should not be secured through section 106 but could be sought through CIL.
  • Members raised that a cycle hub should be available in Wood Green station. Officers explained this was outside of scope for this application. This would be looked at as part of a larger strategy, the Section 106 agreement would also look at accidents at the junction, which was a recurring issue.
  • It would be a decision for the Council to make on how to spend CIL, however, officers were in constant liaison with the NHS and other Health Partners. The local plan process for the area was carried out to guide how CIL would be spent. There was also an active stream of work on infrastructure planning and infrastructure delivery to make sure that the bigger picture health needs were met.
  • The applicant had demonstrated that their proposals were comparable to the best other student accommodation being produced at the moment.
  • There was no detailed viability information available at the moment, the affordable housing provision has been secured through section 106 obligations. The applicant is in talks with the Councils housing team and there were hopes that this viability would remain strong.
  • This application would remove a lot of car usage and replace this with public transport usage. There was a large traffic issue by the junction on Lordship Lane that needed to be looked at and mitigated. Officers would take concerns back to the highways maintenance team to see if there was anything that could be done in the meantime to improve the layout rather than remodelling this completely. Any potential issues caused by an influx of deliveries in the area had been dealt with within the service delivery plan.
  • The shared ownership block was felt to be a good design by the QRP. This was more of a pavilion type block with a closer relationship to the landscape. There were curved corners and decorative brick features which officers thought looked pleasing and was a good transition between the decorative architecture of Noel Park and urban civic architecture of Wood Green town centre.
  • There would be a flexible town centre space. At the moment a food hall, community café and workspace was planned.
  • Service and delivery in the area had been discussed at lengths with the applicant. The scheme would not rely on the public highway, a dedicated landscaped area within the site which would be private would be used for this. There were concerns about whether this landscaping space would be used for parking but this space would be closely managed. The larger town centre strategy needed to be looked at. This scheme was subject to a section 278 agreement, any changes to the public highway would have to undergo a stage one and stage two road safety audit.
  • The London School of Economics, UCL, Middlesex University had expressed interest in the scheme.
  • There was a range of uses that would be permitted in the space, this could be a shop, gym or restaurant. There would likely be defined uses but there was a flexibility in the planning permission that would allow different occupiers.


The following was noted in response to questions to the applicant:

  • Detail of the community café was to be determined, there would be a marketing exercise undertaken by the applicant that would look to secure the use by the time the building would become operational. If in that period an operator for this use had not come forward then it would open up to the wider class E.
  • The mix of the social rent accommodation had been designed in accordance with the London Borough of Haringey Design standards. The one to the five bed townhouses was a specific request from the London Borough of Haringey housing team.
  • Concerns were raised regarding E bikes. The applicant explained that the locations they had delivered were not in London so this issue was not as prevalent. To combat this, the applicant would offer students branded push bikes which could be rented for free. Residents in the scheme would not be able to apply for a permit anywhere within inner or outer Wood Green. There would be docked locations for E bikes. There were secured travel plans for all elements of this development, including the student residential and the commercial where there would be a travelling coordinator working with them.
  • The applicant had tweaked the design following the QRP and provided a physical link from the public realm outdoor area through to the sunken court.

The Chair asked Robbie McNaugher, Head of Development Management and

Enforcement Planning to sum up the recommendations as set out in the report. It

was noted that there would be an amended waste storage condition as set out in the officer presentation. The Chair

moved that the recommendation be granted following a vote with 10 for, 0 against

and 0 abstentions.




1.            That the Committee authorise the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director of Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability to GRANT planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out below and the completion of an agreement satisfactory to the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director of Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability that secures the obligations set out in the Heads of Terms below following Stage II referral to the GLA.


1.            That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Development Management or

the Assistant Director Planning, Building Standards and Sustainability to make any

alterations, additions or deletions to the recommended measures and/or

recommended conditions as set out in this report and to further delegate this power

provided this authority shall be exercised in consultation with the Chair (or in their

absence the Vice-Chair) of the Sub-Committee.


2.            That the agreement referred to in resolution (2.1) above is to be completed no later

than 30/08/2024 within such extended time as the Head of Development

Management or the Assistant Director Planning, Building Standards &

Sustainability shall in his sole discretion allow; and


3.            That, following completion of the agreement(s) referred to in resolution (2.1) within

the time period provided for in resolution (2.3) above, planning permission be

granted in accordance with the Planning Application subject to the attachment of

the conditions.


Conditions/Informative Summary – Planning Application HGY/2022/4552 (the full

text of recommended conditions/informative is contained in Appendix 2 of the




1. Time limit

2. Approved Plans and Documents

3. Materials

4. Boundary treatment and access control

5. Landscaping

6. Lighting

7. Site levels

8. Secure by design accreditation

9. Secure by design certification

10. Land contamination

11. Unexpected Contamination

12. NRMM

13. Demolition/Construction Environmental Management Plan

14. Arboricultural Impact Assessment

15. Delivery and Servicing Plan

16. Cycle Parking

17. Electric Vehicle Charging Points

18. Wheelchair accessible car parking spaces

19. Car parking Management Plan

20. Piling Method Statement

21. Off-site Water Infrastructure

22. Satellite Antenna

23. Restriction to Telecommunications apparatus

24. Architect Retention

25. Wheelchair Accessible Dwellings

26. Accessible Student Accommodation

27. Commercial Units – Noise Attenuation

28. Noise Attenuation – Student Accommodation

29. Urban Greening Factor

30. Commercial Units – Ventilation/Extraction

31. Commercial Units – Café/Food Hall Opening Hours

32. Restriction to Use Class

33. Whole Life Cycle Carbon (GLA)

34. Circular Economy (GLA)

35. Digital Connectivity (GLA)

36. Ecological Management Plan (GLA)

37. Biodiversity Net Gain

38. Energy Strategy

39. Overheating

40. Building User Guide

41. BREEAM Certificate

42. Living roofs

43. Biodiversity

44. Climate Change Adaption

45. Circular Economy (Pre-Construction report, Post Completion report)

46. DEN



1) Co-operation

2) CIL liable

3) Hours of construction

4) Party Wall Act

5) Street Numbering

6) Sprinklers

7) Water pressure

8) Thames Water Groundwater Risk Management Permit

9) Thames Water Underground Asset

10) Asbestos

11) Flood Risk Activity Permit

12) Secure by design


Supporting documents: