Agenda item

Acquisition of new affordable homes at the St Ann's Hospital site

Report of the Assistant Director for Housing. To be introduce by Cabinet Member for Council Housebuilding, Placemaking, and Local Economy.

A report seeking approval to acquire 38 London Affordable Rent properties at pre-construction stage within Phase 1a of the residential scheme being delivered on land at the former St Ann’s General Hospital, St Ann’s Road, N15 3TH and to approve delegated authority to Director of Placemaking and Housing in consultation with others to acquire the London Affordable Rent accommodation within subsequent phases in the same scheme.


The Cabinet Member for Council House building, Placemaking, and Local Economy, introduced the report which provided an update on the proposed deal structure for purchasing new homes at the Peabody Group development on GLA-owned land at St. Ann’s General Hospital. It sought authority to acquire 38 homes in the first phase and to grant a pedestrian easement over Council land. It also proposed an Option Agreement for purchasing up to 116 additional homes in subsequent phases, pending Cabinet approval.

The Cabinet Member outlined that the St. Ann’s Hospital site was strategically important, with 154 affordable Council homes planned to contribute to the target of 3000 Council homes by 2031. The first phase would provide sheltered accommodation for Haringey residents over 55 years old. Subsequent phases would include larger family homes, with a total of 41 three-bedroom homes, 14 four-bedroom properties, and 34 two-bedroom properties. This diverse mix of homes supported the delivery of the housing programme.


In response to questions from Cllr Hakata and Cllr Emery, the following was noted:


-       The first phase of accommodation provision was specifically for elderly, these 38 units were due to be completed in mid-2026. In terms of the neighbourhood moves, scheme, this would apply for 250-metre radius from the site.


-       In relation to dealing with overcrowding on the Tiverton estate, the availability of the Remmington estate nearby which was almost ready for occupation was highlighted and there would be another 46 homes on this estate as well. The Interim Head of Development advised that if any part of the surrounding estates was within the 250 metres, then the whole estate was included within the neighbourhood moves scheme. However, the Interim Head of Development, committed to discussing this further with the Neighbourhood Moves Officer and providing a response after the meeting.


-       No retrofitting was expected soon due to high-quality standards already being in place, including landscaping and near passive House designs, promoting energy conservation and biodiversity. Overall, there was confidence in the value of this purchase.


Further to considering exempt information at item 25,




  1. To approve the long leasehold acquisition (for housing purposes) at preconstruction stage of 38 sheltered homes and ancillary communal spaces at block C1 within Phase 1 of Peabody Group scheme on GLA-owned land at St. Ann’s General Hospital, St Ann’s Road, N15 3TH for the purchase price set out in the Exempt Part B report and on the basis set out in the Heads of Terms in the Exempt Part B report.


  1. To consider the representations made and set out in paragraphs 6.21 to 6.30 as a result of the consultation carried out under section 105 of the Housing Act 1985 and approve the granting of a Pedestrian Easement for public use across adjacent Council owned land (shown coloured blue on the first plan at Appendix 2) held in the Housing Revenue Account portfolio, for the value set out in the Exempt Part B report, netted off the purchase price;


  1. To approve the Total Scheme Cost, including the on-costs budget and contingency allowances, as well as the rent levels and GLA grant subsidy as set out in the Exempt Part B report;


  1. To grant delegated authority to the Director of Placemaking and Housing in consultation with the Director of Finance (S151 Officer), the Head of Legal and Governance and Cabinet Member for Council House-building, Placemaking and Local Economy to agree the final terms of the acquisition including legal documentation and complete the transactions for the long leasehold acquisition, associated Development Agreement, pedestrian easement and Option Agreement; and


  1. To approve the entering into an Option Agreement with Peabody Group for purchasing up to a further 116 affordable homes in subsequent phases of the St Ann’s Hospital development.


Reasons for decision


The acquisition of these residential units will allow the Council to secure the delivery of 38 new Council homes for use as sheltered accommodation for older people.


There is an overwhelming need for affordable homes in Haringey. This acquisition will help the Council provide accommodation for rent to those on the Council’s Housing Register who most need them and help the Council fulfil its political commitment to build 3000 Council homes by 2031.


The homes to be delivered are very well located and will be high quality, within a major strategic regeneration scheme of significant local importance.


The acquisition is supported by GLA Grant Funding.



Alternative options considered

Not to acquire the homes. This option has been rejected as doing so would both result in significant abortive costs and represent a missed opportunity for the Council to:

·Secure 38 homes to let as social rent tenancies.

·Avail of substantial GLA Grant Funding.

·Assist in maintaining momentum and progress in the overall aspiration to

provide affordable housing in the borough.

·Enter into an option agreement for a further up to 116 affordable homes in

subsequent phases of the scheme.



Supporting documents: