Agenda item

Music Hub Lead Organisation for North London

Report of the Director for Children’s Services. To be introduced by the Cabinet member for Children, Schools and Families.


This report recommends Haringey Music Service as the Hub Lead Organisation

for North London as part of the Arts Council England Music Hub Investment





Cllr Gordon recused herself from the meeting for this item.

The Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families introduced the report which sought approval of the receipt of grant funding for Haringey Music Service to become the North London Music Hub Lead Organisation. The Cabinet Member outlined the following in her introduction:

-       It was agreed that amongst the five boroughs Haringey Music Services would take be the lead organisation in a new North London Music Hub programme funded by the Arts Council.

-       Haringey would hold the overall budget and administer the grant between all five boroughs. Each of the five boroughs would now have access to new equipment and instruments.

-       There would be no financial risk to the Council, as the grant the Arts Council has given also includes an administrative charge.


In response to questions from Cllr Carlin, Cllr Hakata, the discussion was as follows:

-       It was clarified that the original funding that Haringey received for its Music Services would not be at risk as it would be absorbed into the one overall grant. In addition, the administrative charge would also be included.

-       It was noted that the National Music Education Plan mapped out ‘cold spots’ as to where area disparities were in music services provision across all boroughs. All consortiums would now see where these ‘cold spots’ were and could now share expertise in all areas. In addition, the Arts Council conducted an external quality assurance as part of the conditions of funding.





  1. To approve acceptance of the grant funding set out in this report (£2,341,580) to proceed with the proposal for HMS to be the Hub Lead Organisation for the North London Music Hub as part of the ACE Music Hub investment programme as permitted by Contract Standing Order 17.1 where the grant is valued at £500,000 or more.


  1. To agree that LBH will administer the funding to consortium members taking a top slice of 3.75% for the administration of the North London Music Hub from Consortium members namely, Barnet Education Arts Trust, Camden Music, Enfield Music Service and Music Education Islington.


  1. To agree that HMS will be the Hub Lead Organisation using a flow through model of grant funding to consortium members as per the suggested Department for Education funding formula. Each Hub Lead Organisation will receive a proportion of the overall Music Hubs programme funding amount based on the number of eligible pupils in each Local Authority area that the Music Hub serves. Ninety percent of the funding is distributed based on the total number of pupils registered on roll. Ten percent of the budget is allocated according to the Hubs’ share of the total number of pupils who are eligible for free school meals. This recognises that these pupils will need greater support from Hubs than others in order to take up certain musical opportunities.


  1. To agree the timely mechanism of receiving the Music Hub grant from ACE and payment to consortium members.


Reasons for decision      


In common with other Music Education Hubs in England, the new geographies have been prescribed by the Department for Education. The North London Music Hub, consisting of five Local Authority areas is the smallest in London, typically other geographies include seven Local Authority areas.


Considerations were given at the time of application as to which organisation would be most suitable for the role of Hub Lead Organisation. It was agreed with Heads of Service and Service Managers from Barnet Education Arts Trust, Camden Music, Enfield Music Service and Music Education Islington that Haringey has an outstanding and well-established Music Service and would be most suitable.


This links to aspirations with the culture strategy and London Borough of Culture 2027 project.


Due to the competitive nature of the bidding process, there was some risk that 3rd parties such as Multi Academy Trust may apply and be successful. Not being the Hub Lead Organisation would possibly reduce influence, reduce service profile and also exclude Haringey from applying to be an ACE Centre of Excellence for one of the following categories: Inclusion, Continuing Professional Development, Music Technology or Pathways to industry.


Top slicing


Table 1 below shows the names of the Local Authority areas (consortium partners) that make up the North London Music Hub. Column two is the total value of each partners music hub grant, and column three is the contribution in pounds at 3.75% of the Music Hub grant. Including Haringey’s contribution as a consortium member this totals £66,097.60 for 2024 / 2025. Column four shows the amount that will be sent to consortium partners to undertake activity in their area.


Local Authority area


 3.75% Revenue grant top slice

Amount to fund consortium partners (£)

 Allocation TOTAL (£)




























The above amount although relatively low in terms of contract management is a workable figure, considering the consortium nature of the North London Music Hub partnership.


It is extremely unlikely that Haringey Local Authority as the Hub Lead Organisation would incur any additional expenditure, which is outside of the top slice contribution.


Amounts to fund consortium partners (column four), will be sent in four quarterly payments upon the Hub Lead Organisation receiving reporting documentation.


Reporting documents required will be published in July this year as part of the relationship framework. Typically, this will involve reporting on the three strategic aims and five strategic functions, along with management accounts and Hub board minutes.


Due to the current high performance of the Music Service, undertaking the Hub Lead role for North London is seen by many as a great honour and this will only help to strengthen the reputation of Haringey.


Heads of Service from consortium members will form an Executive Leadership Team responsible for the operational and strategic work of the Music Hub. Heads of Service and Service Managers from consortium members have a joined-up approach and positive working relationship, endeavouring in doing what’s best for young musicians and their families.


A separate Hub Board, independently chaired, will have a key role in monitoring and challenging the work of the Music Hub. The selection panel for the Hub board will consist of an inclusion lead, representatives of each consortium member, two independent members and a seat for ACE observers.


The diverse and equitable membership of this Board will ideally be made up of:


  1. Youth Voice (Under 25s)
  2. Parent/Carer voice
  3. Representatives of each local lead partner
  4. Music Industries/ UK Music
  5. Different music genres artists
  6. Music technology professions
  7. Business & Legal
  8. Finance / Fundraising / Sponsorship
  9. Ambassador roles


The Executive Leadership Team will develop terms of reference which all board members will need to commit to. These will be in line with best practice guidance and ACE guidelines.


Accountability will come from peer review, independent quality assurance and constituent Local Authorities or in the case of Barnet Education Arts Trust, their trustees. All stakeholders have a role here given their importance of supporting the establishment, realisation & success of the North London Music Hub. It is felt this level of governance will provide assurances that the Music Hub is compliant with ACE requirements.


Haringey as the proposed Hub Lead Organisation and consortium member will be responsible for:


An area-wide strategic vision, shared values, and budget, monitored by a representative Hub Board.


A strategic approach to supporting inclusion and progression so that young people can connect to local, regional, and national structures. 


A shared understanding and approach to considering environmental responsibility. 


A collective commitment to consulting regularly, researching, and analysing need, evaluating and monitoring the impact of programmes, keeping abreast of sector thinking and ideas (including through relationships with Hub Centres of Excellence), and using this evidence to ensure that resources, investment, and support can be effectively targeted.


A strategic approach to identifying shared fundraising and income generation opportunities, with resources and capability directed at the use of government funding to leverage further investment.


The identification of opportunities to realise economies of scale and reduce duplication by centralising expertise, resources, and processes. 


A diverse and more equitable range of musical activities, opportunities, teachers, instruments and equipment which is consistently available to more young people. 


A better supported and more collaborative workforce that has access to training and networking, resources, and career progression opportunities. 


A strategic approach to ensuring quality through performance management, monitoring and evaluation, quality assurance processes and peer assessment.


More strategic and high-profile engagement by Music Hubs with significant place-based infrastructure such as Combined Authorities and Local Enterprise Partnerships.


Stronger communications and marketing which means that children and young people, families, and schools know about local, regional, national opportunities, prices, and subsidies.




Alternative options considered


Other local authorities could have applied, however there was partnership consensus that Haringey should put forward a bid on behalf of the North London local authorities.


If Haringey did not apply, there would be no option to progress to an ACE centre of excellence in four areas: Inclusion, CPD, Music Technology and Pathways to industry.




Supporting documents: