Agenda item

HGY/2023/2137 Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, 748 High Road, Tottenham, London N17 0AL


Proposal: Minor Material Amendments to height, design, maximum floorspace and associated works to Plot 3 (Hotel / Residential development) of the hybrid planning permission HGY/2015/3000 (following previously approved amendments including HGY/2017/1183 to allow part residential (C3) use on Plot 3) for demolition and comprehensive redevelopment of the Northumberland Park Development Project through variation of Conditions A4 (Consented Drawings and Documents); A6 (Conformity with Environmental Statement) and Condition A7 (Maximum Quantity/Density) and D1 (Plot 3 specific drawings) under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act (EIA development)



Samuel Uff, Planning Officer introduced the report for Minor Material Amendments to height, design, maximum floorspace and associated works to Plot 3 (Hotel / Residential development) of the hybrid planning permission HGY/2015/3000 (following previously approved amendments including HGY/2017/1183 to allow part residential (C3) use on Plot 3) for demolition and comprehensive redevelopment of the Northumberland Park Development Project through variation of Conditions A4 (Consented Drawings and Documents); A6 (Conformity with Environmental Statement) and Condition A7 (Maximum Quantity/Density) and D1 (Plot 3 specific drawings) under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act (EIA development).


The following was noted in response to questions from the committee:


  • Previously in the 2016 application approval, the approved height was 100 metres. Within this application this would increase by up to 27 metres, but that was contextual. This would not be the tallest building on the wider site. The design was thought to be a significant improvement from that of the previously approved design.
  • Car parking was also something that was approved previously, and that car park had already been built. There would be a parking management plan as part of that. The difference between this development and the developments in Tottenham Hale was that when the stadium was being built, they did a lot of excavation. They went deep to build the foundations for the stadium and at the same time they future proofed this scheme by digging foundations for the hotel and the subsequent blocks, so there were likely two or three storeys deeper for car parking.
  • Compared to the previous application, there had been enhancements and changes to the application conditions and design.
  • In terms of the water assessment, there were two aspects of this. The water used within the hotel and the water used residentially. This would be reviewed as part of the energy and sustainability obligations. The idea would be to keep this as low as possible. There would also be SUDS as part of the wider drainage strategy. Thames Water have confirmed that this would be a sufficient capacity for the area.
  • Light compensation would not be a material planning consideration, this would be a private matter. In terms of fire strategy and getting the two cores, that was one of the concerns of having the hotel and residential within the same building and having those independent cores. That was a big driver for the applicant in amending the design. The HSE considered that this would be within regulations and an improvement in what was previously submitted. In terms of section 106 contributions for Bruce Castle, there is a play space contribution. This had not been designated to a specific park in the locality yet. There would be a discussion internally as where best to have this. There were additional built-in elements of various amenities for residents.
  • The carbon offset calculation was based on the GLA guidance of offsetting any carbon reductions that haven't been met on site by 30 years.
  • Cycle parking would be in line with the London Cycle design standard. This document recommends two tier cycle parking.
  • In relation to Worcester Avenue, there were no plans to change the existing operation. Currently, there were bollards which are supported by the traffic management order.


The following was noted in response to questions from the applicant:


  • In terms of Air BnB risk, the principle of the conversion of the service departments from C1 hotel use to C3 residential use had already gone through, it was not part of this application to convert them from hotel service departments. Residential is subject to the existing regulatory restrictions across London on short term lets.
  • It was noted that Haringey Sixth Form College would be keen to be involved in the training aspect provided.


The Chair asked Robbie McNaugher, Head of Development Management and Enforcement

Planning to sum up the recommendations as set out in the report. Subject to section 106 and as set out in the papers and the addendum and with the addition of specific mention of the Haringey Sixth Form College in the obligation for the training hotel. The Chair moved that the

recommendation be granted following a vote with 11 in favour, 0 against and 0 abstentions.




1.          That the Committee authorise the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director of Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability to GRANT planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out below and the completion of an agreement satisfactory to the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director of Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability securing the obligations set out in the Heads of Terms below following referral to the Mayor of London.


2.          That the section 106 legal agreement referred to in resolution (2.1) above is to be completed no later than 11/02/2024 or within such extended time as the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability shall in her/his sole discretion allow.


3.            That, following completion of the agreement(s) referred to in resolution (2.1) within the time period provided for in resolution (2.3) above, planning permission is granted in accordance with the Planning Application subject to the attachment of the conditions.


4.            That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director of Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability to make any alterations, additions or deletions to the recommended heads of terms and/or recommended conditions (planning permission) as set out in this report and to further delegate this power provided this authority shall be exercised in consultation with the Chair (or in their absence the Vice Chair) of the Sub- Committee.


Conditions Summary for the entire masterplan site (Full text of recommended

conditions is contained in Appendix 01 of this report. Conditions 1-16 are replicated

and amended where necessary from the extant permission HGY/2015/3000).


1) Implementation Timescales – Full

2) Reserved Matters

3) Phasing Plan

4) Consented drawings and documents

5) Business and Community Liaison construction Group

6) Conformity with Environmental Statement

7) Maximum quantum / density

8) Materials

9) Materials boards

10) Flood Risk Management

11) Drainage (amended +40% climate change)

12) Interim landscape plan and meanwhile uses

13) Plant and machinery

14) Demolition of locally listed buildings (condition discharged)

15) Elements of the Edmonton Dispensary and Red House Coffee Palace

Facade and Interiors Retention (condition discharged)

16) Carbon savings


Conditions Summary for the Plot 3:

1) Consented drawings

2) Construction Environmental Management Plan

3) Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

4) Construction Waste Management Plan

5) Construction hours

6) Piling method statement

7) Temporary site hoarding


9) Lighting

10) Waste and refuse

11) Energy Centre flues

12) Landscape management

13) Hours of operation of rooftop terraces

14) Contamination

15) Contamination remediation

16) Telecommunications

17) Cooling demand

18) Parking management plan

19) Cycle storage

20) Hard and soft landscaping

21) Wind mitigation

22) Fire statement

23) Accessible housing

24) Secured by Design

25) Noise attenuation

26) Non-Road Mobile Machinery 1

27) Non-Road Mobile Machinery 2

28) Energy Strategy

29) PV arrays

30) BREEAM outcome

31) Telecommunications Equipment


Informatives Summary (the full text of Informatives is contained in Appendix

01 to this report).

1) Conditions discharged previously

2) Working with the applicant

3) Community Infrastructure Levy

4) Numbering New Development

5) Dust

6) Disposal of Commercial Waste

7) Environment Agency permits

8) Metropolitan Police

9) Piling method

10) Minimum Water Pressure

11) Paid Garden Waste Collection Service

12) Sprinkler Installation

13) Land Ownership

14) Site preparation works

15) Site Preparation Works


Section 106 Heads of Terms (* indicates existing obligations) :

1) Podium and Public Access*

a) Year round public access to podium and other publicly accessible areas

(apart from one day a year) from completion of development Phase 3.

b) Maintenance of Podium and public realm.

c) Cultural / Community Events (12 per year for 6 years) from date of this

decision notice.

2) Playspace Contribution

a) Off-site provision for £17,670.

3) Art management Strategy – prioritising use of local artists and cultural


4) Car Capping – No future occupiers will be entitled to apply for a residents or

business parking permit under the terms of the relevant Traffic Management

Order controlling on-street parking in the vicinity of the development.

5) Car Club Contributions - Two years’ free membership for all residents and

£50.00 per year credit for the first 2 years; and an enhanced car club

membership for the residents of the family-sized units (3+ bedrooms) including

3 years’ free membership and £100 (one hundred pounds in credit) per year for

the first 3 years.

6) Residential & Hotel* Travel Plans comprising:

a) Appointment of a Travel Plan Coordinator (to also be responsible for

monitoring Delivery Servicing Plan)

b) Provision of welcome induction packs containing public transport and

cycling/walking information, map and timetables, to every new household.

c) £3,000 for monitoring of the travel plan initiatives.

7) Highways Agreement

a) Include Active Travel Zone (ATZ) assessment and Highway Safety Audit

b) See Section 278 Agreement Heads of Terms.

8) Servicing and Delivery Plan*:

a) outline how all servicing for the wider site will be operated and clarify use of any on-street loading bays.

b) step by step details of access to and from the Highway,

c) the oversight of vehicles as they move across the Podium (details of marshalling arrangements and numbers of marshals),

d) swept paths to show progress between landscaping and any other features,

e) management arrangements to ensure visiting service vehicles adhere to their booked slots and dwell durations to ensure as smooth working as possible to accommodate movements in this area without compromising the pedestrian environment and movements.

f) A ban on vehicular movement on the podium with the exception of emergency vehicles during the critical pedestrian times.

9) Cycle Strategy*

10) Employment & Skills Plan* - Including Construction apprenticeships Support Contribution and Skills Contribution (to be calculated in accordance with Planning Obligations SPD) prioritised for Haringey residents.

11) Business Opportunities*

12) Commitment to being part of the borough’s Construction Partnership*.

13) Future connection to District Energy Network (DEN)*

a) Submission of Energy Plan for approval by LPA

b) Ensure the scheme is designed to take heat supply from the proposed DEN

(including submission of DEN Feasibility Study)

c) Design of secondary and (on-site) primary District Heat Network (DHN) in accordance with LBH Generic Specification and approval of details at design, construction, and commissioning stages.

d) Use all reasonable endeavours to negotiate a supply and connection agreement with the DHN within a 10-year window from the date of a planning permission.

14) Provision of EV car parking Spaces*

15) Carbon offsetting*

· Payment of an agreed carbon offset amount (residential & non-residential) plus 10% management fee on commencement.

16) Ultrafast broadband infrastructure and connections to be provided.

17) Commitment to Considerate Contractors Scheme*

18) Monitoring*

· Based on 5% of the financial contribution total and £500 per non-financial contribution.

Section 278 Highways Legal Agreement Heads of Terms

19) Planned and funded public highway improvements to Park Lane


2.5 In the event that members choose to make a resolution contrary to officers’ recommendation, members will need to state their reasons.


2.6 That, in the absence of the agreement referred to in resolution (2.1) above being

completed within the time period provided for in resolution (2.2) above, the planning application be refused for the following reasons:


i. In the absence of a legal agreement securing 1) the provision of on-site affordable housing and 2) viability review mechanisms the proposals would fail to foster a mixed and balanced neighbourhood where people choose to live, and which meet the housing aspirations of Haringey’s residents. As such, the proposals would be contrary to London Plan Policies GG1, H4, H5 and H6, Strategic Policy SP2, and DM DPD Policies DM11 and DM13, and Policy TH12.


ii. In the absence of a legal agreement securing financial contributions towards open space, the scheme would fail to provide sufficient amenities for future residents contrary to London Plan Policy S1, Strategic Policies SP16 and SP17, Tottenham Area Action Plan Policies AAP1, AAP11 and NT5 and DM DPD Policy DM48.


iii. In the absence of legal agreement securing 1) a residential Travel Plan and financial contributions toward travel plan monitoring, 2) Traffic Management Order (TMO) amendments to change car parking control measures, 3) car club contributions and 4) podium access the proposals would have an unacceptable impact on the safe operation of the highway network and give rise to overspill parking impacts and unsustainable modes of travel and fail to mitigate the impacts of the development and provide the benefits envisaged for the area. As such, the proposal would be contrary to London Plan Policies T5, T1, T2, T3, T4 and T6. Spatial Policy SP7, Tottenham Area Action Plan Policy NT5 and DM DPD Policy



iv. In the absence of an Employment and Skills Plan and Ultrafast broadband infrastructure the proposals would fail to ensure that Haringey residents benefit from growth and regeneration. As such, the proposal would be contrary to London Plan Policy E11 and DM DPD Policy DM40.


v. In the absence of a legal agreement securing an art strategy the proposal would fail to achieve a high quality design contrary to Local Plan Policy SP11 and Policy DM1 of the DM DPD.


vi. In the absence of a legal agreement securing the implementation of an energy strategy, including connection to a DEN, and carbon offset payments the proposals would fail to mitigate the impacts of climate change. As such, the proposal would be unsustainable and contrary to London Plan Policy SI 2 and Strategic Policy SP4, and DM DPD Policies DM 21, DM22 and SA48.


vii. In the absence of a legal agreement securing the developer’s participation in the Considerate Constructor Scheme and the borough’s Construction Partnership, the proposals would fail to mitigate the impacts of demolition and construction and impinge the amenity of adjoining occupiers. As such the proposal would be contrary to London Plan Policies D14, Policy SP11 and Policy DM1.


2.7 In the event that the Planning Application is refused for the reasons set out above, the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability (in consultation with the Chair of Planning Sub- Committee) is hereby authorised to approve any further application for planning

permission provided that:


i. There has not been any material change in circumstances in the relevant planning considerations, and

ii. The further application for planning permission is submitted to and approved by the Assistant Director within a period of not more than 12 months from

the date of the said refusal, and

iii. The relevant parties shall have previously entered into the agreement contemplated in resolution (1) above to secure the obligations specified therein.


2.8 In the event that the Planning Application is refused for the reasons set out above, the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability (in consultation with the Chair of Planning Sub- Committee) is hereby authorised to approve any further application for planning permission which duplicates the Planning Application provided that:


i. There has not been any material change in circumstances in the relevant planning considerations, and

ii. The further application for planning permission is submitted to and approved by the Assistant Director within a period of not more than 12 months from the date of the said refusal.


Supporting documents: