Report of the Director of Culture, Strategy, and Engagement. To be introduced by the Leader of the Council.
The current Corporate Delivery Plan runs to the end of the 2023/24 financial year. A new Corporate Delivery Plan describes the council's priorities and activities for the next two years.
The Leader introduced the report which set out Haringey Council’s Corporate Delivery Plan for 2024-26, which succeeded the current Corporate Delivery Plan 2022-24.
The new plan set out the Council’s core priorities and what it would deliver up to April 2026.
The Leader continued to set out the context and ambitions for the new Corporate Delivery Plan as well as outlining the notable achievements of the administration over the last two years.
In response to questions from Cllr Emery the following information was provided in the meeting.
- Regarding whether social value was being calculated for existing contracts as part of the procurement process, it was noted that a Cabinet decision on how social value is integrated into procurement activities would come forward in the autumn. However, this was already an existing component in procurement frameworks which procurement contracts were awarded through and that they were expected to comply with.
- Ensuring that the Council’s fleet of vehicles was fully electric was a key objective and this was currently at a crucial planning stage to ensure that this was delivered effectively. This involved considering a number of options such as the power and energy that vehicles would need, and use given this may entail different choices for different fleets. Detailed considerations on the infrastructure and the logistics of this objective were underway and the Council had already started with electrifying all of its Park’s fleet. In further response to a follow up question on the delay of this objective which was noted to have been included in the ultra-low emission vehicle action plan published in 2018, account needed to be given to the recent insourcing of the housing management function and subsequent expansion of the Council’s fleet. The Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Environment and Transport emphasised that this objective came with a plan which was being followed.
- With regards to taking forward accessible housing management policies, a small team was in place which was taking this essential work on policies forward. This included responding to Ombudsman findings and guidance received from the Housing Regulator. These policies were being co-produced with resident engagement panels, reflecting their priority to the organisation. This engagement also ensured that the polices were understandable and accessible to residents. Further assurance was provided by the Director of Placemaking and Housing that there was a full review taking place of all of the housing management policies which would be updated and gradually scheduled to come forward for approval. There was an example provided, later on in the agenda, at item 16, of such a review and change in policy.
The Leader of the Council advised that there will be quarterly updates to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Corporate Delivery Plan for 2024-26.
Reasons for decision
The role of this Corporate Delivery Plan is to set out what we will deliver and the outcomes we hope to achieve up to April 2026.
The Council’s current Corporate Delivery Plan 2022-2024 runs until April 2024 and therefore a new plan needs to be produced to ensure the Council has a clear set of priorities, outcomes, activities, milestones and metrics.
We are at the halfway stage in the local electoral cycle. The new Corporate Delivery Plan sets out the priorities for the second half of this administration and ensures alignment between political priorities and Council activity.
Alternative options considered
The Council could choose not to renew the Corporate Delivery Plan but this is not considered feasible, as this would mean that the organisation would not have a single articulation of the outcomes it is working towards and how it will finish delivering on the current administrations manifesto commitments.
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