Agenda item

Car Parking Charges Review

To consider and approve the recommendations.


The Board received the Car Parking Charges Review report introduced by the Richard Paterson, the Director of Finance & Resources.

In April 2019, Integrated Transport Planning Ltd (ITP), an independent expert consultancy firm, were asked to provide support to APPCT to inform a review of existing car parking arrangements at APP. Following this review, ITP helped APP develop proposals for the introduction of parking charges across the site. There was a stakeholder survey on the charges conducted from 11th November 2019 to 10th January 2020, which gained the views from stakeholders, beneficiaries, visitors and residents. The implementation of car parking charges in July 2023 achieved its intended objectives, but income levels have not met initial expectations.Pricing was reviewed to enhance transparency and fairness. The recommendation for approval at this meeting is to raise the hourly rate from £1.50 to £1.75, while retaining the first hour free for customers.

The following points were noted in the discussion:

  • Members inquired about the frequency of car parking at Alexandra Park and Palace. The response indicated a lack of specific data but noted a significant number of repeat parkers. Only 17% of total parkers stay beyond 4 hours, while 22% stay less than two hours.
  • Another query pertained to the calculation of reducing free parking from 30 to 15 minutes. However, this has not been calculated due to logistical considerations, particularly for events, which is why the half-hour cutoff was introduced.
  • Cllr O'Donovan raised a concern about the potential increase in people leaving their cars overnight, particularly if they are inebriated and hesitant to pay the increased fee of £21 instead of the previous £8, which might lead to an inclination towards drink driving. The Board was informed that there had been no incidents to date.
  • The presence of two stewards in the car park at all times was primarily to cover comfort or lunch breaks and occasionally to assist in other areas of the car park. Their role included providing assistance and guidance to visitors regarding parking regulations, contributing to a welcoming atmosphere at Alexandra Park. Recently, their working pattern had been adjusted to start later, allowing them to monitor parking behaviours more effectively.
  • In comparison with other London boroughs, it was noted during the Car Parking Charges review that our proposal is cheaper than parking in Haringey car parks. Despite several suggestions for further increases, our focus was on simplifying the process while raising charges.
  • The Chair noted that while many London venues rely on public transport, Alexandra Park and Palace's provision of car parking is both an asset and a necessity. It offers convenience for visitors and essential accessibility for those with disabilities.
  • The Board was briefed on exemptions from car parking charges for registered disabled individuals, as well as for other groups such as ice rink users.



  • To provide the Board with an update on the observed effects of implementing the car parking charges in six months' time.



The Board resolved to:

  • With the exception of the first 30 minutes which will remain free, to approve the increase in car parking charges to a flat rate of £1.75 per hour.


Supporting documents: