Agenda item

School Streets - 2022/23 statutory consultation( Non- Key)

Report of the Director of Environment and Resident Experience. To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Environment, and Transport and Deputy Leader of the Council.

To consider any objections made in response to the statutory consultation for 2022/23 School Streets and to decide whether to make the associated traffic orders and implement the projects.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Environment, and Transport, introduced a report detailing Haringey Council's plan to implement School Streets at 8 schools to reduce air pollution, promote active travel, and enhance road safety for children. With 26 existing School Streets covering nearly 7km, over 11,000 pupils benefitting from cleaner air and reduced traffic risk.


The Cabinet Member highlighted that the success of School Streets was attributed to the dedicated sustainable travel team’s engagement with schools. Demand for School Streets was high, with schools eager to participate based on positive experiences. The initiative involved collaboration among various Council teams to create child-friendly streets, with 8 schools expressing interest and plans to expand to 13 schools, benefiting an additional 4,500 students.


There were questions from Councillor Chandwani, Cllr Carlin and Cllr Emery and the following information was noted in response:


-       The Parking Transformation Project Officer highlighted the extensive monitoring efforts already in place for the School Streets program. With 26 streets introduced, mostly under experimental orders, rigorous monitoring had shown an increase in walking and cycling along with a decrease in car usage. This monitoring was expected to continue for proposed permanent orders, including hands-up surveys with pupils and observations by officers to assess any necessary adjustments. Additionally, on-street monitoring would address parking issues, ensuring the program's effectiveness while providing ongoing feedback mechanisms.


-       In relation to the monitoring process for understanding any negative displacement of traffic on surrounding roads including when and how amendments are made to address such issues, there would be extensive monitoring conducted across School Street schemes to understand the issues. Additionally, the introduction of school street zones in the package aimed to mitigate such issues from the outset.


-       There was mixed consultation responses and adjustments were made based on objections though Councillor Hakata stressed that this should not be viewed as a referendum. He stressed the importance of understanding objections and prioritising children's safety. Councillor Hakata affirmed that minor inconveniences might arise, but prioritising children's safety was paramount, noting that most parents and staff were supportive of the initiative.




  1. To consider all feedback, including objections to the proposed traffic management orders, as set out in Appendix A together with officer’s recommended response set out in Appendix G.


  1. To agree that the Council shall exercise its discretion to not cause a public inquiry to be held (see paragraph 6.32).


3.   To approve that the following School Streets projects (as shown in Appendix B) are implemented:



1. Coleridge Primary (Crescent Road) School Street (SS46)

2. Lancasterian Primary School and The Vale Primary School (SS12)

3. Lea Valley Primary, Duke's Aldridge Academy and The Vale Secondary

School Street (SS37)

4. North Harringay School Street (SS34 and SS35)

5. South Harringay Primary School Street (SS40 and SS41)

6. St Mary's CofE School Street (SS43)

7. St Mary's Priory RC School Street (SS42)

8. Stroud Green School Street (SS39)


4. To authorise the Head of Highways and Parking to make all necessary traffic

management orders (TMOs) and install/undertake all necessary highway

infrastructure and works necessary to give effect to the School Street design set out in Appendix B of the report.


Reasons for decision


School Streets are a key priority for the Council, as set out within the School

Street Plan1, the Walking and Cycling Action Plan2 and the Corporate Delivery

Plan 2022-20243.

The reasons for recommendation 3.3 are:

·to improve the health of children by increasing active travel, and to reduce

road danger and improve air quality near the school gate;

·the schools are supportive of the plans;

·the proposals contribute towards the strategic objectives of the Council (see

Section 7).


The reason that this is a non-key decision is because, although it discusses the implementation of 8 School Streets which cover more than two wards, it will not result in expenditure of £500,000 or more. It also will not be significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area covering two or more wards or electoral divisions in the area of the local authority, hence is unlikely to result in substantial public interest or social, economic or environmental risk.


Alternative options considered


Do nothing


This option was rejected as not delivering School Streets would not meet the

objectives set out in the Corporate Delivery Plan, the Transport Strategy, the

Climate Change Action Plan, the Walking and Cycling Action Plan and the School Street Plan.


Supporting documents: