Agenda item

SD-WAN Contract Variation


The report requested approval for the variation of the current contract to provide Haringey Council with the flexibility to extend the implementation of SD-WAN solutions to additional or new sites within the Haringey area. The original contract was initially established for 31 corporate links connecting to the core Council offices.

The Council recognised the importance of modernising its network infrastructure to ensure efficient communication and data transfer across all council sites. The implementation of SD-WAN had proven to be a significant step forward in achieving this goal, providing improved network performance, scalability and cost-efficiency.

The proposed variation aimed to empower the Council with a mechanism to seamlessly bring other smaller or new sites into the SD-WAN environment. This flexibility was crucial to adapt to the changing needs and growth of the Council’s network infrastructure.

The Cabinet Member asked whether this was going to make the Council more efficient moving forward and was assured that this would update the Council’s services and ensure that the service was financially viable.

The Cabinet Member RESOLVED

To approve the variation of the current contract value of £499,000 by up to a value of 50% equal to a maximum of £249,500 and the alignment to the original contract end date of three years from the Installation Date for each connection as allowed under CSO 10.02.1 b Subject to the provisions of CSO 3.01 and the Regulations (in particular Regulation 72 of the Public Contract Regulations or Regulation 43 of the Concession Contracts Regulations (as applicable), compliance with Financial Regulations and subject to satisfactory outcomes of contract monitoring; the following may authorise an extension or variation to a contract (b) the Cabinet where the value is £500,000 (five hundred thousand pounds) or more.


Reasons for decision


To enable the continued adoption of flexible working, so that officers could work in and for the Borough.


• Adopting SD-WAN facilitates flexible working by providing reliable and secure connectivity for officers regardless of their location, enhancing productivity and enabling remote work arrangements.


To fully align with the government’s “Internet First” policy, the next generation corporate network was based on SD-WAN, which provided direct internet access at Council offices, libraries, youth, community centres, and across the Borough.


• Aligning with the government's "Internet First" policy ensures that the Borough's network infrastructure is modern and capable of providing direct internet access, promoting efficiency and digital accessibility.


The technology also allowed the Borough to take advantage of the reduced cost and delivery lead time of locally sourced internet connectivity compared to dedicated circuits (MPLS).


• SD-WAN offers cost-effective and faster internet connectivity compared to traditional MPLS circuits, which is beneficial for the Borough in terms of both budgetary considerations and speed of implementation.


Simplified and streamline delivery of future connectivity, giving the Borough flexibility and swift response to implement new initiatives to connect the Council with its residents.


• SD-WAN simplifies the process of implementing and managing network connectivity, providing the Borough with the flexibility to adapt to future initiatives quickly and connect with residents more effectively.


The contract sought to allow an extension of the SD-WAN solution to meet the Council’s accommodation strategy requirements.


• The contract is designed to accommodate the Borough's future needs, including expansion or changes in the accommodation strategy, ensuring long-term scalability and adaptability.


The supplier was providing improved performance and resolution to agreed service level agreements (SLA). Hardware refresh included within the scope of the contract with client premise equipment (CPE) replaced at the sites.


• The selected supplier offers improved network performance and meets agreed- upon service level agreements, which is essential for maintaining efficient operations. Additionally, the hardware refresh ensures the reliability and modernization of the network infrastructure.


The overlaying SD-WAN technology used was specific to individual suppliers.

SD-WAN technologies may vary among suppliers, and selecting a specific supplier ensures compatibility and a cohesive network infrastructure.

• SD-WAN technologies may vary among suppliers, and selecting a specific supplier ensures compatibility and a cohesive network infrastructure.

Going out to market could result in interoperability issues in trying to get a new site to access required the Council’s IT services as well additional costs.

• Seeking new suppliers in the market could lead to interoperability challenges and additional expenses in integrating new sites into the existing network, potentially disrupting IT services.

It would negate issues regarding ownership when issues arose as it would not be required to interface with multiple suppliers - technically, services desks, accounts, etc.

• Having a single supplier simplifies ownership and accountability in case of issues or troubleshooting, reducing the need to coordinate with multiple suppliers and streamlining the resolution process.

It would cover additional costs that had not been accounted for within the original contract such as Civil Works, Wayleaves and Permits being incurred and passed on by the supplier.

• The contract included provisions to cover unforeseen costs such as civil works, wayleaves, and permits, providing financial protection and ensuring that the supplier was responsible for any unexpected expenses.

Scalability: The ability to include additional sites as needed, without the need for extensive contract renegotiations or procurement processes.

Cost-Efficiency: Optimising network resources and reducing operational costs.

Network Performance: Ensuring consistent and high-quality connectivity across all council sites.

Adaptability: Responding quickly to new site requirements and network demands.

Alternative options considered


Do Nothing – this prohibited the Council from adopting flexible working.


This would mean the Council would be left without suitable office connectivity for its staff and significant operational difficulties in achieving plans for more flexible working as well having to keep legacy equipment operational and maintained.



Ad-Hoc Site Deployment


All future sites would have a consistent connectivity platform which based on chosen suppliers overlay SD-WAN technology as well as all the managed service benefits.


Supporting documents: